8.7. Simple Chart per Currency
In case
the Currency has a Market (with USDT as a Quote Currency)
, I can see a Simple Chart section
with the
following details and options:
Market ID
(top left
Select time period
for Simple Chart Price displaying (top right):
15 minutes
1 hour
1 day (selected by default)
1 week
1 month
Market Dynamics data footer:
The highest Price in USDT for 24 hours
The lowest Price in USDT for 24 hours
'24h' Price change in percent (green for positive, red for negative)
Place the cursor on
Simple Chart time point
and see the price in USDT
In case there is no Market (with USDT as the quote currency) for the selected Currency:
Simple Chart is disabled
In case it is not possible to load the chart:
See the text "Unable to load chart. Please tryagain later" in the middle of the Simple Chart section.
8.8. Portfolio
As a User, I can see the "Portfolio" section has two parts:
Pie Chart on the left
Pie Chart
Display Displaying the structure of the Assets in the Portfolio according to the percent of the Asset in Portfolio.
Each part in the Pie Chart has a defined color according to the Wallet settings.
USD equivalent of Total Value (sum of all Assets in all Wallets) in the center of the Pie Chart.
List of Assets on the right side
Top 5 balances with main details for each one:
Color according to the Wallet settings.
Logo of the Currency.
ID (Ticker).
Balance in percent.
"Other" section for the sum of the rest of the Assets with "coins" as a logo.
In case of zero balances:
On the Pie Chart side, I can see:
Blurred image for the Pie chart with 5 equal parts and color according to the selected Wallet
0.00 USD of Total Value in the center of the Pie Chart.
On the List of Assets side, I can see:
- Text
The text proposition "Make a deposit or Buy to unlock portfolio" on top of the list of assets side.
Blurred image for the list of assets with color according to the selected Wallet
Each line for the balances has 0.00 percent displaying.
8.9. "Recent History" per Currency
As a User, I can see the "Recent History" of the selected Wallet
Recent History header
.Recent History List of 4 latest operations related to the selected Currency
."Full History" button below the Recent History list, colored according to the selected Wallet
Per Operation Details
For each operation,
I can see:
One of the
IconsIcon of operation: "Deposit," "Sell," "Buy," "Swap," "Withdrawal," "Referral reward," or "Staking reward
Icon of operation has color according to the selected Wallet
selected.Name of the operation with a description
.Date and time of the operation
.Amount of Asset added or deducted
.Status of the operation: "Successful," "Failed," "Processing," "Admin review," or "Rejected
I can press the button "Full History" below the Recent History list
Open full history in the User Profile Menu page and observe details of all transactions.
Zero Balances or No Operations
In case of
In case of zero balances or without any operation,
I can see:
Recent History header and text "Deposit, Buy, Sell, Swap and make history!"
Blurred image for the list of 5 operations with color according to the selected Wallet
selectedand 5 possible icons for operations
9. Exchange / Swap on the Blockchain (On-chain Swap)
9.1. Receiving Address Details (Step 2)
As an Authorized User,
I can press the "Exchange" tab and see:
Tab "Exchange"
tabis selected and highlighted
.- "Receiving Address Details"
'Receiving address details' header in "Step by Step Navigation" block
. Filling progress bar and stage notification '2 of 4'
.- First Step
The first step in the "Step by Step Navigation" block is marked as 'done'
.Current Second Step The current second step in Explainer is highlighted
."Exchange" section
."Receive" section
."Footer" block with main details
(see part 3 of User Stories v 1.5.0)
In the
' section,
I can:
See the following details:
- "
Receive [Logo of the Currency]
. Warning notification marked as "Important" describing the currency blockchain details
.Input field for the blockchain address
."Next Step" button, deactivated
- "
Input the blockchain address and amount to
Sendsend that fits requirements and:
See the "Next Step" button activated
Press the activated "Next Step" button and:
Go to Step 3 (see part 9.2. of User Stories v 1.5.0)
9.2. Sending Address Details (Step 3)
As an Authorized User,
I can see the following details:
Address Detailsaddress details' header in "Step by Step Navigation" block
.Filling progress bar and stage notification '3 of 4'
.- First and Second Steps in
The first and second steps in the "Step by Step Navigation" block are marked as 'done'
.Current Third Step in The current third step in the Explainer is highlighted
.Requested Operation details section
.'Send" form section
."Footer" block with main details
(see part 3 of User Stories v 1.5.0)
In the Requested Operation details section,
I can:
See the following details:
"Receive" field with the requested Currency amount, Currency ID, Logo of the Currency
."To address" field with receiving blockchain address details, according edits from the
Second Step.second step
"Exchange Fee" for the transaction
."Estimated Rate" for the selected Market Pair: Currency to Send -> Currency to Receive
."Switch" icon as a button to switch the estimated rate reflection Currency to Receive -> Currency to Send
."Previous Step" button
Press the "Switch" icon as a button in the Rate section and:
Change the position of selected currencies Currency to Receive -> Currency to Send
Press the "Previous Step" button and:
Go back to Step 2 (See part 9.1. of User Stories v 1.5.0)
Send Form Section
In the "Send" form section,
I can:
See the following details:
"Send" header with Currency amount, Currency ID, Logo of the Currency
.Warning notification marked as "Important" describing the currency blockchain details
.QR code of the generated deposit address
.The text proposition to "Scan or copy address below..." for the transaction
.Field with the generated personal Deposit Address
."Copy" icon as a button to copy
theDeposit Address
."OK" button, deactivated
Scan QR code and:
Get the deposit address (can use phone, tablet, etc
Press "Copy" icon and:
Copy the deposit address to
.See a popup notification message "Copied
See the "OK" button activated
Press the activated "OK" button and:
Go to Step 4 (see part 9.3. of User Stories v 1.5.0)
9.3. Exchange Pending Inbound (Step 4)
As an Authorized User,
I can see the following details:
Pending Inboundpending inbound' header in the "Step by Step Navigation" block
.Filling progress bar is field and stage notification '4 of 4'
.- First
The first,
Third Stepsthird steps in the "Step by Step Navigation" block are marked as 'done'
.Current Fourth Step in The current fourth step in the Explainer is highlighted and marked as 'done'
.Information section
."Footer" block with main details
(see part 3 of User Stories v 1.5.0)
In the Informative section,
I can:
See the following details:
Text "Thank you for using" and Logo of the Company
."Exchange again" button
Press the "Exchange again" button and:
Go back to Step 2 (See part 9.1. of User Stories v 1.5.0)
10. Order Book Advanced Trading Interface
As an Authorized User, I can navigate to press the "Trade" tab and access :
Go to the Order Book Advanced Trading Interface
and see the following:
Tab "Trade" is selected and highlighted
"Order book" with top side and underside
"Trading Chart" by TradingView block
"History" block for Open orders, Orders history, and Trade history
"Order form" block
"Recent Trades" block
"Footer" block with main details (see part 3 of User Stories v 1.5.0)
10.1. "Order book" block
In the "Order book" component, I can view see the following details:
Sell & Buy limit orders in 2 parts of the order book orderbook (top side and underside)
"Sell" part with of the orderbook is on the underside and has 3 columns: Price, Amount, Cumulative Total (
Sell orders are colored in red
Sell orders are placed by Cumulative Total growth by amount from the center to the top
Sell orders are ranged by price from the center to the top , - lower to higher
Last Price (in case of configured settings) between the Sell & Buy limit orders:
Green color with 'up arrow' if in case the price has grown
Red color with 'down arrow' if in case the price dropped
Spread (in case of configured settings) between the Sell & Buy limit orders (calculated as :
The spread in an order book is the difference between the highest bid price (the price buyers are willing to pay) and the lowest ask price (the price sellers are asking for). The formula for calculating the spread is: Spread = Lowest Ask Price
− Highest Bid Price
"Buy" part with of the orderbook is on the top side and has 3 columns: Price, Amount, Cumulative Total (
Buy orders are colored in green
Buy orders are placed by Cumulative Total growth by amount from the center to the bottom
Buy orders are ranged by price from the center to the bottom , - from higher to lower
In case the Order book is empty:
Blurred image for the list of open orders for 'Sell' and 'Buy' parts in case the Order book is empty
As an Authorized User, I can press on any Limit sell order from the "Sell" part
of the orderbook and:
See autofilled changes in the order form .
10.2. "Chart" block
with the following details:
"Markets" dropdown button
Logos and ID of the Market Pair selected by default
24h changes for the pair in Quote currency: low price, high price; Volume in Base currency
Integrated TradingView toolset
I can interact with TradingView tools to customize my Chart Analytics tools. I can also press the "Markets" dropdown button to open the Markets Selector menu on the left side over the 'Order book' block.
10.2.1. Markets Selector Menu
I can see the following details in the Markets Selector menu:
Input field for Market Pair search by ID
"X" button top right to close the Market Selector menu
Navigation tools for the list of Markets
Range tools for 'Market', 'Price', '24h chg'
List of Market Pairs with main details for each one:
Star icon as a checkbox to remember market pair (Favourite)
Market pair Currencies IDs
Current Market Price
'24h' Price change in percent (green for positive, red for negative)
Scroll for the list of Markets
Press "Star" icon as a checkbox to select/unselect Market Pair as "Favourite" or usual
Press "X" button top right to close the Markets Selector menu
Use navigation tools for the list of Markets: Search by Market ID, "Star" icon as a button to filter/unfilter Markets by "Favorite" or usual, Select tab with Currency ID to filter Markets with such Currency exist
Use range tools for the list of Markets: Click on 'Market', 'Price', and '24 h chg' to arrange the list of markets.
