As an Authorized User in the Wallet Management Page, I can:...
...See the list of Wallets for currencies and select one of them
. Each Wallet has parameters defined in the admin panel:
Full Name of the Currency
ID (Ticker) of the Currency
Logo of the Currency
Precision for Currency
Color for buttons on Wallet 'Card',
'plain or gradient
Color of highlighting
forof the active Wallet in the list of Wallets, plain
Color for "Full History" button in the Recent History section, plain
Each Wallet from the list of Wallets has a "Star" icon as a checkbox
. Each Wallet from the list of Wallets has
USD equivalent of Total Balance (Sum of both Available and Locked balances).
Staking Service:
In case the Wallet has a Staking service, I can see
"Stake" icon below the "Star" iconPressing the
...Press "Star" icon as a checkbox
Select/unselect Wallet to become "Favorite" or usual
...Use navigation tools for the list of Wallets (top of the list):
"Star" icon as a button to filter/unfilter Wallets by "Favorites" or usual
"Stake" icon as a button to filter/unfilter Wallets
thatwhich have Staking service
Input field to search Wallet by
thename or ID of the Currency
"Crossed zero" icon as a button to hide/show Wallets with zero balance
In case there are no Wallets with Staking service
"Stake" icon as a button to filter/unfilter Wallets that which have Staking service is disabled/deactivated
In case all zero balances
"Crossed zero" icon as a button to hide/show Wallets with zero balance is disabled/deactivated
Wallet Details:
...See the details of the Wallet:
Total assets balance for all 3 balances (main on top):
Assets available in Wallet for the selected currency
Assets locked in:
a) Pending Withdrawal
b) Open limit orders
USD equivalent of Total Balance (Sum of both Available and Locked balances)
"i" icon as a button near
theLocked balancePressing the
...Press "i" icon as a button
Open "Locked in" modal window to observe the locked balance in 'Pending Withdrawal' and 'Open limit orders'
...See buttons on Wallet 'Card'
(can be activated or deactivated in case the currency has no market pair
,(according to configuration settings)
In case of zero balance
"Sell" and "Send" buttons can be deactivated or activated (according to configuration settings)
In case
Wallet has Staking service
a Authorized User
I can
...See the details of the Wallet:
Total assets balance for all 3 balances (main on top):
Assets available in the Wallet for the selected currency
Assets locked in:
a) Pending Withdrawal
b) Open limit orders
c) Staking
USD equivalent of Total Balance (Sum of both Available and Locked balances)
"i" icon as a button near Locked/Staking balancePressing the
...Press "i" icon as a button
opens theand...
Open "Locked in" modal window to observe the locked balance in 'Pending Withdrawal,' 'Open limit orders,' and 'Staking'
...See buttons on the Wallet 'Card'
(can be activated or deactivated in case the currency has no market pair
,(according to configuration settings)
In case of zero balance, ...
"Sell" and "Send" buttons can be deactivated or activated (according to configuration settings)
Additional Details:
...See the following details:
Simple Chart section (in case Currency has a Market Pair with USDT quote currency) on the Wallet section below the 'Card' (See part 8.7. of User Stories v 1.5.0)
"Portfolio" details top right (See part 8.8. of User Stories v 1.5.0)
"Recent History" below the 'Portfolio' (See part 8.9. of User Stories v 1.5.0)
"Footer" block with main details (see part 3 of User Stories v 1.5.0)
As a User, I can press the "Receive" button on the Currency Wallet 'Card' and...
Open the "Deposit" form as a modal window
See a popup notification message , "Deposit option is currently unavailable, please try again later," in case the currency has no activated deposit option in Payment Interface settings
In case the Currency has functionality to deposit through the WalletConnect service, as a User , I can select the "WalletConnect" tab in the 'Deposit Option' Selector part and...
Use the "WalletConnect" deposit form (see part 8.1.2. of User Stories v 1.5.0)
...See the following details in the modal window:
Name 'Deposit "Currency Name" (according to Currency selected)
Network Selector with Names and Logos of Payment Interfaces (if applicable, according to Currency Payment Interfaces)
Restriction notification regarding Minimum Deposit Amount
Warning notification marked as "Important" describing the currency blockchain details
QR code of the generated deposit address
The text proposition to "Scan or copy address below..." for the transaction
Field with the generated personal Deposit Address
"Copy" icon as a button to copy the Deposit Address
"X" button below the main form to close the modal window
...Select the network by pressing on the tab with the network name and observe...
The selected Selected tab is highlighted
Minimum Amount allowed for deposit can change according to Payment Interface settings
Warning message changes according to the Network details
QR code and the text below it change changes according to the Network selected
Generated Deposit Address changes according to the Network selected
Get the deposit address (can use phone, tablet, etc.)
...Press "Copy" icon and...
Copy the deposit address to clipboard
See a popup notification message "Copied"
As a User, I can press the "Receive" button on the Currency Wallet 'Card,' and in case the Currency has functionality to deposit through the WalletConnect service...
Open the "Deposit" form as a modal window and observe the following details:
'Deposit Option' Selector part as a header with tabs:
"WalletConnect" tab selected by default (selected Selected tab is highlighted)
"Generated Address" tab
As a User, I can select the "Generated Address" tab in the 'Deposit Option' Selector part and...
