Operations section displays all operations performed on the platform like trading, swapping, market orders, deposits, withdrawals. This section consists of data for multiple sub-sections related to transactions that have impact on platform and user balances.
5.1 Operations Sub-section (left column)
Operations sub-section lists individual transaction related data where the admin can see data in real time and sort this data to preference.
Type: label of operation type. Labels:
- deposit (off-chain)
- deposit (on-chain)
- withdrawal
- exchange
- move to advanced
- move from advanced
- other labels may be added based on the supported accounting functionalityDate: timestamp of operation with filter
search feature built into filter for searching for user profile by email address
User: email address of registered user with user status light
- green: verified user with completed KYC
- gray: unverified user
- (…) Details: review the user and their detailsStatus: displays operation status label. Labels:
- success
- payout_success
- exchange_success
- move_to_advanced_success
- move_from_advanced_success
- rejected
- canceled
- exchange_canceled
- check_withdraw_payout_amount
- withdraw_pending_approval
- payout
- exchange
- incoming_payment
- collection_prep
- collection
- deferred_income
- check_withdraw_payout_amount_error
- payout_error
- approve_withdraw_error
- incoming_payment_error
- exchange_error
- collection_prep_error
- collection_error
- deferred_income_error
- other statuses may be added based on newly added accounting functionalitySearch field: search deposit or withdrawal operations by transaction ID
(…) Details: details associated with the operation described in ‘5.1.1 Operation (…) Details’
Reload (button): reload page or page will auto-reload every 60 seconds
5.1.1 Operation (…) Details
Operation (…) Details shows the operator expanded details for every operation and access additional features related to operations for every operations selected.
Type: operation type and label (5.1 Operations sub-section left column)
Status: operation status label
Parent Operation (if applicable): applicable to some transactions
Amount: displays operation type label and the amount
User: email of registered user
Date: timestamp of operation creation and timestamp(s) of update(s) relevant to the operation
Transactions: links to blockchain explorer for applicable transactions details, or additional order details for order book transactions like Limit and Market order types
Description: description manually entered by admin, typically related to manual adjustments
Ledger Records (sub section below): displays detailed accounting data for the operations entered in system ledger records
Account: accounting ledger responsible for tracking the associated portion of the operation
Debit: relevant to accounting ledger record with amount and currency ticker
Credit: relevant to accounting ledger record with amount and currency ticker
Counterparty: email of user or payment interface or currency on the other side of the operation
Description: label of accounting ledger record with filter
Created: timestamp of accounting ledger record
Operation: field for special information for the operation
*When the operation is for limit or market order type, there is a clickable link to open and review the order details.
** When fee amount is lower than currency amount as defined in currency precision configuration, the amount in ledger records will be displayed as ' - - '
5.1.2 Accounting for Ledger Records in Operation Details
Admin can review accounts which are using in Ledger Records.
Liabilities (200’s):
200 | Transferable liabilities (on-chain swap) |
201 | Long Term liabilities |
202 | Advanced trading liabilities active |
203 | Advanced trading liabilities locked |
204 | Deferred liabilities |
210 | Donate Project liabilities |
230 | Liabilities in transfer |
Assets (100’s):
101 | Deferred income |
120 | User Assets |
130 | Funds En Route |
110 | Hot System Assets |
Profit (600's):
600 | On-chain Swap profit |
601 | Off-chain Swap profit |
602 | Swap-in profit |
603 | Withdraw profit |
604 | Custodial deposit profit |
605 | Trading profit |
Expenses (400’s):
400 | On-chain Swap expenses |
401 | Off-chain Swap expenses |
402 | Swap-in Swap expenses |
403 | Withdraw expenses |
404 | Custodial deposit expenses |
405 | Donation expenses |
410 | Donation Bonus expenses |
420 | One Time Reward expenses |
5.2 Pending Withdrawals
Admin can view Pending Withdrawals and see the list of pending withdrawals and their details. Some withdrawal operations may require manual approval if outside of Payment Interface and/or Currency setting defined by the Admin.
Type: defined the type of withdrawal
Timestamp: time of withdrawal creation and the latest update(s)
Amount: currency ticker with withdrawal amount and net withdrawal amount
User: email address of registered user initiating withdrawal
Status: withdrawal status
'+' Details (button): review the details of each operation
Reload (button): reload page or page will auto-reload every 60 seconds
5.2.1. Pending Withdrawal(s) Details
Admin can access Withdrawals Details to see additional information on withdrawal transaction.