10.3. "Open orders" tab in 'History' block
As a User, I can press the "Open orders" tab in the "History" block and switch to my 'Open orders' section.
Selected tab is highlighted
"Cancel All" button
List of open User's orders for the selected market
Main details per each open order:
Timestamp of creation
Market pair with market ID
Side ("Buy" has green color, "Sell" has red color)
Type (Limit order only)
Price (in quote currency)
Amount (in base currency)
Total volume (in quote currency)
Percent of Executed part of the limit order
"X" button to cancel limit order
Press "Cancel All" button to delete all limit orders for the selected market
Press "X" button per order to delete a specific limit order and see a popup notification message "Success: Delete order"
10.4. "Orders history" tab in 'History' block
As a User, I can press the "Orders history" tab in the "History" block and switch to my 'Orders History' section.
Selected tab is highlighted
List of orders in history
Main details of each order:
Timestamp of creation
Market pair with market ID
Side ("Buy" has green color, "Sell" has red color)
Type (Limit or Market)
Price (in quote currency). For the Market Order, it is the Average Executed Price
Amount (in base currency)
Percent of Executed part of the limit order
Total volume (in quote currency)
Status of order 'Closed' or 'Canceled' or 'Partially executed' (For the Market Order, only 'Closed')
In case there are no orders in history, the text "No order history" is displayed.
10.5. "My trades" tab in 'History' block
As a User, I can press the "My trades" tab in the "History" block and switch to my 'Orders History' section.
Selected tab is highlighted
List of My trades for the selected Market Pair
Each Trade record has main details:
Timestamp of execution
Side ("Buy" has green color, "Sell" has red color)
Amount (in base currency)
Total volume (in quote currency)
In case there is no history of My Trades for the selected market, the text "There are no trades to display" is shown.
10.6. "Market Buy" Order Form
In the "Market Buy" Order Form, the user can:
See the details with the selected tab "Buy" being active.
Observe the "Sell" tab on the right to the "Buy" tab, which is not active.
Note that the selected tab "Market" is active, and the "Limit" tab is inactive.
View the balance available in the Advanced Trading Wallet for the selected Quote Currency based on the chosen Market pair.
Find the "Price" field displaying the Market price for the Base Currency (Approximate) according to the selected Market pair.
Utilize tabs for Available Assets in percentages: 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%.
Use the 'Amount' field to buy, with the Base Currency ID and "0" pre-set by default.
Observe the "Total" field for the Amount to spend (Approximate, with the Quote Currency ID), resulting from the Amount multiplied by the Price.
See the "Buy" button, which is green and deactivated initially.
The user can perform the following actions:
Click on the input field for the amount to Buy, which clears automatically.
Input only a "dot" as the first character and see it automatically change to " 0. " in the input field.
Input the amount to Buy and observe the calculated Amount in the "Total" field required to spend on Trade (Approximate) according to the Market Price. The "Buy" button activates if everything is correct.
Edit the amount to Buy and see the calculated Amount in the "Total" field change according to the Market Price. The "Buy" button activates if everything is correct.
Press the activated "Buy" button, and if everything is correct, see a popup notification message stating "Market Order was successfully created." The fields "Amount" and "Total" refresh to "0", and the Available Balance in the Quote currency adjusts accordingly. The "Buy" button is deactivated.
Press 25%, 50%, 75%, or 100% tabs above Base Currency and observe the corresponding percentage of the Available Balance of the Quote Currency reflected in the "Total" field (Approximate). The "Amount" field automatically edits according to the Market Price and the Amount to Spend.
Input an amount to Buy that exceeds the Maximum allowed to Buy according to the Quote currency Available Balance and see the "Buy" button deactivated.
Leave the "Amount" input field empty and observe the "Buy" button deactivated, with a popup message about the minimum amount (from market settings) displayed under the 'Amount' field to buy.
Input an amount to Buy that is lower than the Minimum allowed to Buy according to Market settings and observe the "Buy" button deactivated, with a popup message about the minimum amount (from market settings) displayed under the 'Amount' to buy.
Edit an amount to Buy that is lower than the Minimum allowed to Buy according to Market settings and observe the "Buy" button deactivated, with a popup message about the minimum amount (from market settings) displayed under the 'Amount' to buy.
Press the activated "Buy" button, and in case of low market liquidity, see an error popup notification message stating "Insufficient market liquidity. Failed to create order." The fields "Amount" and "Total" refresh to "0", and the "Buy" button is deactivated.
Press the activated "Buy" button, and in case of low Quote currency Available Balance due to Market Price change, see an error popup notification message stating "Insufficient funds. Failed to create order." The fields "Amount" and "Total" refresh to "0", and the "Buy" button is deactivated.
10.7. "Limit Buy" Order Form
In the "Limit Buy" Order Form, the user can:
See the details with the selected tab "Buy" being active.
Observe the "Sell" tab on the right to the "Buy" tab, which is not active.
Note that the "Market" tab is inactive, and the selected tab "Limit" is active.
View the balance available in the Advanced Trading Wallet for the Quote Currency according to the selected Market Pair.
Find the "Price" field with the Quote Currency ID and "0" pre-set by default.
Utilize tabs for Available Assets in percentages: 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%.
Use the 'Amount' field to buy, with the Base Currency ID and "0" pre-set by default.
Observe the "Total" field for the total sum in the Quote Currency.
See the "Buy" button, which is green and deactivated initially.
The user can perform the following actions:
Click on the input field for the price to Buy, and see it clear automatically.
Click on the input field for the amount to Buy, and see it clear automatically.
Input only a "dot" as the first character and see it automatically change to " 0. " in the input field.
Input the Price and Amount for the Base Currency, and observe the calculated Amount in the "Total" field as the sum of Price multiplied by Amount. The "Buy" button activates if everything is correct.
Edit the Price or/and Amount for the Base Currency, and see the calculated Amount in the "Total" field update according to the new numbers of Price multiplied by Amount. The "Buy" button activates if everything is correct.
Press the activated "Buy" button, and if everything is good, see a popup message stating "Limit Order was successfully created." The fields "Amount" and "Total" refresh to "0," and the "Price" field remains with the last edits. The available Balance in the Quote currency adjusts accordingly. The "Buy" button is deactivated.
Press 25%, 50%, 75%, or 100% tabs above Base Currency and observe the corresponding percentage of the Available Balance of the Quote Currency reflected in the "Total" field. The "Amount" field automatically edits according to the Limit Price and the Amount to Spend.
Leave the "Amount" input field empty, and observe the "Buy" button deactivated with a popup message about the minimum amount (from market settings) displayed under the 'Amount' to buy.
Leave the "Price" input field empty, and observe the "Buy" button deactivated with a popup message about the minimum price - maximum price (from market settings) displayed under the 'Price' to buy.
Input an amount to Buy that exceeds the Maximum allowed to Buy according to Quote currency Available Balance, and see the "Buy" button deactivated.
Input only the Price for the limit buy order, and see the "Buy" button deactivated.
Input only the Amount for the limit buy order, and see the "Buy" button deactivated.
Input an amount to Buy that is lower than the Minimum allowed to Buy according to Market settings, and see the "Buy" button deactivated with a popup message about the minimum amount (from market settings) displayed under the 'Amount' to buy.
Edit an amount to Buy that is lower than the Minimum allowed to Buy according to Market settings, and see the "Buy" button deactivated with a popup message about the minimum amount (from market settings) displayed under the 'Amount' to buy.
Input a price to Buy that is lower than the Minimum allowed to Buy according to Market settings, and see the "Buy" button deactivated with a popup message about the minimum price - maximum price (from market settings) displayed under the 'Price' to buy.
Edit a price to Buy that is lower than the Minimum allowed to Buy according to Market settings, and see the "Buy" button deactivated with a popup message about the minimum price - maximum price (from market settings) displayed under the 'Price' to buy.
Input a price to Buy that is higher than the Maximum allowed to Buy according to Market settings, and see the "Buy" button deactivated with a popup message about the minimum price - maximum price (from market settings) displayed under the 'Price' to buy.
Edit a price to Buy that is higher than the Maximum allowed to Buy according to Market settings, and see the "Buy" button deactivated with a popup message about the minimum price - maximum price (from market settings) displayed under the 'Price' to buy.
10.8. "Limit Sell" Order Form
In the "Limit Sell" Order Form, the user can:
See the following details with the "Buy" tab on the left to the "Sell" tab, which is not active.
Observe the selected tab "Sell" being active and the "Market" tab inactive.
Note that the selected tab "Limit" is active.
View the balance available in the Advanced Trading Wallet for the Base Currency according to the selected Market Pair.
Find the "Price" field with the Quote Currency ID and "0" pre-set by default.
Use the 'Amount' field to sell, with the Base Currency ID and "0" pre-set by default.
Utilize tabs for Available Assets in percentages: 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%.
Observe the "Total" field for the total sum in the Quote Currency.
See the "Sell" button, which is red and deactivated initially.
The user can perform the following actions:
Click on the input field for the price to Sell, and see it clear automatically.
Click on the input field for the amount to Sell, and see it clear automatically.
Input only a "dot" as the first character and see it automatically change to " 0. " in the input field.
Input the Price and Amount for the Base Currency, and observe the calculated Amount in the "Total" field as the sum of Price multiplied by Amount. The "Sell" button activates if everything is correct.
Edit the Price or/and Amount for the Base Currency, and see the calculated Amount in the "Total" field update according to the new numbers of Price multiplied by Amount. The "Sell" button activates if everything is correct.