Use the deposit form for the Generated Proxy Wallet (see part 8.1.1. of User Stories v 1.5.0)
...See the following details in the "WalletConnect" deposit form:
Name 'Deposit "Currency Name" (according to Currency selected)
Restriction notification regarding Minimum Deposit Amount
Input field for amount with currency logo and ID
The Deposit amount of the selected Currency with "0" (+decimals according to settings) is automatically pre-set in the input field 'Amount'
Network Selector with Names and Logos of Payment Interfaces (if applicable, according to Currency Payment Interfaces)
"Next" button (Deactivated, will be activated after filling the field with amount)
"X" button below the main form to close the modal window
...Select the network by pressing on the tab with the network name and observe...
The selected Selected tab is highlighted
Minimum Amount allowed for deposit can change according to Payment Interface settings
...Click on the Input field for the amount to Deposit and see...
See automatically changing to " 0. " in the Input field
...Input the amount of the Currency to Deposit lower than the minimum allowed...:
See "Next" button deactivated
...Input the amount of the Currency that fits requirements to Deposit...
See "Next" button activated
...Press the activated "Next" button and see the form with main details:
"Scan code to connect your wallet" header
QR code of the Direct deposit address
"Copy" button to copy the Deposit Address for connection in the WalletConnect app
Notice text about Selected Network, changes according to the Network selected
...As a User, I can use the External Wallet app to make a Direct deposit through the WalletConnect service and...
...After connection confirm in External Wallet as a User , I can see...
Notice text "Awaiting confirmation of the operation in the wallet" in the "WalletConnect" deposit form
As a User, I can press the "Receive" button on the Currency Wallet 'Card' and...
Open the "Instructions for [Fiat] Deposit" form as a modal window
See a popup notification message "Deposit option is currently unavailable, please try again later" in case the currency has no activated deposit option in Payment Interface settings
"Instructions for [Fiat ID] Deposit" header
Field with 'Recipient'
"Copy" icon as a button to copy Recipient
Field with 'Account Number'
"Copy" icon as a button to copy Account Number
Field with 'Account Type'
"Copy" icon as a button to copy Account Type
Field with 'Bank Name'
"Copy" icon as a button to copy Bank Name
Field with 'Branch'
"Copy" icon as a button to copy Branch
Field with 'Referral No.'
"Copy" icon as a button to copy Referral No.
"X" button below the main form to close the modal window
...Press "Copy" icon as a button to copy Recipient and...
Copy the 'Recipient' to the clipboard
See a popup notification message "Copied Recipient"
Copy the 'Account Number' to the clipboard
See a popup notification message "Copied Account Number"
Copy the 'Account Type' to the clipboard
See a popup notification message "Copied Account Type"
...Press "Copy" icon as a button to copy Bank Name and...
Copy the 'Bank Name' to the clipboard
See a popup notification message "Copied Bank Name"
...Press "Copy" icon as a button to copy Branch and...
Copy the 'Branch' to the clipboard
See a popup notification message "Copied Branch"
Copy the 'Referral No.' to the clipboard
See a popup notification message "Copied Referral No."
As a User, I can press the "Buy" button on the Currency Wallet 'Card' and...
Open the "Instant Buy Market Order" form as a modal window
See a popup notification message if there is no possibility to Buy
"Market Buy Order" header
"Market Price" statement for the rate with Quote currency ID
Caption "Buy" for field 'Amount'
Currency logo and ID on the left to the field "Amount," according to Currency Wallet
Field 'Amount' to buy, with Base Currency "Minimum trade amount" pre-set by default
Balance available for Base Currency
Caption "Pay" for field 'Total'
Tabs to use Available Assets in percent: 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%
"Drop-down" button on the left to "Total" field to select Quote Currency (with logo and ID/Ticker)
Field "Total" for approximate Amount to spend (Quote Currency)
Balance available for the selected Quote Currency
"Buy [Currency ID]" button
"X" button below the main form to close the modal window
...Click on the field to input the amount and...
See 'Amount' input field is auto-cleared, and minimum amount to Buy notification (according to market settings), on top of the input field "Amount"
...Input the amount to Buy and...
See the calculated Amount in "Total' field required to spend on Trade (Approximate) according to Market Price
...Edit the amount to Buy and...
See the calculated Amount in "Total" field required to spend on Trade (Approximate) changing according to Market Price
...Input the amount to Buy that will be higher than the Maximum allowed to Buy according to Quote currency Available Balance and...
Field 'Total' with calculated amount (Approximate) in Currency to Pay. Text has an error color
See "Buy" button deactivated
...In case of an empty field for the amount to Base Currency...
See the minimum amount to Buy notification (according to market settings), on top of the input field "Amount"
See error text '0.00' in the field 'Total'
See "Buy" button deactivated
...Input the amount to Buy that will be lower than the Minimum allowed to Buy according to Market settings...
See the minimum amount to Buy notification (according to market settings), on top of the input field "Amount"
Field 'Total' with calculated amount (Approximate) in Currency to Pay. Text has an error color
See "Buy" button deactivated
See the 100% of Available Balance of the Quote Currency reflected in "Total" field (Approximate) and "Amount" field automatically edited according to the Market Price and the Amount to Spend
...Press "Drop-down" button for Quote Currency and...
