As Unauthorized or Authorized User, I can see:
Favicon in browser tab
Service title in browser tab
When loading, animated loader with service logo
"Something went wrong" message and icon page did not load
In case of sharing URL link:
Service logo & text tied to the URL
II. Sign-in/Sign-up Page
Unauthorized User: Service Authorization Page
I can see on header navigation bar (from left to right):
Header Navigation Bar:
Company Logo
"Exchange" tab
"Trade" tab
"How it works" clickable link
"Sign up" tab
"Language Switcher" drop-down
"Theme Switcher" toggle for Night/Day mode
Close Markets Selector menu
I can Press "Markets" dropdown drop-down button and...
Close Markets Selector menu
As an Unauthorized User, pressing on any 'buy' trade from the list of Trades for the selected Market Pair allows users to see autofilled auto-filled changes in the order form with the following details:
Side of order is 'Buy'
Type of order is 'Limit'
Balance available for the Quote Currency according to the selected Market Pair (zero balance for Unauthorized User)
Field "Price" with automatically set price (in Quote Currency and with Currency ID) from the limit buy order, which was selected (by pressing on it) from the orderbookorder book
Tabs to use Available Assets in percent: 25%, 50%, 75%, 100% (deactivated for Unauthorized User)
Field 'Amount' to buy, with Base Currency ID and "Minimum trade amount" pre-set by default
Field "Total" for the Total sum in Quote Currency
"Buy" button, which is green and activated.
Use "Limit Buy Order" order form according "Part 5.5. of User Stories v 1.5.0"
Logo of the company (top left)
Tab "Wallets" to open the Wallets page (selected by default when login)
Selected Tab is highlighted (Text and icon change color)
Tab "Exchange" to open the On-chain Swap page
Tab "Trade" to open the Advanced Trading Interface page
Tab "User" or "User's Name" (after KYC is completed) to open the quick menu panel for extended navigation
"Language Switcher" dropdown drop-down for selecting language
"Theme switcher" button
In case the Currency has functionality to deposit through the WalletConnect Wallet Connect service, as a User I can select the "WalletConnectWallet Connect" tab in the 'Deposit Option' Selector part and...
Use the "WalletConnectWallet Connect" deposit form (see part 8.1.2. of User Stories v 1.5.0)
As a User, I can press the "Receive" button on the Currency Wallet 'Card,' and in case the Currency has functionality to deposit through the WalletConnect Wallet Connect service...
Open the "Deposit" form as a modal window and observe the following details:
'Deposit Option' Selector part as a header with tabs:
"WalletConnectWallet Connect" tab selected by default (Selected tab is highlighted)
"Generated Address" tab
...See the following details in the "WalletConnectWallet Connect" deposit form:
Name 'Deposit "Currency Name" (according to Currency selected)
Restriction notification regarding Minimum Deposit Amount
Input field for amount with currency logo and ID
The Deposit amount of the selected Currency with "0" (+decimals according to settings) is automatically pre-set in the input field 'Amount'
Network Selector with Names and Logos of Payment Interfaces (if applicable, according to Currency Payment Interfaces)
"Next" button (Deactivated, will be activated after filling the field with amount)
"X" button below the main form to close the modal window
"Scan code to connect your wallet" header
QR code of the Direct deposit address
"Copy" button to copy the Deposit Address for connection in the WalletConnect Wallet Connect app
Notice text about Selected Network, changes according to the Network selected
As a User, I can use the External Wallet app to make a Direct deposit through the WalletConnect Wallet Connect service and...
Scan QR code of the Direct deposit address to confirm connection in the External Wallet
Notice text "Awaiting confirmation of the operation in the wallet" in the "WalletConnectWallet Connect" deposit form
...After operation confirm in External Wallet I can see...
"WalletConnectWallet Connect" deposit form closing
See popup notification "Deposit Request Successfully Submitted" if everything is correct
...In case connection rejected in External Wallet as a User I can see...
"WalletConnectWallet Connect" deposit form closing
Popup error notification "User rejected the transaction"
...In case operation rejected in External Wallet I can see...