Press the activated "Sell" button, and if everything is good, see a popup message stating "Limit Order was successfully created." The fields "Amount" and "Total" refresh to "0," and the "Price" field remains with the last edits. The available Balance in Base currency adjusts accordingly. The "Sell" button is deactivated.
Press 25%, 50%, 75%, or 100% tabs above Base Currency and observe the corresponding percentage of the Available Balance of the Base Currency automatically reflected in the "Amount" field. The "Total" field automatically edits according to the Limit Price and the Amount to Sell.
- Leave the "Amount" input field empty, and observe the "Sell" button deactivated with a
Side of order is 'Sell'
Type of order is 'Limit'
Balance available for the Base Currency according to the selected Market Pair (zero balance for Unauthorized User)
Field "Price" with automatically set price (in Quote Currency and with Currency ID) from the limit sell order, which I had selected (by pressing on it) from the orderbook
Field 'Amount' to sell, with Base Currency ID and "Minimum trade amount" pre-set by default
Tabs to use Available Assets in percent: 25%, 50%, 75%, 100% (deactivated for Unauthorized User)
Field "Total" for the Total sum in Quote Currency
"Sell" button, it has a red color, activated
Use "Limit Sell Order" order form according to "Part 10.8. of User Stories v 1.5.0"
As an Authorized User, I can press on any Limit buy order from the "Buy" part of the orderbook and:
See autofilled changes in the order form with the following details:
Side of order is 'Buy'
Type of order is 'Limit'
Balance available for the Quote Currency according to the selected Market Pair (zero balance for Unauthorized User)
Field "Price" with automatically set price (in Quote Currency and with Currency ID) from the limit buy order, which I had selected (by pressing on it) from the orderbook
Tabs to use Available Assets in percent: 25%, 50%, 75%, 100% (deactivated for Unauthorized User)
Field 'Amount' to buy, with Base Currency ID and "Minimum trade amount" pre-set by default
Field "Total" for the Total sum in Quote Currency
"Buy" button, it has a green color, activated
Use "Limit Buy Order" order form according to "Part 10.7. of User Stories v 1.5.0"
10.2. "Chart" block
In the "Chart" component, I can see the following details:
"Markets" dropdown button
Logos and ID of the Market Pair selected by default
24h changes for the pair in Quote currency: low price, high price; Volume in Base currency
Integrated TradingView toolset
I can click on TradingView tools and:
Customize my Chart Analytics tools
I can press the "Markets" dropdown button and:
Open Markets Selector menu on the left side over the 'Order book' block
I can see the following details in the Markets Selector menu:
Input field for the Market Pair search by ID
"X" button top right to close the Market Selector menu
Navigation tools for the list of Markets
Range tools for 'Market', 'Price', '24h chg'
The list of Market Pairs with the main details for each one:
Star icon as a checkbox to remember market pair (Favourite)
Market pair Currencies IDs
Current Market Price
'24h' Price change in percent (green for positive, red for negative)
Scroll for the list of Markets
I can press the "Star" icon as a checkbox and:
Select/Unselect Market Pair to become "Favourite" or usual
I can press the "X" button top right in Markets Selector menu and:
Close Markets Selector menu
I can press the "Markets" dropdown button and:
Close Markets Selector menu
I can use navigation tools for the list of Markets:
Search by Market ID
"Star" icon as a button to filter/unfilter Markets by "Favorite" or usual
Select tab with Currency ID to filter Markets with such Currency exist
I can use range tools for the list of Markets:
Click on 'Market' and range/arrange the list of market IDs by alphabet order/market position order
Click on 'Price' and range/arrange the list of markets by price from top to bottom - from higher to lower/market position order
Click on '24 h chg' and range/arrange the list of markets by '24h' Price change in percent from top to bottom - from higher to lower/market position order
10.3. "Open orders" tab in 'History' block
As a User, I can press the "Open orders" tab in the "History" block and switch to my 'Open orders' section and:
See the following details:
Selected tab is highlighted
"Cancel All" button
The list of open User's orders for the selected market
Scroll - bar for the list of Open Limit Orders
Main details per each open order:
Timestamp of creation
Market pair with market ID
Side ("Buy" has green color, "Sell" has red color)
Type (Limit order only)
Price (in quote currency)
Amount (in base currency)
Total volume (in quote currency) as Price multiplied by Amount
Percent of Executed part of the limit order
"X" button to cancel the limit order
Press "Cancel All" button and:
See all limit orders for the selected market deleted
Press "X" button per order and:
See the limit order deleted
See a popup notification message "Success: Delete order"
In case there are no open orders for the selected market, I can see:
The text "There are no open orders"
10.4. "Orders history" tab in 'History' block
As a User, I can press the "Orders history" tab in the "History" block and switch to my 'Orders History' section and:
See the following details:
Selected tab is highlighted
The list of orders in history
Scroll - bar for the list of Orders
Main details of each order:
Timestamp of creation
Market pair with market ID
Side ("Buy" has green color, "Sell" has red color)
Type (Limit or Market)
Price (in quote currency). For the Market Order is Average Executed Price
Amount (in base currency)
Percent of Executed part of the limit order
Total volume (in quote currency) as Price multiplied by Amount
Status of order 'Closed' or 'Canceled' or 'Partially executed' (For the Market Order only 'Closed')
In case there are no orders in history, I can see:
The text "No order history"
10.5. "My trades" tab in 'History' block
As a User, I can press the "My trades" tab in the "History" block and switch to my 'Orders History' section and:
See the following details:
Selected tab is highlighted
The list of My trades for the selected Market Pair
Each Trade record from the list has main details:
Timestamp of execution
Side ("Buy" has green color, "Sell" has red color)
Amount (in base currency)
Total volume (in quote currency) as Price multiplied by Amount
In case there is no History of My Trades for the selected market, I can see:
The text "There are no trades to display"
10.6. "Market Buy" Order Form
IIn the "Market Buy" Order form, I can:
See the following details:
Selected tab "Buy" is active
Tab "Sell" on the right to "Buy" tab, not active
Selected Tab "Market" is active
Tab "Limit" is inactive
Balance available in Advanced Trading Wallet for the selected Quote Currency according to the selected Market pair
"Price" field with Market price for the Base Currency (Approximate) according to the selected Market pair
Tabs to use Available Assets in percent: 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%
Field 'Amount' to buy, with Base Currency ID and "0" pre-set by default
Field "Total" for Amount to spend (Approximate, with Quote Currency ID), as a result of Amount multiplied by Price
"Buy" button, it has green color, deactivated
Click on Input field for amount to Buy and see:
Field clearing automatically
Input only "dot" first and see:
See automatically changing to " 0. " in the Input field
Input amount to Buy and see:
See the calculated Amount in "Total" field required to spend on Trade (Approximate) according to Market Price (Observe "Buy" button activated if everything is correct)
Edit amount to Buy and see:
See the calculated Amount in "Total" field required to spend on Trade (Approximate) changing according to Market Price (Observe "Buy" button activated if everything is correct)
Press activated "Buy" button and in case everything is correct:
See popup notification message "Market Order was successfully created".
Fields "Amount" and "Total" refreshed to "0", Available Balance in Quote currency adjusted accordingly.
"Buy" button deactivated.
Press 25% tab above Base Currency and see:
See the 25% of Available Balance of the Quote Currency reflected in "Total" field (Approximate) and "Amount" field automatically edited according to the Market Price and the Amount to Spend
Press 50% tab above Base Currency and see:
See the 50% of Available Balance of the Quote Currency reflected in "Total" field (Approximate) and "Amount" field automatically edited according to the Market Price and the Amount to Spend
Press 75% tab above Base Currency and see:
See the 75% of Available Balance of the Quote Currency reflected in "Total" field (Approximate) and "Amount" field automatically edited according to the Market Price and the Amount to Spend
Press 100% tab above Base Currency and see:
See the 100% of Available Balance of the Quote Currency reflected in "Total" field (Approximate) and "Amount" field automatically edited according to the Market Price and the Amount to Spend
Input amount to Buy that will be higher than Maximum allowed to Buy according to Quote currency Available Balance and see:
See "Buy" button deactivated
Leave "Amount" input field empty and see:
See "Buy" button deactivated and popup message about the minimum amount (from market settings) under the field 'Amount' to buy
Input amount to Buy that will be lower than Minimum allowed to Buy according to Market settings and see:
See "Buy" button deactivated, popup message about the minimum amount (from market settings) under the field 'Amount' to buy
Edit amount to Buy that will be lower than Minimum allowed to Buy according to Market settings and see:
See "Buy" button deactivated, popup message about the minimum amount (from market settings) under the field 'Amount' to buy
Press activated "Buy" button and in case the market has low liquidity and see:
See error popup notification message "Insufficient market liquidity. Failed to create order".
Fields "Amount" and "Total" refreshed to "0".
"Buy" button deactivated.
Press activated "Buy" button, and in case of Quote currency Low Available Balance due to Market Price change and see:
See error popup notification message "Insufficient funds. Failed to create order".
Fields "Amount" and "Total" refreshed to "0".
"Buy" button deactivated.