Observe Available Balances of the Base and Quote currencies are changed See and popup notification message "Market order was successfully created"
Field 'Amount' to buy with Base Currency "Minimum trade amount" pre-set (automatically)
...Press "Buy [Name of the Currency]" button, and in case the market has low liquidity...
See error popup notification message "Market has not enough liquidity. Failed to create order"
Field 'Amount' to buy with Base Currency "Minimum trade amount" pre-set (automatically)
...Press "Buy [Name of the Currency]" button, and in case of the Available Balance in the Quote currency is not enough anymore to execute the order due to Market Price change...
As a User, I can press the 'Swap' button on the Currency Wallet 'Card' and open ...
Open the 'Quick Swap' form as a modal window
In case there are is no available markets to swap the currency, the Swap the Currency or...
'Swap' button is deactivated
...See the following details in the modal window:
'Quick Swap' header
Send section with main details:
'Drop-down' button to select Currency to Send with logo and ID (Ticker)
In case there is only one option for Currency to Send: the user can observe just this option with logo and currency ID in the drop-down
Currency to Send is selected according to the Wallet selected (by default for each Wallet) with a logo and ID (Ticker)
Input field for the amount to Swap (Send internally), pre-set "Minimum amount" to Swap by default
Asset's balance available for operation, in the selected currency with the currency ID
'Reverse' button for changing Currency positions between 'Send' and 'Receive'
Receive section with main details:
'Drop-down' button to select Currency to Receive with a logo and ID (Ticker)
Field 'Receive' with calculated amount (Approximate) in Currency to Receive
Second The second Asset's balance (Currency to Receive) currently available in its Wallet
Platform commission portion with 0.00 and ID (commission ID can be in quote or base currency according to market settings, 0.00 is hardcoded)
Estimated rate for the selected Market Pair: Currency to Swap -> Currency to Receive (price precision, according to market settings)
'Switch' icon as a button to switch the estimated rate reflection Currency to Receive -> Currency to Swap
'Swap' button
'X' button below the main form to close the modal window
...Press the 'Drop Down' button to change Currency to Send and open ...
Open the Currencies drop-down list
See the list of currencies suggested as Currencies to Send (according to Market Pairs on the platform): Logo, ID/Ticker
Select the Currency to Send from the list
See the Swap details changed according to the Market parameters with the
new selected Currency:
Pre-set for Send in the Input field for the amount to Send (Minimum amount to send according to market settings)
Current Balance of Currency to Send
Option(s) for Currency(ies) to receive
Field 'Receive' with calculated amount (Approximate) in Currency to Receive
Current Balance of Currency to Receive
...Press the 'Reverse' button and see the change in ...
Change position of selected currencies Currency to Receive -> Currency to Send
...Press the 'Drop Down' button to change Currency to Receive and open ...
Open the Currencies drop-down list
See the list of currencies suggested as Currencies to Receive (according to Market Pairs on the platform): Logo, ID/Ticker
Select the Currency to Receive from the list
See the Swap details changed according to the Market parameters with the
new selected Currency:
Pre-set for Send in the Input field for the amount to Send (Minimum amount to send according to market settings)
Current Balance of Currency to Send
Option(s) for Currency(ies) to Send
Field 'Receive' with calculated amount (Approximate) in Currency to Receive
Current Balance of Currency to Receive
...Press 'Switch' icon as a button in the Rate section and observe the change ...
Change of the rate reflection Base/Quote or Quote/Base
...Click on the Input field for the amount to Send and see the previous ...
Previous input clears automatically and 'Minimum amount to send' notification on top of the input field "Amount" (according to market settings)
...Input amount for Send and see the ...
See calculated amount (Approximate) of Currency to Receive in the field 'Receive'
Amount of the Currency to Receive depends on the estimated rate of the selected Market Pair and changes if edited the Amount to Send
See 'Swap' Button activated if the input amount fits requirements
...Input only 'dot' first and see it ...
See automatically changing to ' 0. ' in the Input field
...Input an amount of the Currency to Swap lower than the minimum allowed and see the ...
'Minimum amount to send' notification on top of the input field "Amount" (according to market settings)
See 'Swap' Button deactivated
Field 'Receive' with calculated amount (Approximate) in Currency to Receive. Text has an error color
...Input an amount of the Currency to Send bigger than the Amount of the Available Assets and see :
See 'Swap' Button deactivated
Field 'Receive' with calculated amount (Approximate) in Currency to Receive. Text has an error color
...Leave the input field for Amount to Send empty and see the :
'Minimum amount to send' notification on top of the input field "Amount" (according to market settings)
See error text '0.00' in the field 'Receive'
See 'Swap' Button deactivated
...In case the available balance of the Currency to Send is lower than the min amount of the Currency to Send (first time open the form), see
See the amount pre-set equals to the min amount to Send in the input field for Currency to Send
Field 'Receive' with calculated amount (Approximate) in Currency to Receive.
Text has an error color.
See 'Swap' Button deactivated
...Press 'Swap' button and see the ...
See popup notification 'Successful' if everything is correct
See the modal window 'Swap form' closing and get back to Wallet details
...Press 'X' button below 'Swap' form and close ...
Close the modal window 'Swap form' and get back to Wallet details
8.4. "Sell" Currency
As a User, I can press the "Sell" button on the Currency Wallet 'Card' and open ...