"WalletConnectWallet Connect" deposit form closing
Popup error notification "User rejected the transaction"
'Quick Swap' header
Send section with main details:
'Drop-down' button to select Currency to Send with logo and ID (Ticker)
In case there is only one option for Currency to Send: the user can observe just this option with logo and currency ID in the drop-down
Currency to Send is selected according to the Wallet selected (by default for each Wallet) with a logo and ID (Ticker)
Input field for the amount to Swap (Send internally), pre-set "Minimum amount" to Swap by default
Asset's balance available for operation, in the selected currency with the currency ID
'Reverse' button for changing Currency positions between 'Send' and 'Receive'
Receive section with main details:
'Drop-down' button to select Currency to Receive with a logo and ID (Ticker)
Field 'Receive' with calculated amount (Approximate) in Currency to Receive
The second Asset's balance (Currency to Receive) currently available in its Wallet
Platform commission portion with 0.00 and ID (commission ID can be in quote or base currency according to market settings, 0.00 is hardcodedhard-coded)
Estimated rate for the selected Market Pair: Currency to Swap -> Currency to Receive (price precision, according to market settings)
'Switch' icon as a button to switch the estimated rate reflection Currency to Receive -> Currency to Swap
'Swap' button
'X' button below the main form to close the modal window
...Press the activated "Submit" button and...
Open "2FA 2 FA Confirmation" modal window
...See the following details in the modal window:
Google Authenticator Authentication app logo and "2FA 2 FA Confirmation" in the header
The text proposition to "Use Google Authenticator Authentication app to enter a secret 2FA 2 FA 6-digit code"
Input field for the 2 FA code
"X" button below the modal window "2FA 2 FA Confirmation" form
...Input the correct secret 2 FA code in the field and in case the blockchain address is correct...
See the popup notification message "Successful," modal window for 2FA 2 FA confirmation, and modal window "Send" form closing
Wallet page refreshed and Assets Balance decreased in the selected Primary Wallet
24 Hours Net Limit allowed for withdrawal is changed for the next operation (Difference between 24 Hours Net Limit allowed for withdrawal and the previous withdrawal amount)
...Press "X" button below the modal window "2FA 2 FA Confirmation" and...
Close the modal window "2FA 2 FA Confirmation" and get back to the "Send" form
Press "Send" button in case 2FA 2 FA is not enabled and...
Open "2FA 2 FA Activation is Required" modal window with the following details:
Google Authenticator Authentication app logo and "2FA 2 FA Activation is Required" in the header
The notice text "Before you send the funds, you need to activate Two-Factor Authentication"
"Activate Now" button
"X" button below the "2FA 2 FA Activation is Required" form as a modal window
Press "Activate Now" button and...
Use "2FA 2 FA Activation" form (See part 11.2 of User Stories v 1.5.0)
Press "X" button below the "2FA 2 FA Activation is Required" form...
Close the modal window "2FA 2 FA Activation is Required" and get back to Wallet details
...Press "OK" button and...
Open "2FA 2 FA Confirmation" modal window
See the popup notification message "Successful," modal window for 2FA 2 FA confirmation, and modal window "Send" form closing
Wallet page refreshed and Assets Balance decreased in the selected Primary Wallet
"Send [Name of the Currency]" header
"Select Recipient" field with dropdown drop-down option. In case no available recipients: "+Add New Recipient" button
Input field for amount and currency logo
The Withdrawal amount of the selected Currency with "0" (+decimals according to settings) is automatically pre-set in the input field 'Amount'
Balance available for withdrawal
"Max" button for Maximum amount input
Minimum and Maximum allowed for withdrawal
Withdrawal fee (It can have a minimum, percent, and maximum, and can vary according to the withdrawal requested amount)
Net Withdrawal amount
"Submit" button (Deactivated, will be activated after filling the 2 fields with data)
"X" button below the main form to close the modal window
...Press the activated "Submit" button and...