10.7. "Limit Buy" Order Form
In the "Limit Buy" Order form, I can:
See the following details:
Selected tab "Buy" is active
Tab "Sell" on the right to "Buy" tab, not active
Tab "Market" inactive
Selected Tab "Limit" is active
Balance available in Advanced Trading Wallet for the Quote Currency according to the selected Market Pair
Field "Price" with Quote Currency ID and "0" pre-set by default
Tabs to use Available Assets in percent: 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%
Field 'Amount' to buy, with Base Currency ID and "0" pre-set by default
Field "Total" for the Total sum in Quote Currency
"Buy" button, it has green color, deactivated
Click on the Input field for the price to Buy and see:
Field clearing automatically
Click on the Input field for the amount to Buy and see:
Field clearing automatically
Input only "dot" first and see:
See automatically changing to " 0. " in the Input field
Input Price and Amount for the Base Currency and see:
See the calculated Amount in "Total" field as a sum of Price multiplied by Amount (Observe "Buy" button activated if everything is correct)
Edit Price or/and Amount for the Base Currency and see:
See the calculated Amount in "Total" according to the new numbers of Price multiplied by Amount (Observe "Buy" button activated if everything is correct)
Press activated "Buy" button and in case everything is good:
See the popup message "Limit Order was successfully created".
Fields "Amount" and "Total" refreshed to "0". Field "Price" still with the last edits.
Available Balance in Quote currency adjusted accordingly.
"Buy" button deactivated.
Press 25% tab above Base Currency and see:
See the 25% of Available Balance of the Quote Currency reflected in "Total" field and "Amount" field automatically edited according to the Limit Price and the Amount to Spend
Press 50% tab above Base Currency and see:
See the 50% of Available Balance of the Quote Currency reflected in "Total" field and "Amount" field automatically edited according to the Limit Price and the Amount to Spend
Press 75% tab above Base Currency and see:
See the 75% of Available Balance of the Quote Currency reflected in "Total" field and "Amount" field automatically edited according to the Limit Price and the Amount to Spend
Press 100% tab above Base Currency and see:
See the 100% of Available Balance of the Quote Currency reflected in "Total" field and "Amount" field automatically edited according to the Limit Price and the Amount to Spend
Leave "Amount" input field empty and see:
See "Buy" button deactivated and popup message about the minimum amount (from market settings) under the field 'Amount' to buy
Leave "Price" input field empty and see:
See "Buy" button deactivated, popup message about minimum price - maximum price (from market settings) under the field 'Price' to buy
Input amount to Buy that will be higher than Maximum allowed to Buy according to Quote currency Available Balance and see:
See "Buy" button deactivated
Input only Price for the limit buy order and see:
See "Buy" button deactivated
Input only Amount for the limit buy order and see:
See "Buy" button deactivated
Input amount to Buy that will be lower than Minimum allowed to Buy according to Market settings and see:
See "Buy" button deactivated, popup message about the minimum amount (from market settings) under the field 'Amount' to buy
Edit amount to Buy that will be lower than Minimum allowed to Buy according to Market settings and see:
See "Buy" button deactivated, popup message about the minimum amount (from market settings)
under the field 'Amount' to
Input price to Buy that will be lower than Minimum allowed to Buy according to Market settings and see:
See "Buy" button deactivated, popup message about minimum price - maximum price (from market settings)
under the field 'Price' to
Input an amount to Sell that exceeds the Maximum allowed to Sell according to Base currency Available Balance, and see the "Sell" button deactivated.
Input only the Price for the limit sell order, and see the "Sell" button deactivated.
Input only the Amount for the limit sell order, and see the "Sell" button deactivated.
- Input an amount to Sell that is lower than the Minimum allowed to Sell according to Market settings, and see the "Sell" button deactivated with a popup message about the minimum amount
Edit price to Buy that will be lower than Minimum allowed to Buy according to Market settings and see:
See "Buy" button deactivated, popup message about minimum price - maximum price (from market settings)
under the field '
Price' to
Input price to Buy that will be higher than Maximum allowed to Buy according to Market settings , and see the :
See "
Buy" button deactivated
, popup message about
price - maximum price (from market settings)
under the field '
Price' to
Input a Edit price to Sell that is lower than the Minimum Buy that will be higher than Maximum allowed to Sell Buy according to Market settings , and see the :
See "
Buy" button deactivated
, popup message about
minimum price - maximum price (from market settings)
under the field 'Price' to
Edit a price to Sell that is lower than the Minimum allowed to Sell according to Market settings, and see the "Sell" button deactivated with a popup message about the minimum price - maximum price (from market settings) displayed under the 'Price' to sell.
Input a price to Sell that is higher than the Maximum allowed to Sell according to Market settings, and see the "Sell" button deactivated with a popup message about the minimum price - maximum price (from market settings) displayed under the 'Price' to sell.
Edit a price to Sell that is higher than the Maximum allowed to Sell according to Market settings, and see the "Sell" button deactivated with a popup message about the minimum price - maximum price (from market settings) displayed under the 'Price' to sell.
10.9. "Market Sell" Order Form
In the "Market Sell" Order Form, the user can:
See the following details with the "Buy" tab on the left to the "Sell" tab, which is not active.
Observe the selected tab "Sell" being active and the "Market" tab active, while the "Limit" tab is inactive.
View the balance available in the Advanced Trading Wallet for the Base Currency according to the selected Market Pair.
Find the "Price" field with the Market price for the Base Currency (Approximate) according to the selected Market pair.
Use the 'Amount' field to sell, with the Base Currency ID and "0" pre-set by default.
Utilize tabs for Available Assets in percentages: 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%.
Observe the "Total" field for the Amount to spend (Approximate, with the Quote Currency ID), resulting from the Amount multiplied by Price.
See the "Sell" button, which is red and deactivated initially.
The user can perform the following actions:
Click on the input field for the amount to Sell, and see it clear automatically.
Input only a "dot" as the first character and see it automatically change to " 0. " in the input field.
Input the amount to Sell, and observe the calculated Amount to receive after the Trade (Approximate) in the "Total" field according to Market Price. The "Sell" button activates if everything is correct.
Edit the amount to Sell, and observe the calculated Amount to receive after the Trade (Approximate) in the "Total" field according to Market Price. The "Sell" button activates if everything is correct.
Press the activated "Sell" button, and if everything is correct, see a popup notification message stating "Market Order was successfully created." The fields "Amount" and "Total" refresh to "0", and the Available Balance in Base currency adjusts accordingly. The "Sell" button is deactivated.
Press 25%, 50%, 75%, or 100% tabs above Base Currency and observe the corresponding percentage of the Available Balance of the Base Currency automatically reflected in the "Amount" field. The "Total" field (Approximate) automatically edits according to the Market Price and the Amount to Sell.
Input an amount to Sell that exceeds the Maximum allowed to Sell according to Base currency Available Balance, and see the "Sell" button deactivated.
Leave the "Amount" input field empty, and observe the "Sell" button deactivated with a popup message about the minimum amount (from market settings) displayed under the 'Amount' to sell.
Input an amount to Sell that is lower than the Minimum allowed to Sell according to Market settings, and see the "Sell"
button deactivated with a popup message about the minimum amount (from market settings) displayed under the 'Amount' to sell.
Edit an amount to Sell that is lower than the Minimum allowed to Sell according to Market settings, and see the "Sell" button deactivated with a popup message about the minimum amount (from market settings) displayed under the 'Amount' to sell.
Press the activated "Sell" button, and in case the market has low liquidity, see an error popup notification message stating "Insufficient market liquidity. Failed to create order." The fields "Amount" and "Total" refresh to "0", and the "Sell" button is deactivated.
10.10. "Recent Trades" Block
In the "Recent Trades" block, the user can:
View the list of trades for the selected Market Pair.
Each trade record in the list has main details, including:
Price ("Buy" has green color, "Sell" has red color).
Timestamp of execution.
If there are no recent trades, the user will see a blurred image for the list of trades.
11. Profile & Settings
As an Authorized User on the User Profile Menu Page:
11.1. "Settings" Section
In the "Settings" section, a user can:
See the selected tab highlighted, with the text on it changing color.
Observe two 2FA status options, initially set to 'Disabled.'
Find a toggle for 2FA in the "off" position with a red color.
Access the "Change Password" portion to change the password.
11.2. 2FA Toggle in 'Disabled' Status to Enable 2FA
As a User, pressing the 2FA toggle in 'Disabled' status enables 2FA and:
Opens the "2FA Activation" modal window.
Presents details such as the Google Authenticator app logo, "2FA Activation" in the header, a text proposition to use the app for a secret 2FA code, a QR code to scan, an input field for the 2FA code, and an "X" button to close the modal window.
The user can scan the QR code using the Google Authenticator app, input the correct secret 2FA code, and see a popup notification message stating "2FA is successfully enabled." The modal window for 2FA closes, and the toggle for 2FA is in the "on" position with a green color.
If an incorrect secret 2FA code is input, a popup error notification message displays, indicating "2FA code is wrong."
11.3. 2FA Toggle in 'Enabled' Status to Disable 2FA
As a User, pressing the 2FA toggle in 'Enabled' status to disable 2FA:
Opens the "Disable 2FA" modal window.
Displays details including the Google Authenticator app logo, "Disable 2FA" in the header, a text proposition to enter the 2FA code, an input field for the 2FA code, and an "X" button to close the modal window.
Inputting the correct secret 2FA code results in a popup notification message stating "2FA is successfully disabled." The modal window for disabling 2FA closes, and the toggle for 2FA is in the "off" position with a red color.
If an incorrect secret 2FA code is input, a popup error notification message displays, indicating "2FA code is wrong."
11.4. "API Keys" Portion
As a User, pressing the "API Keys" portion:
Opens the API Keys page.
Displays a " + Create New API Key" button on top and a list of existing API keys with details such as description, timestamp for expiration, and a "Delete" button.