Open the "Instant Sell Market Order" form as a modal window
If there is no possibility to sell Sell the currency (The currency has no pairs where it is set as Base Currency), see a ...
See popup notification message "Error. This option is currently unavailable, please try again later"
In case of zero balance, the ...
"Sell" button can be deactivated or activated (according to configuration settings)
...See the following details in the modal window:
"Market Sell Order" header
"Market Price" statement for the rate with Quote currency ID
Caption "Sell" for field 'Amount'
Tabs to use Available Assets (Base currency balance) in percent: 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%
Currency logo and ID on the left to the field "Amount," , according to Currency Wallet
Field 'Amount' to buy, with Base Currency "Minimum trade amount" pre-set by default
Balance available for Base Currency
Caption "Receive" for field 'Amount'
"Drop-down" button on the left to "Total" field to select Quote Currency (with logo and ID/Ticker)
Field "Total" for approximate Amount to get (Quote Currency)
"Sell [Name of the Currency]" button
"X" button below the main form to close the modal window
...Click on the field to input the amount and see ...
See 'Amount' input field is auto-cleared and minimum amount to Sell notification (according to market settings), on top of the input field "Amount"
...Input amount to Sell and see ...
See the calculated Amount to receive on Trade (Approximate) in "Total" field according to Market Price
...Edit amount to Sell and see ...
See the calculated Amount to receive on Trade (Approximate) changing according to Market Price
...Input amount to Sell that will be higher than Maximum allowed to Sell according to Base currency Available Balance and see ...
Field 'Receive' with calculated amount (Approximate) in Currency to Receive. Text has an error color
See "Sell" button deactivated
...In case of an empty field for the Amount of Base Currency, see ...
See minimum amount to Sell notification (according to market settings), on top of the input field "Amount"
See error text '0.00' in the field 'Receive'
See "Sell" button deactivated
...Input amount to Sell that will be lower than Minimum allowed to Sell according to Market settings, see ...
See the minimum amount to Sell notification (according to market settings), on top of the input field "Amount"
Field 'Receive' with calculated amount (Approximate) in Currency to Receive. Text has an error color
See "Sell" button deactivated
...Press 25% tab above Currency to Sell (Base Currency) and see ...
See the 25% of Available Balance of the Base Currency automatically reflected in "Amount" field and "Total" field (Approximate) automatically edited according to the Market Price and the Amount to Sell
...Press 50% tab above Currency to Sell (Base Currency) and see ...
See the 50% of Available Balance of the Base Currency automatically reflected in "Amount" field and "Total" field (Approximate) automatically edited according to the Market Price and the Amount to Sell
...Press 75% tab above Currency to Sell (Base Currency) and see ...
See the 75% of Available Balance of the Base Currency automatically reflected in "Amount" field and "Total" field (Approximate) automatically edited according to the Market Price and the Amount to Sell
...Press 100% tab above Currency to Sell (Base Currency) and see ...
See the 100% of Available Balance of the Base Currency automatically reflected in "Amount" field and "Total" field (Approximate) automatically edited according to the Market Price and the Amount to Sell
...Press "Drop down" button for Quote Currency and see ...
See the list of available Currencies to Receive according to Markets available for Trading (with logo and currency ID/Ticker)
...Press "Sell [Name of the Currency]" button and observe ...
Observe Available Balances of the Base and Quote currencies are changed and popup notification message "Market order was successfully created"
Field 'Amount' to sell with Base Currency "Minimum trade amount" pre-set (automatically)
... Press "Sell" button and in case the market has low liquidity, see ...
See error popup notification message "Market has not enough liquidity. Failed to create order"
Field 'Amount' to sell with Base Currency "Minimum trade amount" pre-set (automatically)
...Press 'X" button below the form and close ...
Close the modal window "Sell" and get back to Wallet details
8.5. "Send" Currency
As a User, I can press the "Send" button on the Currency Wallet 'Card' and open ...
Open the "Send" form as a modal window
See popup notification message appears: "Withdraw option is currently unavailable, please try again later."" if there is no possibility for Withdrawal.
In case of a zero balance, the "Send" button can be deactivated or activated (according to configuration settings).
...See the following details in the
form as a modal window:
"Send [Name of the Currency]" header
"Network Selector with logos per each network (if the currency supports several Payment Interfaces)"
Warning notification marked as "Important" describing the currency details
Input field for withdrawal address
Input field for amount and currency logo
The Withdrawal amount of the selected Currency with "0" (+decimals according to settings) is automatically pre-set in the input field 'Amount'
Balance available for withdrawal
"Max" button for Maximum amount input
Minimum and Maximum allowed for withdrawal
24 Hours Net Limit allowed for withdrawal
"Withdrawal fee (It can have a minimum, percent, and maximum, and can vary according to the withdrawal requested amount)"
Net Withdrawal amount
"Submit" button (Deactivated, will be activated after filling the 2 fields with data)
"X" button below the main form to close the modal window
... Select the network by pressing on the tab with the network name and observe
Selected tab is highlighted
Warning message changes according to the network details
Minimum and Maximum allowed for withdrawal can change according to Payment Interface settings
24 Hours Net Limit allowed for withdrawal can change according to Payment Interface settings
Withdrawal fee can change according to Payment Interface settings
Net withdrawal amount can change according to changes in withdrawal fee
...Click on the Input field for the amount to Send and see
Previous input clears automatically
...Input amount for withdrawal and
See the calculated net withdrawal amount (as a result of the deduction of the Withdrawal Fee from the requested Withdrawal Amount)
Observe withdrawal fee and net withdrawal amount changes if they take place
...Input only "dot" first and
See automatically changing to " 0. " in the Input field
...Input Address and amount for Withdrawal and
See "Submit" button activated
...Input amount for withdrawal higher than the available balance and
See "Submit" button deactivated
...Input amount for withdrawal lower than the minimum allowed and
See "Submit" button deactivated
...Leave the input field for withdrawal address empty and
See "Submit" button deactivated
...In case 24 Hours Net Limit allowed for withdrawal
See "Submit" button deactivated
... Press "Max" button and
Automatically input the maximum amount of the Available Assets in the selected currency in the field "Amount"
...Press the activated "Submit" button and
Open "2FA Confirmation" modal window
...See the following details in the
modal window:
Google Authentication Authenticator app logo and "2FA Confirmation" in the header
The text proposition to "Use Google Authentication Authenticator app to enter a secret 2FA 6-digit code"
Input field for the 2 FA code
"X" button below the modal window "2FA Confirmation" form
...Input the correct secret 2 FA code in the field
and in case the blockchain address is correct
See the popup notification message "Successful,"
Modalmodal window for 2FA confirmation, and modal window "Send" form closing
Wallet page refreshed
,and Assets Balance decreased in the selected Primary Wallet
24 Hours Net Limit allowed for withdrawal is changed for the next operation (Difference between 24 Hours Net Limit allowed for withdrawal and the previous withdrawal amount)
...Input the correct secret 2 FA code in the field
and in case the blockchain address is incorrect
See the popup notification message "Error. Invalid address"
...Input the incorrect secret 2 FA code in the field
See the popup error notification message "2 FA code is wrong"
...Press "X" button below the modal window "2FA Confirmation" and
Close the modal window "2FA Confirmation" and get back to the "Send" form
Press "Send" button in case 2FA is not enabled and
Open "2FA Activation is Required" modal window
with the following details:
Authenticator app logo and "2FA Activation is Required" in the header
The notice text "Before you send the funds, you need to activate Two-Factor Authentication"
"Activate Now" button
"X" button below the "2FA Activation is Required" form as a modal window
Press "Activate Now" button and
Use "2FA Activation" form (See part 11.2 of User Stories v 1.5.0)
Press "X" button below the "2FA Activation is Required" form
Close the modal window "2FA Activation is Required" and get back to Wallet details
...Input amount for withdrawal higher than 24 Hours Net Limit allowed for withdrawal
Open "Withdrawal request exceeds 24 hr limit" modal window
...See following details in modal window:
"Withdrawal request exceeds 24 hr limit" in the header
The text proposition to "Contact Admin for manual approval"
"OK" button
"Cancel" button
"X" button below the modal window "Withdrawal request exceeds 24 hr limit"
modal window
...Press "OK" button and
Open "2FA Confirmation" modal window
...Input the correct secret 2 FA code in the field
and in case the blockchain address is correct
See the popup notification message "Successful,"
Modalmodal window for 2FA confirmation, and modal window "Send" form closing
Wallet page refreshed
,and Assets Balance decreased in the selected Primary Wallet
Hours Net Limit allowed for withdrawal is changed for the next operation and equals zero
...Input the correct secret 2 FA code in the field
and in case the blockchain address is incorrect
See the popup notification message "Error. Invalid address"
...Input the incorrect secret 2 FA code in the field
See the popup error notification message "2 FA code is wrong"
...Press "Cancel" button and
Close the modal window "Withdrawal request exceeds 24 hr limit" and get back to "Send" form
Press "X" button below the "Withdrawal request exceeds 24 hr limit" modal window
Close the modal window "Withdrawal request exceeds 24 hr limit" and get back to the "Send" form
...Press "X" button below the "Send" modal window and
Close the modal window "Send" form and get back to Wallet details
As a User, I can press the "Send" button on the Currency Wallet 'Card' and open ...
Open the "Send" form as a modal window
See the popup notification message
"Withdraw option is currently unavailable, please try again later
" if there is no possibility for withdrawal
In case of a zero balance, the "Send" button can be deactivated or activated (according to configuration settings)
...See the following details in the
form as a modal window:
"Send [Name of the Currency]" header
"Select Recipient" field with a dropdown option. In case no available recipients: "+Add New Recipient" button
Input field for amount and currency logo
The Withdrawal amount of the selected Currency with "0" (+decimals according to settings) is automatically pre-set in the input field 'Amount'
Balance available for withdrawal
"Max" button for Maximum amount input
Minimum and Maximum allowed for withdrawal
"Withdrawal fee (It can have a minimum, percent, and maximum, and can vary according to the withdrawal requested amount)"
Net Withdrawal amount
"Submit" button (Deactivated, will be activated after filling the 2 fields with data)
"X" button below the main form to close the modal window
...Press on
"Select Recipient" field and
See the following details:
"+Add New Recipient" button
List of created recipients
Each recipient has a unique description (added during creation)
Each recipient has a "Trash can" icon as a button to remove the recipient
... Select the recipient by pressing on the portion with the recipient description and observe
"Select Recipient" field is replaced with the selected recipient for withdrawal
...Click on the Input field for the amount to Send and see
Previous input clears automatically, and 'Amount' notification appears
amount for withdrawal and
See the calculated net withdrawal amount (as a result of the deduction of the Withdrawal Fee from the requested Withdrawal Amount)
Observe withdrawal fee and net withdrawal amount changes if they take place
...Input only "dot" first and
See automatically changing to " 0. " in the Input field
...Select a recipient and input
amount for Withdrawal and
See "Submit" button activated
amount for withdrawal higher than the available balance and
See "Submit" button deactivated
amount for withdrawal lower than the minimum allowed and
See "Submit" button deactivated
...Leave the "Select Recipient" field for withdrawal recipient without selection and
See "Submit" button deactivated
... Press "Max" button and
Automatically input the maximum amount of the Available Assets in the selected currency in the field "Amount"
...Press the activated "Submit" button and
Open "2FA Confirmation" modal window
...See the following details in the
modal window:
Google Authenticator app logo and "2FA Confirmation" in the header
The text proposition to "Use Google Authenticator app to enter a secret 2FA 6-digit code"
Input field for the 2 FA code
"Paste" button to enter the copied code from the clipboard
"X" button below the modal window "2FA Confirmation" form
...Input the correct secret 2 FA code in the field
and in case everything is correct
See the popup notification message "Successful,"
Modalmodal window for 2FA confirmation, and modal window "Send" form closing
Wallet page refreshed, and Assets Balance decreased in the selected Primary Wallet
...Input the incorrect secret 2 FA code in the field
See the popup error notification message "2 FA code is wrong"
...Press "X" button below the modal window "2FA Confirmation" and
Close the modal window "2FA Confirmation" and get back to the "Send" form
Press "Send" button in case 2FA is not enabled and
Open "2FA Activation is Required" modal window
with the following details:
Google Authenticator app logo and "2FA Activation is Required" in the header
The notice text "Before you send the funds, you need to activate Two-Factor Authentication"
"Activate Now" button
"X" button below the "2FA Activation is Required" form as a modal window
Press "Activate Now" button and
Use "2FA Activation" form (See part 11.2 of User Stories v 1.5.0)
Press "X" button below the "2FA Activation is Required" form
Close the modal window "2FA Activation is Required" and get back to Wallet details
Input an amount for withdrawal higher than 24 Hours Net Limit allowed for withdrawal and open "Withdrawal request exceeds 24 hr limit" modal window
Details in the "Withdrawal request exceeds 24 hr limit" modal window:
"Withdrawal request exceeds 24 hr limit" in the header
The text proposition to "Contact Admin for manual approval"
"OK" button
"Cancel" button
"X" button below the modal window "Withdrawal request exceeds 24 hr limit"
Press "OK" button and open "2FA Confirmation" modal window
Input the correct secret 2 FA code in the field, and in case the blockchain address is correct, see:
Popup notification message "Successful"
Modal window for 2FA confirmation and "Send" form closing
Wallet page refreshed, and Assets Balance decreased in the selected Primary Wallet
24 Hours Net Limit allowed for withdrawal is changed for the next operation and equals zero
Input the correct secret 2 FA code in the field, and in case the blockchain address is incorrect, see popup notification message "Error. Invalid address"
Input incorrect secret 2 FA code in the field, and see popup error notification message "2 FA code is wrong"
Press "Cancel" button and close the modal window "Withdrawal request exceeds 24 hr limit" and get
back to "Send" form
Press "X" button below the "Withdrawal request exceeds 24 hr limit" modal window and close the modal window "Withdrawal request exceeds 24 hr limit" and get back to the "Send" form
Press "X" button below the "Send" modal window and close the modal window "Send" form and get back to Wallet details
8.5.2. Add/Delete Recipient for Fiat Withdrawal8.5.2. Add/Delete Recipient for Fiat Withdrawal
As a User, I can press the "+Add New Recipient" button and...
Open the "Add Recipient" form as a modal window
In the "Add Recipient" form as a modal window, I can see the following details:
"Add [Name of the Currency] Recipient" header
Input field for "Description"
Input field for "Account Holder"
Input field for "Bank Name"
Input field for "Account Number"
"Select account type" field with dropdown option
Input field for "Branch Code"
"Submit" button (active)
"X" button below the "Add Recipient" form as a modal window
In the "Add Recipient" form, as a User, I can:
Input "Description" for the recipient
Input "Account Holder" for the recipient
Input "Bank Name" for the recipient
Input "Account Number" for the recipient
Press "Select account type" field with dropdown option to select the type of the account: Current, Savings, Transmission, Cheque
Input "Branch Code" for the recipient
After filling the "Add Recipient" form, I can press the "Submit" button and...
See the "Add Recipient" form closing
See the popup notification message "Recipient created successfully"
Observe the created recipient in the dropdown list of recipients of the "Select Recipient" field
...Press the "X" button below the modal window "Add Recipient" and...
Close the modal window "Add Recipient" and get back to the "Send" form
As a User, I can press the "+Add New Recipient" button and open the "Add Recipient" form as a modal window.
Details in the "Add Recipient" form as a modal window:
"Add [Name of the Currency] Recipient" header
Input field for "Description"
Input field for "Account Holder"
Input field for "Bank Name"
Input field for "Account Number"
"Select account type" field with dropdown option
Input field for "Branch Code"
"Submit" button (active)
Trash can" icon as a button for the recipient portion in the dropdown list of recipients of the "Select Recipient" field and...
See buttons appear instead of "Trash can":
"Delete" button
"Cancel" button
...Press the "Delete" button and...
See the popup notification message "Recipient deleted successfully"
Observe the deleted recipient is removed from the dropdown list of recipients of the "Select Recipient" field
...Press the "Cancel" button and...
See the "Trash can" icon as a button appears instead of "Delete" and "Cancel" buttons
8.6. Stake Currency
Enter Staking
As a User without active Staking, I can press the "Stake" button on the Currency Wallet 'Card' and...
Open the "Enter Staking" form as a modal window
Input "Description" for the recipient
Input "Account Holder" for the recipient
Input "Bank Name" for the recipient
Input "Account Number" for the recipient
Press "Select account type" field with dropdown option to select the type of the account: Current, Savings, Transmission, Cheque
Input "Branch Code" for the recipient
After filling the "Add Recipient" form, I can press "Submit" button and see:
"Add Recipient" form closing
Popup notification message "Recipient created successfully"
Observe the created recipient in the dropdown list of recipients of "Select Recipient" field
In the "Enter Staking" modal window, I can see the following details:
"Enter Staking" header
Currency logo
Input field for the amount
The Staking amount of the selected Currency with "0" (+decimals according to settings) is automatically pre-set in the input field 'Amount'
"Max" button for Maximum amount input
Balance available in the selected currency
Minimum staking amount allowed for Enter Staking
"Submit" button (Deactivated, will be activated after filling the 'Amount' field that satisfying the minimum Enter Staking amount requirements)
Active Staking details:
The "Active Staking" amount of the selected Currency with "0" (+decimals according to settings). There should not be Active Staking in case "Enter Staking" form is using
"Reward conditions" with Annual Percentage Rate (APR) in percent (according to currency settings)
"Reward cycle" with indication of the time after which the reward will arrive
"X" button below the main form to close the modal window
...Press the "X" button below the modal window "
Enter Staking" and
Close the modal window "Add RecipientEnter Staking" and get back to "Send" form
As a User, I can press the "Trash can" icon as a button for the recipient portion in the dropdown list of recipients of "Select Recipient" field and see buttons appear instead of "Trash can":
"Delete" button
"Cancel" button
Press "Delete" button and see popup notification message "Recipient deleted successfully"
Observe deleted recipient is removed from the dropdown list of recipients of "Select Recipient" field
Press "Cancel" button and see "Trash can" icon as a button appears instead of "Delete" and "Cancel" buttons
8.6. Stake Currency
Enter Staking
As a User without active Staking:
Press the Wallet page
...Input an amount for Staking that satisfies the minimum Enter Staking amount requirements and...
See the "Submit" button activated
...Press the activated "Submit" button and...
See the following details in the form:
"Top-up Staking" header
Currency logo
Input field for the amount
The Staking amount of the selected Currency with "0" (+decimals according to settings) is automatically pre-set in the input field 'Amount'
"Max" button for Maximum amount input
Balance available in the selected currency is decreased
"Submit" button (Deactivated)
The "Active Staking" portion for the amount of the selected Currency with "0" (+decimals according to settings). There should not be Active Staking in case "Enter Staking" form is using
"Reward conditions" portion with Annual Percentage Rate (APR) in percent (according to currency settings)
"Reward cycle" portion with an indication of the time after which the reward will arrive
"Pending staking" portion with a currency amount (Amount that should enter staking)
"Add to staking" portion with a timer that counts down the time when the currency amount will Enter Staking (according to currency settings)
"Unstake" button
"X" button below the main form to close the modal window
...Press the "X" button below the modal window "Top-up Staking" and...
Close the modal window "Top-up Staking" and get back to the Wallet page
Top-up Staking
As a User with active Staking, I can press the "Stake" button on the Currency Wallet 'Card
' and...
Open the "Enter Top-up Staking" form as a modal window.
Modal Window - Enter Staking Form
"Enter Staking" Header
In the "Top-up Staking" modal window, I can see the following details:
"Top-up Staking" header
Currency logo
Input field for the staking amount
- Automatically pre-set
The Staking amount of the selected Currency with "0" (+decimals according to settings)
.is automatically pre-set in the input field 'Amount'
"Max" button for maximum Maximum amount input
Balance available in the selected currency
Minimum staking amount allowed for Enter Staking
"Submit" button (Deactivated; activates after filling the 'Amount' field, satisfying the minimum Enter Staking amount requirements)
Active Staking details:
Active Staking amount with "0" (+decimals according to settings) when the "EnterThe "Active Staking" portion with the active staking amount of the selected Currency. There should be Active Staking in case the "Top-up Staking" form is
in use.using
"Reward conditions" portion with Annual Percentage Rate (APR) in percent (according to currency settings)
."Reward cycle" portion with an indication of the time after which the reward will arrive
."Unstake" button
"X" button below the main form to close the modal window.
...Press the "X" button
below the modal window "Top-up Staking" and...
Close the modal window "Enter Top-up Staking" and return get back to the Wallet page
..Input an amount for
Top-up Staking and...
See the "Submit" button activated
..Press the activated "Submit" button
Top-up Staking
See the following details in the form:
"Top-up Staking"
Currency logo
Input field for the
Automatically pre-set The Staking amount of the selected Currency with "0" (+decimals according to settings) .is automatically pre-set in the input field 'Amount'
"Max" button for
Maximum amount input
Balance available in the selected currency is decreased
"Submit" button (Deactivated)
The "Active Staking
Active Staking amount with " portion with the active staking amount of the selected Currency. There should be Active Staking in case the "Top-up Staking" form is using
"Reward conditions" portion with Annual Percentage Rate (APR) in percent (according to currency settings)."Reward cycle" with an indication of the time after which the reward will arrive.(according to currency settings)
"Reward cycle" portion with an indication of the time after which the reward will arrive
"Pending staking" portion with a currency amount (Amount that should top-up staking)
"Add to staking" portion with a timer that counts down the time when the currency amount will Top-up Staking (according to currency settings)
"Unstake" button
"X" button below the main form to close the modal window
- Press
...Press the "X" button
below the modal window "Top-up Staking" and
Close the modal window "Top-up Staking and see the "Submit" button activated.Press the activated "Submit" button to see " and get back to the Wallet page
As a User with active Staking, I can press the "Stake" button on the Currency Wallet 'Card' and...
Open the "Top-up Staking" form with updated details.
as a modal window
In the "Top-up Staking
" modal window, I can see the following details:
"Top-up Staking" Headerheader
Currency logo
Input field for the staking amount
- Automatically pre-set
The Staking amount of the selected Currency with "0" (+decimals according to settings
).) is automatically pre-set in the input field 'Amount'
"Max" button for maximum Maximum amount input
Balance available in the selected currency
"Submit" button (Deactivated)
The "Active Staking details:
Active Staking amount with" portion with the active staking amount of the selected Currency. There should be Active Staking in case the "Top-up Staking" form is using
"Reward conditions" portion with Annual Percentage Rate (APR) in percent (according to currency settings)
."Reward cycle" portion with an indication of the time after which the reward will arrive
."Unstake" button
"X" button below the main form to close the modal window.
...Press the "X" button
below the modal window "Top-up Staking" and...
Close the modal window "Top-up Staking" and return get back to the Wallet page
.Press the "Unstake" button
Open the "Close Staking" form as a modal window.
In the "Close Staking" modal window, I can see the following details:
"Close Staking" Headerheader
Currency logo
Field with the active staking Active Staking amount of the currency
"Submit" button (Activated)
"X" button below the main form to close the modal window.
...Press the "Submit" button
See the "Close Staking" modal window is closing and return get back to the Wallet page.
See a popup notification message "Your unstaking request is successful
...Press the "X" button below the modal window
Staking Details
"Close Staking" and...
Close the modal window "Close Staking" and get back to the Wallet page
As a User with active Unstaking, I can press the "Stake" button on the Currency Wallet 'Card' and...
Open the "Staking Details" modal window
In the "Staking Details" modal window, I can see the following details:
"Staking Details" Headerheader
The "Active staking (Unstaking)" portion with unstaking amount of the selected Currency when Unstaking is in progress.. There should be Unstaking in case the "Staking Details" form is using
"Staking ends" portion with a timer counting that counts down to the time when the currency amount will Unstaking (according to currency settings).
"X" button below the main form to close the modal window.
...Press the "X" button below the modal window "Staking Details"
Close the modal window "Staking Details" and get back to the Wallet page.
Instant Unstaking (according to currency settings)
As a User with active Staking, I can press the "Stake" button on the Currency Wallet 'Card' and...
Open the "Top-up Staking" form as a modal window
In the "Top-up Staking" modal window, I can see the following details:
"Top-up Staking" Headerheader
Currency logo
Input field for the staking amount
- Automatically pre-set
The Staking amount of the selected Currency with "0" (+decimals according to settings)
.is automatically pre-set in the input field 'Amount'
"Max" button for maximum Maximum amount input
Balance available in the selected currency
"Submit" button (Deactivated)
The "Active Staking details:
Active Staking amount with" portion with the active staking amount of the selected Currency. There should be Active Staking in case the "Top-up Staking" form is using
"Reward conditions" portion with Annual Percentage Rate (APR) in percent (according to currency settings)
."Reward cycle" portion with an indication of the time after which the reward will arrive
."Unstake" button
"X" button below the main form to close the modal window.
...Press the "X" button
below the modal window "Top-up Staking" and...
Close the modal window "Top-up Staking" and return get back to the Wallet page
..Press the "Unstake" button
Open the "Close Staking" form as a modal window.
In the "Close Staking" modal window, I can see the following details:
"Close Staking" Headerheader
Currency logo
Field with the active staking Active Staking amount of the currency
"Submit" button (Activated)
"X" button below the main form to close the modal window.
...Press the "Submit" button
See the "Close Staking" modal window is closing and return get back to the Wallet page.
See a popup notification message "Your unstaking request is successful
...Press the "X" button below the modal window "Close Staking"
Close the modal window "Close Staking" and get back to the Wallet page.
8.7. Simple Chart per Currency