Open "2FA 2 FA Confirmation" modal window
...See the following details in the modal window:
Google Authenticator Authentication app logo and "2FA Confirmation" in the header
The text proposition to "Use Google Authenticator Authentication app to enter a secret 2FA 2 FA 6-digit code"
Input field for the 2 FA code
"Paste" button to enter the copied code from the clipboard
"X" button below the modal window "2FA 2 FA Confirmation" form
...Input the correct secret 2 FA code in the field and in case everything is correct...
See the popup notification message "Successful," modal window for 2FA 2 FA confirmation, and modal window "Send" form closing
Wallet page refreshed, and Assets Balance decreased in the selected Primary Wallet
...Press "X" button below the modal window "2FA 2 FA Confirmation" and...
Close the modal window "2FA 2 FA Confirmation" and get back to the "Send" form
Press "Send" button in case 2FA 2 FA is not enabled and...
Open "2FA 2 FA Activation is Required" modal window with the following details:
Google Authenticator Authentication app logo and "2FA 2 FA Activation is Required" in the header
The notice text "Before you send the funds, you need to activate Two-Factor Authentication"
"Activate Now" button
"X" button below the "2FA 2 FA Activation is Required" form as a modal window
Press "Activate Now" button and...
Use "2FA 2 FA Activation" form (See part 11.2 of User Stories v 1.5.0)
Press "X" button below the "2FA 2 FA Activation is Required" form...
Close the modal window "2FA 2 FA Activation is Required" and get back to Wallet details
"Add [Name of the Currency] Recipient" header
Input field for "Description"
Input field for "Account Holder"
Input field for "Bank Name"
Input field for "Account Number"
"Select account type" field with dropdown drop-down option
Input field for "Branch Code"
"Submit" button (active)
"X" button below the "Add Recipient" form as a modal window
Input "Description" for the recipient
Input "Account Holder" for the recipient
Input "Bank Name" for the recipient
Input "Account Number" for the recipient
Press "Select account type" field with dropdown drop-down option to select the type of the account: Current, Savings, Transmission, Cheque
Input "Branch Code" for the recipient
See the "Add Recipient" form closing
See the popup notification message "Recipient created successfully"
Observe the created recipient in the dropdown drop-down list of recipients of the "Select Recipient" field
As a User, I can press the "Trash can" icon as a button for the recipient portion in the dropdown drop-down list of recipients of the "Select Recipient" field and...
See the popup notification message "Recipient deleted successfully"
Observe the deleted recipient is removed from the dropdown drop-down list of recipients of the "Select Recipient" field
Close the modal window "Top-up Staking" and get back to the Wallet page
Top-up Staking
As a User with active Staking, I can press the "Stake" button on the Currency Wallet 'Card' and...
Close the modal window "Top-up Staking" and get back to the Wallet page
As a User with active Staking, I can press the "Stake" button on the Currency Wallet 'Card' and...
Open the "Top-up Staking" form as a modal window
Go to the Order Book Advanced Trading Interface and see the following:
Tab "Trade" is selected and highlighted
"Order book" with top side and underside
"Trading Chart" by TradingView Trading View block
"History" block for Open orders, Orders history, and Trade history
"Order form" block
"Recent Trades" block
"Footer" block with main details (see part 3 of User Stories v 1.5.0)
Sell & Buy limit orders in 2 parts of the orderbook order book (top side and underside)
"Sell" part of the orderbook order book is on the underside and has 3 columns: Price, Amount, Cumulative Total
Sell orders are colored in red
Sell orders are placed by Cumulative Total growth by amount from the center to the top
Sell orders are ranged by price from the center to the top - lower to higher
Last Price (in case of configured settings) between the Sell & Buy limit orders:
Green color with 'up arrow' in case the price has grown
Red color with 'down arrow' in case the price dropped
Spread (in case of configured settings) between the Sell & Buy limit orders:
The spread in an order book is the difference between the highest bid price (the price buyers are willing to pay) and the lowest ask price (the price sellers are asking for). The formula for calculating the spread is: Spread = Lowest Ask Price − Highest Bid Price
"Buy" part of the orderbook order book is on the top side and has 3 columns: Price, Amount, Cumulative Total
Buy orders are colored in green
Buy orders are placed by Cumulative Total growth by amount from the center to the bottom
Buy orders are ranged by price from the center to the bottom - from higher to lower
As an Authorized User, I can press on any Limit sell order from the "Sell" part of the orderbook order book and:
See autofilled auto-filled changes in the order form with the following details:
Side of order is 'Sell'
Type of order is 'Limit'
Balance available for the Base Currency according to the selected Market Pair (zero balance for Unauthorized User)
Field "Price" with automatically set price (in Quote Currency and with Currency ID) from the limit sell order, which I had selected (by pressing on it) from the orderbookorder book
Field 'Amount' to sell, with Base Currency ID and "Minimum trade amount" pre-set by default
Tabs to use Available Assets in percent: 25%, 50%, 75%, 100% (deactivated for Unauthorized User)
Field "Total" for the Total sum in Quote Currency
"Sell" button, it has a red color, activated
Use "Limit Sell Order" order form according to "Part 10.8. of User Stories v 1.5.0"
As an Authorized User, I can press on any Limit buy order from the "Buy" part of the orderbook order book and:
See autofilled auto-filled changes in the order form with the following details:
Side of order is 'Buy'
Type of order is 'Limit'
Balance available for the Quote Currency according to the selected Market Pair (zero balance for Unauthorized User)
Field "Price" with automatically set price (in Quote Currency and with Currency ID) from the limit buy order, which I had selected (by pressing on it) from the orderbookorder book
Tabs to use Available Assets in percent: 25%, 50%, 75%, 100% (deactivated for Unauthorized User)
Field 'Amount' to buy, with Base Currency ID and "Minimum trade amount" pre-set by default
Field "Total" for the Total sum in Quote Currency
"Buy" button, it has a green color, activated
Use "Limit Buy Order" order form according to "Part 10.7. of User Stories v 1.5.0"
In the "Chart" component, I can see the following details:
"Markets" dropdown drop-down button
Logos and ID of the Market Pair selected by default
24h 24 h changes for the pair in Quote currency: low price, high price; Volume in Base currency
Integrated TradingView toolsetTrading View tool-set
I can click on TradingView Trading View tools and:
Customize my Chart Analytics tools
I can press the "Markets" dropdown drop-down button and:
Open Markets Selector menu on the left side over the 'Order book' block
Input field for the Market Pair search by ID
"X" button top right to close the Market Selector menu
Navigation tools for the list of Markets
Range tools for 'Market', 'Price', '24h 24 h chg'
The list of Market Pairs with the main details for each one:
Star icon as a checkbox to remember market pair (Favourite)
Market pair Currencies IDs
Current Market Price
'24h24 h' Price change in percent (green for positive, red for negative)
Scroll for the list of Markets
I can press the "Markets" dropdown drop-down button and:
Close Markets Selector menu
Click on 'Market' and range/arrange the list of market IDs by alphabet order/market position order
Click on 'Price' and range/arrange the list of markets by price from top to bottom - from higher to lower/market position order
Click on '24 h chg' and range/arrange the list of markets by '24h24 h' Price change in percent from top to bottom - from higher to lower/market position order
The selected tab is highlighted, and the text on it changes color.
2FA 2 FA (Two-Factor Authentication) Status options, 'Disabled' by default.
Toggle for 2FA 2 FA is in the "off" position and has red color.
"Change Password" portion to change the password.
11.2. 2FA 2 FA Toggle in 'Disabled' Status to Enable 2FA2 FA
As a User, I can press 2FA 2 FA Toggle in 'Disabled' status to Enable 2FA 2 FA and open the "2FA 2 FA Activation" modal window.
In the modal window, I should see the following details:
Google Authenticator Authentication app logo and "2FA 2 FA Activation" in the header.
A text proposition to "1. Use Google Authenticator Authentication app to enter secret 2FA 2 FA code."
A QR code to scan.
A text proposition to "2. Enter your 2FA 2 FA code from the app."
An input field for the 2FA 2 FA code.
An "X" button below the main form to close the modal window.
Scan the QR code using the Google Authenticator Authentication app on my phone, tablet, etc.
Get the secret 2FA 2 FA code in the app.