If there are no API keys, the user sees the text "No API Keys."
11.4.1. Create API Key
As a User, pressing the " + Create New API Key" button:
Turns the button into an input field.
Displays a text prompt to input a new API key description.
Activates the "Create" button to the right of the input field when a description is input.
After pressing the activated "Create" button, opens the "2FA Confirmation" modal window.
The modal window shows details for 2FA confirmation, including the Google Authenticator app logo, a proposition to use the app for a secret 2FA code, an input field for the 2FA code, and an "X" button to close the modal window.
Inputting the correct secret 2FA code results in a popup notification message stating "New API Key Created." The modal window for 2FA confirmation closes, and the user is returned to the API Keys page, where a new API Key is created.
Pressing the "Copy" icon allows the user to copy the API token to the clipboard, and a popup notification message confirms "API Token Copied."
Pressing the "X" button below the "New API Token Created" modal window closes the modal window.
11.4.2. Delete API Key
As a User, pressing the "Delete" button:
Opens the "2FA Confirmation" modal window.
Inputting the correct secret 2FA code results in a popup notification message stating "API Key Deleted." The modal window for 2FA confirmation closes, and the user is returned to the API Keys page, where the deleted API key is removed.
If an incorrect secret 2FA code is input, a popup error notification message displays, indicating "2FA code is wrong."
Pressing the "X" button below the "2FA Confirmation" modal window closes the modal window.
If 2FA is not enabled, pressing the "Delete" button opens the "2FA Activation is Required" modal window. Pressing "Activate Now" allows the user to activate 2FA (See part 11.2 of User Stories v 1.5.0). Pressing the "X" button below the "2FA Activation is Required" form closes the modal window and returns to the API Keys page.
11.5. "Change Password" Portion
As a user, when clicking on the "Change Password" portion:
Opens the "Change Password" modal window.
Displays details such as the "Change Password" header, input fields for Old Password, New Password, and Confirm New Password, a "Submit" button (inactive until the fields are filled), and an "X" button to close the modal window.
The user can input the old password, new password, and confirm the new password.
Pressing the "Eye" icon as a button on the right of the input field allows the user to make the old password, new password, and confirmation of the new password visible or hidden.
Pressing the "Submit" button without any mistakes in the password results in a popup notification message stating "Password changed successfully." The modal window closes, and the user is forwarded to the Authorization Page.
If the "Submit" button is pressed with empty fields or creating a weak password, an error popup message appears, providing the password requirements. Empty fields or fields with mistakes are highlighted with a red border.
Pressing the "X" button below the modal window closes the "Change Password" modal window.
11.6. "Details" Tab
As a user, pressing the "Details" tab:
Switches to the Details Section of the User Profile Menu.
The selected tab is highlighted, and the text on it changes color.
Displays the "History" portion and "Open Orders" portion.
11.7. "History" Portion
As a user, when clicking on the "History" portion:
Redirects to the Full Operations History page of the User Profile Menu.
Presents sections including the Filters Section on the left side, a list of Operations History Section in the middle, and a Details Section per the selected Operation on the right side.
If there is no history yet, a screen with the text "No history of operations. Deposit, buy, sell, trade or transfer and make history" is displayed.
11.7.1. "Filter" Section
In the "Filter" Section, a user can:
See the "Filters" header.
Utilize the "Date" filter for the date range, including a "Calendar" icon to set the dates, a "Type" filter with operation tags, an input field in the "Currencies" filter to search currency by ID, a "Currencies" filter with checkboxes, a search field for the "Currencies" filter, an "Apply" button, and a "Reset filter" text as a button.
Press the "Calendar" icon to open the "Date Selector" form.
Select 'Date from' (Start date) and 'Date to' (End date).
Press "Set Range" and "Apply" to see the selected date range applied to the filter. Pressing "X" clears the date range.
Select operation tags such as "Deposit," "Withdraw," "Swap," "Trade," "Staking," or "Referral" to filter the history accordingly.
Select a specific currency using checkboxes and press "Apply" to filter by currency.
Press "Reset filter" to reset all filters for the Operations History.
11.7.2. "History" Section
In the "History" section, a user can:
See the following details:
"History" header
The list of all Operations Records
A scroll bar for the list of Operations Records
Main Details of each Operation Record:
Name by Type
Side for Trade operations ("Buy" has green color, "Sell" has red color)
Timestamp of operation
Currency(ies) ID(s)
Select any Operation Record from the list of Operations and:
See the Operation record highlighted with the text changing color.
See Detailed description of the selected Operation Record in the "Details" section on the right.
11.7.3. Details Section
In the "Details" section, a user can:
For selected "Deposit" operation:
See the following details:
"Details" header
"Currency" line with Logo and ID of Currency
"Network" line with the name of the Network and ID of Currency in case of a token deposit operation
"Date" line with the date and time of operation
10.8. "Limit Sell" Order Form
In the "Limit Sell" Order form, I can:
See the following details:
Tab "Buy" on the left to "Sell" tab, not active
Selected tab "Sell" is active
Tab "Market" inactive
Selected Tab "Limit" is active
Balance available in Advanced Trading Wallet for the Base Currency according to the selected Market Pair
Field "Price" with Quote Currency ID and "0" pre-set by default
Field 'Amount' to sell, with Base Currency ID and "0" pre-set by default
Tabs to use Available Assets in percent: 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%
Field "Total" for the Total sum in Quote Currency
"Sell" button, it has red color, deactivated
Click on the Input field for price to Sell and see:
Field clearing automatically
Click on the Input field for the amount to Sell and see:
Field clearing automatically
Input only "dot" first and see:
See automatically changing to " 0. " in the Input field
Input Price and Amount for the Base Currency and see:
See the calculated Amount in "Total" field as a sum of Price multiplied by Amount (Observe "Sell" button activated if everything is correct)
Edit Price or/and Amount for the Base Currency and see:
See the calculated Amount in "Total" according to the new numbers of Price multiplied by Amount (Observe "Sell" button activated if everything is correct)
Press activated "Sell" button and in case everything is good:
See the popup message "Limit Order was successfully created".
Fields "Amount" and "Total" refreshed to "0". Field "Price" still with the last edits.
Available Balance in Base currency adjusted accordingly.
"Sell" button deactivated.
Press 25% tab above Base Currency and see:
See the 25% of Available Balance of the Base Currency automatically reflected in "Amount" field and "Total" field automatically edited according to the Limit Price and the Amount to Sell
Press 50% tab above Base Currency and see:
See the 50% of Available Balance of the Base Currency automatically reflected in "Amount" field and "Total" field automatically edited according to the Limit Price and the Amount to Sell
Press 75% tab above Base Currency and see:
See the 75% of Available Balance of the Base Currency automatically reflected in "Amount" field and "Total" field automatically edited according to the Limit Price and the Amount to Sell
Press 100% tab above Base Currency and see:
See the 100% of Available Balance of the Base Currency automatically reflected in "Amount" field and "Total" field automatically edited according to the Limit Price and the Amount to Sell
Leave "Amount" input field empty and see:
See "Sell" button deactivated and popup message about the minimum amount (from market settings) under the field 'Amount' to sell
Leave "Price" input field empty and see:
See "Sell" button deactivated, popup message about minimum price - maximum price (from market settings) under the field 'Price' to sell
Input amount to Sell that will be higher than Maximum allowed to Sell according to Base currency Available Balance and see:
See "Sell" button deactivated
Input only Price for the limit sell order and see:
See "Sell" button deactivated
Input only Amount for the limit sell order and see:
See "Sell" button deactivated
Input amount to Sell that will be lower than Minimum allowed to Sell according to Market settings and see:
See "Sell" button deactivated, popup message about the minimum amount (from market settings) under the field 'Amount' to sell
Edit amount to Sell that will be lower than Minimum allowed to Sell according to Market settings and see:
See "Sell" button deactivated, popup message about the minimum amount (from market settings) under the field 'Amount' to sell
Input price to Sell that will be lower than Minimum allowed to Sell according to Market settings and see:
See "Sell" button deactivated, popup message about minimum price - maximum price (from market settings) under the field 'Price' to sell
Edit price to Sell that will be lower than Minimum allowed to Sell according to Market settings and see:
See "Sell" button deactivated, popup message about minimum price - maximum price (from market settings) under the field 'Price' to sell
Input price to Sell that will be higher than Maximum allowed to Sell according to Market settings and see:
See "Sell" button deactivated, popup message about minimum price - maximum price (from market settings) under the field 'Price' to sell
Edit price to Sell that will be higher than Maximum allowed to Sell according to Market settings and see:
See "Sell" button deactivated, popup message about minimum price - maximum price (from market settings) under the field 'Price' to sell.
10.9. "Market Sell" Order Form
In the "Market Sell" Order form, I can:
See the following details:
Tab "Buy" on the left to "Sell" tab, not active
Selected tab "Sell" is active
Selected tab "Market" is active
Tab "Limit" inactive
Balance available in Advanced Trading Wallet for the Base Currency according to the selected Market Pair
"Price" field with Market price for the Base Currency (Approximate) according to the selected Market pair
Field 'Amount' to sell, with Base Currency ID and "0" pre-set by default
Tabs to use Available Assets in percent: 25% 50% 75% 100%
Field "Total" for Amount to spend (Approximate, with Quote Currency ID), as a result of Amount multiplied by Price
"Sell" button, it has red color, deactivated
Click on Input field for the amount to Sell and see:
Field clearing automatically
Input only "dot" first and see:
See automatically changing to " 0. " in the Input field
Input amount to Sell and see:
See the calculated Amount to receive after the Trade (Approximate) in "Total" field according to Market Price (Observe "Sell" button activated if everything is correct)
Edit amount to Sell and see:
See the calculated Amount to receive after the Trade (Approximate) in "Total" field according to Market Price (Observe "Sell" button activated if everything is correct)
Press activated "Sell" button and in case everything is correct:
See the popup notification message "Market Order was successfully created".
Fields "Amount" and "Total" refreshed to "0", Available Balance in Base currency adjusted accordingly.
"Sell" button deactivated.
Press 25% tab above Base Currency and see:
See the 25% of Available Balance of the Base Currency automatically reflected in "Amount" field and "Total" field (Approximate) automatically edited according to the Market Price and the Amount to Sell
Press 50% tab above Base Currency and see:
See the 50% of Available Balance of the Base Currency automatically reflected in "Amount" field and "Total" field (Approximate) automatically edited according to the Market Price and the Amount to Sell
Press 75% tab above Base Currency and see:
See the 75% of Available Balance of the Base Currency automatically reflected in "Amount" field and "Total" field (Approximate) automatically edited according to the Market Price and the Amount to Sell
Press 100% tab above Base Currency and see:
See the 100% of Available Balance of the Base Currency automatically reflected in "Amount" field and "Total" field (Approximate) automatically edited according to the Market Price and the Amount to Sell
Input amount to Sell that will be higher than Maximum allowed to Sell according to Base currency Available Balance and see:
See "Sell" button deactivated
Leave "Amount" input field empty and see:
See "Sell" button deactivated and popup message about the minimum amount (from market settings) under the field 'Amount' to sell
Input amount to Sell that will be lower than Minimum allowed to Sell according to Market settings and see:
See "Sell" button deactivated, popup message about the minimum amount (from market settings) under the field 'Amount' to sell
Edit amount to Sell that will be lower than Minimum allowed to Sell according to Market settings and see:
See "Sell" button deactivated, popup message about the minimum amount (from market settings) under the field 'Amount' to sell
Press activated "Sell" button and in case the market has low liquidity:
See an error popup notification message "Insufficient market liquidity. Failed to create order".
Fields "Amount" and "Total" refreshed to "0". "Sell" button deactivated.
10.10. "Recent Trades" Block
In the "Recent trades" block, I can see the following details:
The list of Trades for the selected Market Pair
Each Trade record from the list has main details:
Price ("Buy" has green color, "Sell" has red color)
Timestamp of execution
In case there are no recent trades, I can see a blurred image for the list of trades.
11. Profile & Settings
As an Authorized User on the User Profile Menu Page, you can:
See main User information:
User's Name (just "User" if not passed KYC) and email address
Selected tab "User" or "User's Name" (after KYC is completed) is highlighted, and the text on it changes color
See Sections:
Tab "Settings"
Tab "Details"
Tab "Verification"
Press "Logout" button and:
Log out from the User Account and go to the Authorization Page
11.1. "Settings" Section
In the "Settings" section as a User, I can see:
The selected tab is highlighted, and the text on it changes color.
2FA (Two-Factor Authentication) Status options, 'Disabled' by default.
Toggle for 2FA is in the "off" position and has red color.
"Change Password" portion to change the password.
11.2. 2FA Toggle in 'Disabled' Status to Enable 2FA
As a User, I can press 2FA Toggle in 'Disabled' status to Enable 2FA and open the "2FA Activation" modal window.
In the modal window, I should see the following details:
Google Authenticator app logo and "2FA Activation" in the header.
A text proposition to "1. Use Google Authenticator app to enter secret 2FA code."
A QR code to scan.
A text proposition to "2. Enter your 2FA code from the app."
An input field for the 2FA code.
An "X" button below the main form to close the modal window.
To complete the activation process, I need to:
Scan the QR code using the Google Authenticator app on my phone, tablet, etc.
Get the secret 2FA code in the app.
Input the correct secret 2FA code in the field.
If the input is correct, I should:
See a popup notification message "2FA is successfully enabled."
See the modal window for 2FA closing.
Notice that the Toggle for 2FA has the "on" position and is in green color.
If the input is incorrect, I should:
See a popup error notification message "2FA code is wrong."
11.3. 2FA Toggle in 'Enabled' Status to Disable 2FA
As a User, I can press the 2FA Toggle in 'Enabled' status to Disable 2FA and open the "Disable 2FA" modal window.
In the modal window, I should see the following details:
Google Authenticator app logo and "Disable 2FA" in the header.
The text proposition "Please enter your 2FA code."
An input field for the 2FA code.
An "X" button below the main form to close the modal window.
To complete the disabling process, I need to:
Input the correct secret 2FA code in the field.
If the input is correct, I should:
See a popup notification message "2FA is successfully disabled."
See the modal window for 2FA closing.
Notice that the Toggle for 2FA has the "off" position and is in red color.
If the input is incorrect, I should:
See a popup error notification message "2FA code is wrong."
11.4. "API Keys" Portion
As a User, I can click on the "API Keys" portion and open the API Keys page.
In the main form, I should see the following details:
A "+ Create New API Key" button on the top.
A list of my API keys with the following details for each one:
Description for API key
Timestamp for the expiration of the API key
A "Delete" button
A scroll bar for the list of API keys.
In case there are no API keys, I should see the text "No API Keys."
11.4.1. Create API Key
As a user, I can press the "+ Create New API Key" button and see the following details:
"+ Create New API Key" button on top becomes an input field.
Text prompt "Input New API Key Description" in the input field.
"Create" button to the right of the input field, deactivated in case of an empty input field.
I can input a description for a new API key and see the "Create" button activated.
I can press the activated "Create" button and open the "2FA Confirmation" modal window.
See the following details in the modal window:
Google Authenticator app logo and "2FA Confirmation" in header.
The text proposition to "Use Google Authenticator app to enter secret 2FA 6-digit code."
Input field for the 2 FA code.
"X" button below the modal window "2FA Confirmation" form.
Input correct secret 2 FA code in the field and see the following details in the "New API Token Created" modal window:
"New API Token Created" header.
The notice text "Do not publish or share your personal secret API token. You will not be able to view it again once you close this window, so be sure to copy and record it securely."
Field with generated personal API token.
"Copy" icon as a button to copy API token.
See popup notification message "New API Key Created."
"X" button below the "New API Token Created" modal window.
Press "Copy" icon and:
Copy the API token to the clipboard.
See popup notification message "API Token Copied."
Press "X" button below the "New API Token Created" modal window and:
Close the "New API Token Created" modal window.
Get back to API Keys page and observe a new API Key created in the list of my API keys with main details (see part 11.4 of User Stories v 1.5.0).
Input incorrect secret 2 FA code in the field and:
See popup error notification message "2 FA code is wrong."
Press "X" button below the modal window "2FA Confirmation" and:
Close the modal window "2FA Confirmation."
Get back to API Keys page.
Press "+ Create New API Key" button in case 2FA is not enabled and:
Open "2FA Activation is Required" modal window with the following details:
Google Authenticator app logo and "2FA Activation is Required" in header.
The notice text "Please activate Two Factor Authentication to create API key."
"Activate Now" button.
"X" button below the "2FA Activation is Required" form as a modal window.
Press "Activate Now" button and:
Use "2FA Activation" form (See part 11.2 of User Stories v 1.5.0).
Press "X" button below the "2FA Activation is Required" form and:
Close the modal window "2FA Activation is Required."
Get back to API Keys page.
11.4.2. Delete API key
As a user, I can press the "Delete" button and:
Open the "2FA Confirmation" modal window.
See the following details in the modal window:
Google Authenticator app logo and "2FA Confirmation" in the header.
The text proposition to "Use Google Authenticator app to enter secret 2FA 6-digit code."
Input field for the 2 FA code.
"X" button below the modal window "2FA Confirmation" form.
Input correct secret 2 FA code in the field and:
See "2FA Confirmation" modal window closing.
Go back to the API Keys page.
See popup notification message "API Key Deleted."
Observe the API Key was deleted from the list of my API keys.
Input incorrect secret 2 FA code in the field and:
See popup error notification message "2 FA code is wrong."
Press "X" button below the modal window "2FA Confirmation" and:
Close the modal window "2FA Confirmation."
Get back to the API Keys page.
Press "Delete" button in case 2FA is not enabled and:
Open "2FA Activation is Required" modal window with the following details:
Google Authenticator app logo and "2FA Activation is Required" in the header.
The notice text "Activate Two Factor Authentication
to delete the API key."
"Activate Now" button.
"X" button below the "2FA Activation is Required" form as a modal window.
Press "Activate Now" button and:
Use "2FA Activation" form (See part 11.2 of User Stories v 1.5.0).
Press "X" button below the "2FA Activation is Required" form and:
Close the modal window "2FA Activation is Required."
Get back to the API Keys page.
11.5. "Change Password" Portion
As a user, I can click on the "Change Password" portion and:
Open the "Change Password" modal window.
See the following details in the modal window:
"Change Password" header.
Input field for the Old Password.
Input field for the New Password.
Input field to Confirm New Password.
"Submit" button (inactive until the fields are filled with information).
"X" button below the main form to close the modal window.
I can change the password:
Input Old password.
Input New password.
Input New password one more time to confirm.
Press on the "Eye" icon as a button on the right of the input field and:
Make the old password visible or hidden.
Make the new password visible or hidden.
Make the confirmation of the new password visible or hidden.