Type: type of operation
Parent Operation: with option to visit it the operation (if applicable)
Status: status of operation with options to ‘Approve’ or ‘Reject’ the withdrawal
Amount: currency and ticker
User: email address of registered user
Details (button): see additional details of registered user
Timestamp: time of withdrawal creation and the latest update(s)
Transactions: links to blockchain explorer and expanded transaction details
Description with details of conditions for review (Example: 24 hours withdrawal limit)
Ledger Records (sub-section): allows the admin to view ledger records for associated withdrawal operation:
Account: ledger record account and filter
Debit: amount debited to ledger account record with currency and ticker
Credit: amount credited to ledger account record with currency and ticker
Counterparty: the other side of transaction with registered user email and/or Payment Interface
Description: description of transaction with filter to browse by ledger record type
Timestamp: timestamp of ledger record creation
Operation: field for additional information for the ledger record
5.2.2. Admin Action for Withdrawal Operation with "Payout Error" status:
Try again (button): restart withdrawal operation
Reject (button): and Discard User's withdrawal operation. Operation transfer to the list of all Operations with status "Rejected"
5.2.3. Admin Action for Withdrawal Operation with "Withdraw Pending Approval" status:
Approve (button): manually approve withdrawal operation
Reject (button): reject use initiated withdrawal operation
5.3. Exchange Rates
See the list of rates used by the platform as the rate sources for On-Chain and Off-Chain exchange and swap operations, per settings in the Markets section
In case there are 2 or more Rate Sources for the market, the average will be calculated.
5.4. Orders
Orders allow the Admin to review the full history of orders that took place on the Order Book and ability to interact with features related to this type of operations.
Date: timestamp of order creation and filter by date
Market: currencies involved in trade displayed as currency tickers with (…) Details (button) to visit ‘Market Settings’ and filter by ‘Market ID’
Amount: displays the amount and ‘Base Currency’ of the order, along with currency ticker and order fulfillment progress circle.
*Fully executed order(s) is marked by 'green' completed circleExecuted Volume: displays the other side of the trade as amount fulfilled and ‘Quote Currency’ ticker
User: email address of user behind Base Currency side of the order
Type: lists the order type and filter by order type
Side: side of the order, relevant to Market setting and filter by side
Status: of the order with option to filter by status
(…) Details (button): opens order details
Reload (button): reload page or page will auto-reload every 60 seconds
5.4.1. Order Details
Admin can access Order Details and see available data and options:
Status: of the Order
Cancel Order (button): cancels open order
Market: displays both sides of the market with currency tickers and market (…) details
Type: of the Order
Date: The timestamp of creation and the latest update
Amount: filled with Base Currency ID and filling progress bar of order in percent. Fully executed order is marked by 'done' checkbox
Executed Volume: with amount and ID of the Quote Currency
Price: in Quote Currency
Average Executed Price: (actually utilized during trades)
Seller or Buyer: email address of creator with the option to go to his account page
Operation: (…) Details (button) opens order details
Trades: trades amount per order. With the list of their details:
a) Trades: with the timestamp of creation
b) Market: with Market ID
c) Price: in Quote Currency, with Currency ID
d) Amount: in Base Currency, with Currency ID
e) Maker fee: with amount and Currency ID
f) Taker fee: with amount and Currency ID
g) Maker Order Side: Buy or Sell
h) Seller or Buyer: matched order with counterparty email address and (…) Details (button) opens order details
i) Sell Order or Buy Order: matched order price with currency ID, and (…) Details (button) opens order details
5.5. Trades
Admin can access Trade History List and review the trades performed on advanced trading side with the following details:
Date: the timestamp of execution: with option to filter by date
Market: with Currencies IDs and option to visit Market settings and option to filter by market ID
Amount: in Base Currency, with Currency ID
Price: in Quote Currency, with Currency ID
Volume: in Quote Currency
Maker Fee: with amount and Currency ID
Taker fee: with amount and Currency ID
Maker Order Side: Buy or Sell
Seller: email address and option go to Seller's Account by pressing "Details" button and with option to filter by email
Buyer: email address and option go to Buyer's Account by pressing "Details" button and with option to filter by email
Sell Order: (…) