"Order book" with top side and underside
"Trading Chart" by TradingView Trading View block
"Registration navigation" block
"Order form" block
"Recent Trades" block
"Footer" block with main details (see part 3 of User Stories v 1.5.0)
Selected tab Navbar in Navigation bar Header is highlighted
5.1. "Order Book" Block
Sell & Buy limit orders in 2 parts of the order book (top side and underside)
"Sell" part of the order book is on the underside and has 3 columns: Price, Amount, Cumulative Total
Sell orders are colored in red
Sell orders are placed by Cumulative Total growth by amount from center to top
Sell orders are ranged by price from center to top - lower to higher
Last Price (in case of configured settings) between the Sell & Buy limit orders:
Green color with 'up arrow' in case the price has grown
Red color with 'down arrow' in case the price dropped
Spread (in case of configured settings) between the Sell & Buy limit orders: Spread=Lowest Ask Price−Highest Bid Price
"Buy" part of the orderbook order book is on the top side and has 3 columns: Price, Amount, Cumulative Total
Buy orders are colored in green
Buy orders are placed by Cumulative Total growth by amount from center to bottom
Buy orders are ranged by price from center to bottom - from higher to lower
As an Unauthorized User, pressing on any Limit sell order from the "Sell" part of the orderbook order book allows users to see autofilled auto-filled changes in the order form with the following details:
Side of order is 'Sell'
Type of order is 'Limit'
Balance available for the Base Currency according to the selected Market Pair (zero balance for Unauthorized User)
Field "Price" with automatically set price (in Quote Currency and with Currency ID) from the limit sell order, which was selected (by pressing on it) from the orderbookorder book
Field 'Amount' to sell, with Base Currency ID and "Minimum trade amount" pre-set by default
Tabs to use Available Assets in percent: 25%, 50%, 75%, 100% (deactivated for Unauthorized User)
Field "Total" for the Total sum in Quote Currency
"Sell" button, which is red and activated.
Use "Limit Sell Order" order form according "Part 5.6 of User Stories v 1.5.0"
As an Unauthorized User, pressing on any Limit buy order from the "Buy" part of the orderbook order book allows users to see autofilled auto-filled changes in the order form with the following details:
Side of order is 'Buy'
Type of order is 'Limit'
Balance available for the Quote Currency according to the selected Market Pair (zero balance for Unauthorized User)
Field "Price" with automatically set price (in Quote Currency and with Currency ID) from the limit buy order, which was selected (by pressing on it) from the orderbookorder book
Tabs to use Available Assets in percent: 25%, 50%, 75%, 100% (deactivated for Unauthorized User)
Field 'Amount' to buy, with Base Currency ID and "Minimum trade amount" pre-set by default
Field "Total" for the Total sum in Quote Currency
"Buy" button, which is green and activated.
Use "Limit Buy Order" order form according "Part 5.5. of User Stories v 1.5.0"
5.2. "Chart" Block
In the "Chart" component , the I can see following details are visible:
"Markets" dropdown drop-down button
Logos and ID of the Market Pair selected by default
24h 24 h changes for the pair in Quote currency: low price, high price; Volume in Base currency
Integrated TradingView toolset
Trading View tool-set
I can click on TradingView tools to customize their Trading View tools and...
Customize my Chart Analytics tools
Users I can press the Press "Markets" dropdown button to open the drop-down button and...
Open Markets Selector menu on the left side over the 'Order book' block
In the I can See the following details in Markets Selector menu, users can see the following details::
Input field for the Market Pair search by ID
"X" button top right to close the Market Selector menu
Navigation tools for the list of Markets
Range tools for 'Market', 'Price', '24h 24 h chg'
The list of Market Pairs with the main details for each one:
Star icon as a checkbox to remember the market pair (FavoriteFavourite)
Market pair Currencies IDs
Current Market Price
'24h24 h' Price change in percent (green for positive, red for negative)
Scroll for the list of Markets
Users can press ...Press "Star" icon as a checkbox to select/unselect and...
Select/Unselect Market Pair to become "
Favourite" or usual
...Press "X" button top right in Markets Selector menu to close the and...
Close Markets Selector menu
Users I can press Press "Markets" dropdown button to close the and...
Close Markets Selector menu
...Use navigation tools for the list of Markets:
Search by Market ID
"Star" icon as a button to filter/unfilter Markets by "Favorite" or usual
Select tab with Currency ID to filter Markets with such Currency exist
Users can use ...Use range tools for the list of Markets:
Click on 'Market' and range/arrange the list of market markets IDs by alphabet order/market position order
Click on 'Price' and range/arrange the list of markets by price from top to bottom - from higher to lower/market position order
Click on '24 h chg' and range/arrange the list of markets by '24h24 h' Price change in percent from top to bottom - from higher to lower/market position order
In the Registration navigation section, users I can:...
...See the following details:
Text "Ready to trade your favorite assets?"
"Sign in" button
"Register to Trade" button
Users can press the ...Press "Sign in" button to go to the and...
Go to Authorization Page
...Press "Register to Tradetrade" button to go to the and...
Go to Authorization Page with
"Sign up" form selected by default
5.4. "Market Buy" Order Form
In the "Market Buy" Order form, users I can:...
...See the following details:
Selected tab "Buy" is active
Tab "Sell" on the right to "Buy" tab, not active
Selected Tab "Market" is active
Tab "Limit" is inactive
Available balance in Quote Currency according to the selected Market pair: 0
"Price" field with the Market last price for the Base Currency (Approximate) according to the selected Market pair
Tabs to use Available Assets in percent: 25%, 50%, 75%, 100% - deactivated
Field 'Amount' to buy, with Base Currency ID and "0" pre-set by default
Field "Total" for Amount to spend (Approximate, with Quote Currency ID), as a result of Amount multiplied by Price
"Buy" button,
which is green and activated
it has a green color, activated
...Click on the Input field for the amount to Buy and see:...
Field clearing automatically
Users can input ...Input only "dot" first and see:
See automatically changing to " 0. " in the Input field
Users can input the ...Input amount to Buy and see:
See the calculated Amount in "Total" field required to spend on Trade (Approximate) according to Market Last Price
Users can edit the ...Edit amount to Buy and see:
See the calculated Amount in "Total" field required to spend on Trade (Approximate) changing according to Market Last Price
Users can press ... Press "Buy" button and see:...
Go to the Authorization Page
Users can leave ...Leave the input field for the amount to Buy empty and see:
See a popup message about the minimum amount (from market settings) under the field 'Amount' to buy
Users can input the ...Input an amount to Buy that will be lower than the Minimum allowed to Buy according to Market settings and see:
See a popup message about the minimum amount (from market settings) under the field 'Amount' to buy
Users can edit the ...Edit amount to Buy that will be lower than Minimum allowed to Buy according to Market settings and see:
See a popup message about the minimum amount (from market settings) under the field 'Amount' to buy
In the "Limit Buy" Order form, users I can:...
...See the following details:
Selected tab "Buy" is active
Tab "Sell" on the right to "Buy" tab, not active
Tab "Market"
Selected Tab "Limit" is active
Available balance in Quote Currency according to the selected Market pair: 0
Field "Price" with Quote Currency ID and "0" pre-set by default
Tabs to use Available Assets in percent: 25%, 50%, 75%, 100% - deactivated
Field 'Amount' to buy, with Base Currency ID and "0" pre-set by default
Field "Total" for the Total sum in Quote Currency
"Buy" button,
which is green and activated
it has a green color, activated
...Click on the Input field for the price to Buy and see:...
Field clearing automatically
Users can click on ...Click on the Input field for the amount to Buy and see:...
Field clearing automatically
Users can input ...Input only "dot" first and see:
See automatically changing to " 0. " in the Input field
Users can input ...Input Price and Amount for the Base Currency and see:
See the calculated Amount in the "Total" field as a sum of Price multiplied by Amount
Users can edit ...Edit Price or/and Amount for the Base Currency and see:
See the calculated Amount in "Total" according to the new numbers of Price multiplied by Amount
Users can press ... Press "Buy" button and see:...
Go to the Authorization Page
Users can input ...Input an amount to Buy that will be lower than the Minimum allowed to Buy according to Market settings and see:
See a popup message about the minimum amount (from market settings) under the field 'Amount' to buy
Users can edit ...Edit amount to Buy that will be lower than the Minimum allowed to Buy according to Market settings and see:
See a popup message about the minimum amount (from market settings) under the field 'Amount' to buy
Users can input ...Input price to Buy that will be lower than Minimum allowed to Buy according to Market settings and see:
See a popup message about the minimum price - maximum price (from market settings) under the field 'Price' to buy
Users can edit ...Edit price to Buy that will be lower than Minimum allowed to Buy according to Market settings and see:
See a popup message about the minimum price - maximum price (from market settings) under the field 'Price' to buy
Users can input ...Input price to Buy that will be higher than Maximum allowed to Buy according to Market settings and see:
See a popup message about the minimum price - maximum price (from market settings) under the field 'Price' to buy
Users can edit ...Edit price to Buy that will be higher than Maximum allowed to Buy according to Market settings and see:
See a popup message about the minimum price - maximum price (from market settings) under the field 'Price' to buy
5.6. "Limit Sell" Order Form
In the "Limit Sell" Order form, users I can:...
...See the following details:
Tab "Buy" on the left to "Sell" tab, not active
Selected tab "Sell" is active
Tab "Market"
Selected Tab "Limit" is active
Available balance in Base Currency according to the selected Market pair: 0
Field "Price" with Quote Currency ID and "0" pre-set by default
Field 'Amount' to sell, with Base Currency ID and "0" pre-set by default
Tabs to use Available Assets in percent: 25%, 50%, 75%, 100% - deactivated
Field "Total" for the Total sum in Quote Currency
"Sell" button,
which is red and activated
it has a red color, activated
...Click on the Input field for the price to Sell and see:...
Field clearing automatically
Users can click on ...Click on the Input field for the amount to Sell and see:...
Field clearing automatically
Users can input ...Input only "dot" first and see:
See automatically changing to " 0. " in the Input field
Users can input ...Input Price and Amount for the Base Currency and see:
See the calculated Amount in the "Total" field as a sum of Price multiplied by Amount
Users can edit ...Edit Price or/and Amount for the Base Currency and see:
See the calculated Amount in "Total" according to the new numbers of Price multiplied by Amount
Users can press ... Press "Sell" button and see:...
Go to the Authorization Page
Users can input ...Input an amount to Sell that will be lower than the Minimum allowed to Sell according to Market settings and see:
See a popup message about the minimum amount (from market settings) under the field 'Amount' to sell
Users can edit ...Edit amount to Sell that will be lower than the Minimum allowed to Sell according to Market settings and see:
See a popup message about the minimum amount (from market settings) under the field 'Amount' to sell
Users can input ...Input price to Sell that will be lower than Minimum allowed to Sell according to Market settings and see:
See a popup message about the minimum price - maximum price (from market settings) under the field 'Price' to sell
Users can edit ...Edit price to Sell that will be lower than Minimum allowed to Sell according to Market settings and see:
See a popup message about the minimum price - maximum price (from market settings) under the field 'Price' to sell
Users can input ...Input price to Sell that will be higher than Maximum allowed to Buy according to Market settings and see:
See a popup message about the minimum price - maximum price (from market settings) under the field 'Price' to sell
Users can edit ...Edit price to Sell that will be higher than Maximum allowed to Sell according to Market settings and see:
See a popup message about the minimum price - maximum price (from market settings) under the field 'Price' to sell
5.7. "Market Sell" Order Form
In the "Market Sell" Order form, users I can:...
...See the following details:
Tab "Buy" on the left to "Sell" tab, not active
Selected tab "Sell" is active
Selected tab "Market" is active
Tab "Limit" inactive
Available balance in Base Currency according to the selected Market pair: 0
"Price" field with Market last price for the Base Currency (Approximate) according to the selected Market pair
Field 'Amount' to sell, with Base Currency ID and "0" pre-set by default
Tabs to use Available Assets in percent: 25%, 50%, 75%, 100% - deactivated
Field "Total" for Amount to spend (Approximate, with Quote Currency ID), as a result of Amount multiplied by Price
"Sell" button,
which is red and activated
it has a red color, activated
...Click on the Input field for the amount to Sell and see:...
Field clearing automatically
Users can input ...Input only "dot" first and see:
See automatically changing to " 0. " in the Input field
Users can input ...Input amount to Sell and see:
See the calculated Amount to receive after the Trade (Approximate) in the "Total" field according to Market Last Price
Users can edit ...Edit amount to Sell and see:
See the calculated Amount to receive after the Trade (Approximate) in the "Total" field according to Market Last Price
Users can press ... Press "Sell" button and see:...
Go to the Authorization Page
Users can leave ...Leave the input field for the amount to Sell empty and see:
See a popup message about the minimum amount (from market settings) under the field 'Amount' to sell
Users can input ...Input an amount to Sell that will be lower than Minimum allowed to Sell according to Market settings and see:
See a popup message about the minimum amount (from market settings) under the field 'Amount' to sell
Users can edit ...Edit amount to Sell that will be lower than Minimum allowed to Sell according to Market settings and see:
See a popup message about the minimum amount (from market settings) under the field 'Amount' to sell
5.8. "Recent Trades" Block
In the "Recent Trades" component, users can see the following details:
"Recent trades" header
The list of Trades for the selected Market Pair
Each Trade record from the list has main details:
Timestamp of execution
Prices for 'sell' trades are colored in red
Prices for 'buy' trades are colored in green
As an authorized user, I can see the following details on the header navbar:
Logo of the company (top left)
Tab "Wallets" to open the Wallets page (selected by default when login)
Selected Tab is highlighted (Text and icon change color)
Tab "Exchange" to open the On-chain Swap page
Tab "Trade" to open the Advanced Trading Interface page
Tab "User" or "User's Name" (after KYC is completed) to open the quick menu panel for extended navigation
"Language Switcher" dropdown for selecting language
"Theme switcher" button
As a user, I can press the Profile Tab in the Navbar Header section and see the following options on the appeared Quick Menu list:
User's Name (just "User" if not passed KYC) and e-mail address
2FA 2 FA Status portion that can forward User to the Settings tab of the Profile menu
2FA 2 FA Toggle indicating the 2FA 2 FA status: Red - disabled / Green - enabled
Press 2FA 2 FA Toggle opens a modal window to initiate 2FA 2 FA activation/deactivation
"API Keys" portion that can forward User to the API keys page
"Verification" portion that can forward User to the Verification tab of the Profile menu
Status of 'Verification' in "Verification" portion: Not verified / Pending / Verified
"Open Orders" portion that can forward User to the Open orders details page of the Profile menu
"History" portion that can forward User to the Full History details page of the Profile menu
"Referrals" portion that can forward User to the Referrals details page of the Profile menu
"Change Password" portion that opens the modal window to change the password
"Settings" portion that can forward User to the Settings tab of the Profile menu
"Log Out" button
"X" button for closing the Quick Menu