Press the "Submit" button without any mistakes in the password and:
See popup notification message "Password changed successfully."
Observe the modal window closing and forwarding to the Authorization Page.
Press the "Submit" button and leave an empty field for the password or create a weak password:
See an error popup message: "Your password must meet the following requirements:
Minimum length of 8 characters.
At least one number.
At least one symbol.
At least one uppercase letter."Empty fields or fields with mistakes have a red border.
Press the "X" button below the modal window and:
Close the modal window "Change Password."
11.6. "Details" Tab
As a user, I can press the "Details" tab and:
Switch to the Details Section of the User Profile Menu.
See the following:
The selected tab is highlighted, and the text on it changes color.
"History" portion.
"Open Orders" portion.
11.7. "History" Portion
As a user, I can click on the "History" portion and:
Go to the Full Operations History page of the User Profile Menu.
See the following sections:
Filters Section on the left side.
List of Operations History Section in the middle.
Details Section per selected Operation on the right side.
See the following if there is no history yet:
Screen with the text "No history of operations. Deposit, buy, sell, trade or transfer and make history."
11.7.1. "Filter" Section
In the "Filter" Section as a user, I can:
See the following details:
"Filters" header.
"Date" filter for Date Range.
"Calendar" icon as a button to set the dates range.
"Type" filter with operations tags:
"Deposit" filter tag.
"Withdraw" filter tag.
"Swap" filter tag.
"Trade" filter tag.
"Staking" filter tag.
"Referral" filter tag.
Input field in "Currencies" filter to search currency by ID.
"Currencies" filter with "Checkbox" per all available Currencies.
Search field for "Currencies" filter.
"Apply" button.
"Reset filter" text as a button.
Press the "Calendar" icon as a button and:
Open "Date Selector" form.
Select 'Date from' (Start date).
Select 'Date to' (End date).
Press "Set Range" button, press "Apply" button and:
See "Date Selector" form closing and get back to "Filter" section with the Dates Range I set.
See all operations shown in "History" Section within the selected period.
See screen with the text "No history of operations. Deposit, buy, sell, trade or transfer and make history" if there is no operation during the selected period.
Press "X" button near the selected Dates Range and:
See the Dates filter is not applied anymore, "Calendar" icon is back providing the opportunity to select the new Dates for filter.
Select "Deposit" filter tag, press "Apply" button and:
Selected tag is highlighted, and text on it changes color.
See filtered history of all Deposit operations in "History" section.
See screen with the text "No history of operations. Deposit, buy, sell, trade or transfer and make history" if there is no Deposit operation.
Select "Withdraw" filter tag, press "Apply" button and:
Selected tag is highlighted, and text on it changes color.
See filtered history of all Withdraw operations in "History" section.
See screen with the text "No history of operations. Deposit, buy, sell, trade or transfer and make history" if there is no Withdraw operation.
Select "Swap" filter tag, press "Apply" button and:
Selected tag is highlighted, and text on it changes color.
See filtered history of all Swap operations in "History" section.
See screen with the text "No history of operations. Deposit, buy, sell, trade or transfer and make history" if there is no Swap operation.
Select "Trade" filter tag, press "Apply" button and:
Selected tag is highlighted, and text on it changes color.
See filtered history of all Advanced Trading operations in "History" section.
See screen with the text "No history of operations. Deposit, buy, sell, trade or transfer and make history" if there is no Trading operation.
Select "Staking" filter tag, press "Apply" button and:
Selected tag is highlighted, and text on it changes color.
See filtered history of all Staking Rewards operations in "History" section.
See screen with the text "No history of operations. Deposit, buy, sell, trade or transfer and make history" if there is no Staking operation.
Select "Referral" filter tag, press "Apply" button and:
Selected tag is highlighted, and text on it changes color.
See filtered history of all Referral Rewards operations in "History" section.
See screen with the text "No history of operations. Deposit, buy, sell, trade or transfer and make history" if there is no Referral operation.
Press "Checkbox" to select a Currency from the list, press "Apply" button and:
See filtered History of all Operations with the selected currency.
See screen with the text "No history of operations. Deposit, buy, sell, trade or transfer and make history" if there is no operation with the selected Currency.
Press "Reset filter" text as a button and:
Reset all filters for Operations History.
11.7.2. "History" Section
In the "History" section, as a user, I can:
See the following:
"History" header.
The list of all Operations Records.
Scroll-bar for the list of Operations Records.
Main Details of each Operation Record:
Name by Type.
Side for Trade operations ("Buy" has green color, "Sell" has red color).
Timestamp of operation.
Currency(ies) ID(s).
Select any Operation Record from the list of Operations and:
See the Operation record highlighted, and the text changes color.
See Detailed description of the selected Operation Record in "Details" section on the right.
11.7.3. Details Section
In the "Details" section, as a user, I can:
See the following details for selected "Deposit" operation:
"Details" header.
"Currency" line with Logo and ID of Currency.
"Network" line with the name of the Network and ID of Currency in case of token deposit operation.
"Date" line with the date and time of operation.
"Type" line with the type of operation.
"Amount" line with the amount and ID of Currency.
"Fee" line with the fee amount and ID of Currency.
"Status" line for the deposit operation status ("Success" has green color).
"Blockchain Transaction" link (to explorer) in case of a successful deposit operation.
Press "Blockchain Transaction" link (to explorer) and:
See a new tab opening to review transaction details on the blockchain explorer.
See the following details for selected "Withdraw" operation:
"Details" header.
"Currency" line with Logo and ID of Currency.
"Network" line with the name of the Network and ID of Currency in case of token withdrawal operation.
"Date" line with the date and time of operation.
"Type" line with the type of operation.
"Amount" line with the amount and ID of Currency.
"Fee" line with the fee amount and ID of Currency.
"Status" line for the withdrawal operation status ("Success" has green color, "Processing" and "Admin Review" have yellow color, "Rejected" has red color).
"Blockchain Transaction" link (to explorer) in case of a successful withdrawal operation.
Press "Blockchain Transaction" link (to explorer) and:
See a new tab opening to review transaction details on the blockchain explorer.
See the following details for selected "Swap" operation:
"Details" header.
"Market pair" line with Logos and IDs of Currencies.
"Date" line with the date and time of operation.
"Type" line with the type of operation.
"Sell" line with the amount and ID of Currency.
"Buy" line with the amount and ID of Currency.
"Rate" line with the rate for the selected Market Pair.
See the following details for selected "Trade" operation:
"Details" header.
"Market pair" line with Logos and IDs of the Currency pair.
"Date" line with the date and time of operation.
"Type" line with the type of operation.
"Side" line with the side name of the Trading ("Buy" has green color, "Sell" has red color).
"Price" line with the trading price in the quote currency.
"Amount" line with the amount and ID of Currency (Base Currency).
FeeTotal" line with the
feeamount and ID of Currency
"Status" line for the deposit operation status ("Success" has green color)
"Blockchain Transaction" link (to explorer) in case of a successful deposit operation
Press "Blockchain Transaction" link (to explorer) and:
See a new tab opening to review transaction details on the blockchain explorer
For selected "Withdraw" operation:
See the following details:
"Details" header
"Currency" line with Logo and ID of Currency
"Network" line with the name of the Network and ID of Currency in case of a token withdrawal operation
(Quote Currency).
See the following details for selected "Staking" operation:
"Details" header.
"Currency" line with Logo and ID of Currency.
"Date" line with the date and time of operation.
"Type" line with the type of operation.
"Amount" line with the amount and ID of Currency.
"Fee" line with the fee amount and ID of Currency
"Status" line for the withdrawal operation status ("Success" has green color, "Processing" and "Admin Review" have yellow color, "Rejected" has red color)
"Blockchain Transaction" link (to explorer) in case of a successful withdrawal operation
Press "Blockchain Transaction" link (to explorer) and:
See a new tab opening to review transaction details on the blockchain explorer
For selected "Swap" operation:
See the following details:
See the following details for selected "Referral" operation:
"Details" header.
Market pairCurrency" line with
LogosLogo and
IDsID of
"Date" line with the date and time of operation.
"Type" line with the type of operation.
SellAmount" line with the amount and ID of Currency.
BuyStatus" line
with the amount and ID of Currency"Rate" line with the rate for the selected Market Pair
for the Referral Reward operation status ("Success" has green color).
11.8. "Open Orders" Portion
As a user, I can click on the "Open Orders" portion and:
Open the 'Orders history' page.
See the following details:
Tab "
Details" header"Market pair" line with Logos and IDs of Currency pair
"Date" line with the date and time of operation
"Type" line with the type of operation
"Side" line with the side name of the Trading Selected tab is highlighted.
Tab "Orders History" on the right to "Open Orders."
The list of open orders.
Scroll-bar for the list of Open Limit Orders.
Main details per each open order:
Timestamp of creation.
Market pair with market ID.
Side ("Buy" has green color, "Sell" has red color).
Type (Limit order only).
"Price" line with the trading price in the quote currency
"Amount" line with the amount and ID of Currency (Base Currency)
"Total" line with the amount and ID of Currency (Quote Currency)
Open Orders" selected by default.
For selected "Staking" operation:
See the following details:
"Details" header
"Currency" line with Logo and ID of Currency
"Date" line with the date and time of operation
"Type" line with the type of operation
"Amount" line with the amount and ID of Currency
For selected "Referral" operation:
See the following details:
"Details" header
"Currency" line with Logo and ID of Currency
"Date" line with the date and time of operation
"Type" line with the type of operation
"Amount" line with the amount and ID of Currency
"Status" line for the Referral Reward operation status ("Success" has green color)
11.8. "Open Orders" Portion
As a user, when clicking on the "Open Orders" portion:
Opens the 'Orders history' page.