Input the correct secret 2FA 2 FA code in the field.
If the input is correct, I should:
See a popup notification message "2FA 2 FA is successfully enabled."
See the modal window for 2FA 2 FA closing.
Notice that the Toggle for 2FA 2 FA has the "on" position and is in green color.
See a popup error notification message "2FA 2 FA code is wrong."
11.3. 2FA 2 FA Toggle in 'Enabled' Status to Disable 2FA2 FA
As a User, I can press the 2FA 2 FA Toggle in 'Enabled' status to Disable 2FA 2 FA and open the "Disable 2FA2 FA" modal window.
In the modal window, I should see the following details:
Google Authenticator Authentication app logo and "Disable 2FA2 FA" in the header.
The text proposition "Please enter your 2FA 2 FA code."
An input field for the 2FA 2 FA code.
An "X" button below the main form to close the modal window.
To complete the disabling process, I need to:
Input the correct secret 2FA 2 FA code in the field.
If the input is correct, I should:
See a popup notification message "2FA 2 FA is successfully disabled."
See the modal window for 2FA 2 FA closing.
Notice that the Toggle for 2FA 2 FA has the "off" position and is in red color.
See a popup error notification message "2FA 2 FA code is wrong."
11.4. "API Keys" Portion
I can press the activated "Create" button and open the "2FA 2 FA Confirmation" modal window.
See the following details in the modal window:
Google Authenticator Authentication app logo and "2FA 2 FA Confirmation" in header.
The text proposition to "Use Google Authenticator Authentication app to enter secret 2FA 2 FA 6-digit code."
Input field for the 2 FA code.
"X" button below the modal window "2FA 2 FA Confirmation" form.
Input correct secret 2 FA code in the field and see the following details in the "New API Token Created" modal window:
Press "X" button below the modal window "2FA 2 FA Confirmation" and:
Close the modal window "2FA 2 FA Confirmation."
Get back to API Keys page.
Press "+ Create New API Key" button in case 2FA 2 FA is not enabled and:
Open "2FA 2 FA Activation is Required" modal window with the following details:
Google Authenticator Authentication app logo and "2FA 2 FA Activation is Required" in header.
The notice text "Please activate Two Factor Authentication to create API key."
"Activate Now" button.
"X" button below the "2FA 2 FA Activation is Required" form as a modal window.
Press "Activate Now" button and:
Use "2FA 2 FA Activation" form (See part 11.2 of User Stories v 1.5.0).
Press "X" button below the "2FA 2 FA Activation is Required" form and:
Close the modal window "2FA 2 FA Activation is Required."
Get back to API Keys page.
As a user, I can press the "Delete" button and:
Open the "2FA 2 FA Confirmation" modal window.
See the following details in the modal window:
Google Authenticator Authentication app logo and "2FA 2 FA Confirmation" in the header.
The text proposition to "Use Google Authenticator Authentication app to enter secret 2FA 2 FA 6-digit code."
Input field for the 2 FA code.
"X" button below the modal window "2FA 2 FA Confirmation" form.
Input correct secret 2 FA code in the field and:
See "2FA 2 FA Confirmation" modal window closing.
Go back to the API Keys page.
See popup notification message "API Key Deleted."
Observe the API Key was deleted from the list of my API keys.
Press "X" button below the modal window "2FA 2 FA Confirmation" and:
Close the modal window "2FA 2 FA Confirmation."
Get back to the API Keys page.
Press "Delete" button in case 2FA 2 FA is not enabled and:
Open "2FA 2 FA Activation is Required" modal window with the following details:
Google Authenticator Authentication app logo and "2FA 2 FA Activation is Required" in the header.
The notice text "Activate Two Factor Authentication
to delete the API key."
"Activate Now" button.
"X" button below the "2FA 2 FA Activation is Required" form as a modal window.
Press "Activate Now" button and:
Use "2FA 2 FA Activation" form (See part 11.2 of User Stories v 1.5.0).
Press "X" button below the "2FA 2 FA Activation is Required" form and:
Close the modal window "2FA 2 FA Activation is Required."
Get back to the API Keys page.