Sees the following details:
Tab "Open Orders" selected by default.
Selected tab highlighted.
Tab "Orders History" on the right to "Open Orders."
The list of open orders.
A scroll bar for the list of Open Limit Orders.
Main details per each open order:
Timestamp of creation
Market pair with market ID
Price (in quote currency).
Amount (in base currency).
Total volume (in quote currency) as Price multiplied by Amount.
Percent of Executed part of the limit order.
"X" button to cancel the limit order.
As a user, I can observe 'Pagination' is available for content-rich pages where data cannot be displayed on a single page to simplify navigation across data:
"Page Number" navigate to the desired page.
"Right Arrow" 'forward' button to go to the next page.
"Left Arrow" 'back' button to go to the previous page.
Input number of the page in the field 'Go to ... page' and press "Enter" to go to the required page.
"Drop Down" select the amount of data to display on the page.
In case there are no open orders, I can see:
The text "There is no information to display it here yet. Please try creating a limit or market order."
Press "X" button per order and:
See the order deleted and a popup notification message "Success delete order."
Press "Orders History" tab and:
Switch to the Orders History section.
Selected tab is highlighted.
The list of orders in history.
Scroll-bar for the list of Orders.
Main details of each order:
Timestamp of creation.
Market pair with market ID.
Side ("Buy" has green color, "Sell" has red color).
Type (Limit
order onlyor Market).
Price (in quote currency). For the Market Order is Average Executed Price.
Amount (in base currency).
Percent of Executed part of the limit order.
Total volume (in quote currency) as Price multiplied by Amount.
Percent of Executed part of the limit order
"X" button to cancel the limit order.
Status of order 'Closed' or 'Canceled' or 'Partially executed' (For the Market Order only 'Closed').
As a user, I can observe 'Pagination' is available for content-rich pages where data cannot be displayed on a single page to simplify navigation across data
"Page Number"
tonavigate to the desired page.
"Right Arrow" 'forward' button to go to the next page.
"Left Arrow" 'back' button to go to the previous page.
Input number of the page in the field 'Go to ... page' and press "Enter" to go to the required page.
"Drop Down"
toselect the amount of data to display on the page.
In case there are no
in history, I can see:
The text "There is no information to display here yet. Please try creating a limit or market order."
Pressing the "X" button per order results in the order being deleted, and a popup notification message stating "Success delete order."
Pressing the "Orders History" tab switches to the Orders History section, where the selected tab is highlighted, and the user can see the list of orders in history.it here yet. Please try creating a limit or market order."
11.9. "Referral" Portion
As a User, when clicking user, I can click on the "Referrals" portion and:
Open the Referrals page.
See the following features and options:
"Referral Code" Section:section with main details
'Referral Code' header.
A. 'Referral code' field with:'Code' icon.
Referral code, generated by the system.
'Copy' icon as a button.
B. 'Referral link' field with:'Link' icon.
Generated unique Referral Link to invite referrals (Once User has the referral link, it can be shared in various means).
'Copy' icon as a button.
"My Referrals" Section:referrals" section to monitor referrals amount by levels
'Level 1': This represents User's direct referrals. These are individuals who signed up using User's unique referral link. The 'Level 1' field shows the total number or amount of referrals you've directly brought in.
'Level 2': This level refers to the referrals made by the people User directly referred (Level 1 referrals). The 'Level 2' field displays the total number or amount of referrals that User's Level 1 referrals have generated.
'Level 3': Continuing the tiered structure, 'Level 3' represents referrals made by the individuals User indirectly referred through User's Level 2 referrals. The field displays the total number or amount of referrals at this level.
'Level 4': Similarly, 'Level 4' indicates the referrals made by those who were indirectly referred through User's Level 3 referrals. The field shows the total number or amount of referrals on this level.
'Level 5': refers Refers to the referrals made by individuals who were indirectly referred through User's Level 4 referrals. The 'Level 5' field displays the total number or amount of referrals on this level.
Press "Copy"
icon in 'Referral code' field and:
Copy the generated Referral code to
See popup notification message "Copied."
Press "Copy" icon in 'Referral link' field and:
Copy the generated unique Referral link to
See popup notification message "Copied."
11.10. "Verification" Tab
As a User, when pressing user, I can press the "Verification" tab and:
Switch to the Verification Section of the User Profile Menu.
See the following details on the "Verification" Section:
Selected Tab is highlighted, and text on it changes color.
"Email verification" portion with an icon.
"Verify" button in the "Email verification" portion.
"Phone verification" portion with an icon.
"Verify" button (deactivated) in the "Phone verification" portion.
"Identity verification" portion with an icon.
"Verify" button (deactivated) in the "Identity verification" portion.
Press "Verify" deactivated button in "Phone verification" portion and:
See a popup notification message "Pass the verification of the points above."
Press "Verify" deactivated button
in "Identity verification" portion and:
See a popup notification message "Pass the verification of the points above."
11.10.1. Email Verification
As a User, when verifying user, I can verify my email:
Press "Verify" button in "Email verification" line
See a popup notification message "Email was sent to address [User's email address]."
External action required:
- Press "Confirm Email" button in the email received.
After pressing "Confirm Email" button in the email received I can:
See page refreshing, popup notification "Your email is Verified, Thank you."
See "Verify" button in "Email verification" line changed to "Verified" status with a positive checkbox icon.
See "Verify" button in "Phone verification" line is activated.
11.10.2. Phone Number Verification
As a user with "Verified Email" status, I can verify my phone number:
Press "Verify" button in "Phone verification" line
11.10.2. Phone Number Verification
As a User with "Verified Email" Status:
Press "Verify" button in "Phone verification" line.
Open "Phone Verification" modal window.
See details in the modal window.
Press "Drop Down" button to select the country and see the list.
Open "Phone Verification" modal window.
See the following details in "Phone Verification" modal window:
"Phone Verification" header.
The text proposition "Please submit your phone number for verification."
"Drop Down" button to select the country and its phone code from the list, with the flag icon of the selected country on it (USA & "+1" by default).
Input field for entering the phone number.
"Request SMS code" button.
"X" button below the form to close the modal window.
Press "Drop Down" button to select the country and:
Open the modal window for searching for the country.
See the following details in the Country search modal window:
Input field "Search" in the header for searching the country by its name.
See the list of countries with flag icons and country codes in alphabetical order.
Select the country from the list by pressing on it and:
See the modal window for searching closing, flag of the country and its code changed to the selected one (in input field for number).
Input the phone number, press "Request SMS code" button
and see:
- See
A popup notification message "Verification code was sent to [phone number]."
See- "Pencil" icon
for correction.Seeas a button for correction of the phone number appears in the field.
See Timer and
- The input field for the code from SMS appear below the field for the phone number.
- Timer on the right to input field for the code from SMS, which shows the time left to have a chance to request the code by SMS one more time.- "Resend code" button in case I need to request sending another SMS with the code.
- "Submit" button.
input field for
phone number empty or not complete and press "Request SMS code
" button:
See error popup notification message "Please fill the field."
Press "Pencil" icon as a button and:
Input field becomes active again, and I can edit the phone number.
Input code from SMS
and press "Submit" button
See the modal window closing, page refreshing
.See, popup notification message "Phone number was successfully verified." I am back on the Verification Section.
- See "Verify" button in "Phone verification" line changed to 'Verified' status with a positive checkbox icon.
- See "Verify" button in "Identity verification" line is activated.
Leave input field for the code from SMS empty and press "Submit
" button:
See error popup notification message "Please fill the field."
Input incorrect code and press "Submit
" button and:
See error popup notification message "No valid code."
Press "X" button below the "Phone Verification" modal window
Close the modal window.
11.10.3. Identity Verification
As a User with "Verified Email" and "Verified Phone number" Statusstatuses, I can submit my identity details for verification:
Press the "Verify" button in the "Identity verification" line and open the "Identity verification" modal window.
In the "Identity verification" modal window
, input the following details:
First name
Last name
Date of Birth
(by selecting the date on the calendar modal window)
Country of Residence
Input City.
Input Residential address.
Input Postcode.
(by selecting the Country in the Country selector modal window)
City name
Residential address
Press the "Submit" button
and open the "Document Upload" modal window.
Press the "Submit" button with one or several empty fields
See an error popup stating "[Name of the field] should not be empty."
See the field with a mistake or an empty field
having a red border.
Document Confirmation
In the "Document Upload" modal window, as a User I can:
the following details:
"Drop-down" button to select the type of the document
"Document number" input field
"Expiration date" input field
"Upload your photo ID" text
"Camera" icon as a button
Restriction for the file to upload maximum size and files maximum count
"Submit" button (deactivated)
"X" button below the "Identity Verification" modal window
Press the "Drop-down" button to select the type of the document
and see available options: Passport, Driver
license, or Utility bill.
Input Document number
and Date of Expiration (by selecting the date on the calendar modal window).
Press the "Camera" icon as a button and upload the image of the document (Maximum 10 Mb restriction).
In case
the upload was successful:
Observe the "Submit" button is activated.
Press the "Submit" button .and:
- See the modal windows "Identity verification" and "Document Confirmation" closingand a popup notification message stating "Your documents are submitted for review."
See the "Verify" button in the "Identity verification" line changed to 'Pending' status.
themy User Name was updated.
Press the "X" button below the "Identity Verification" modal window .
Closeand close the modal window.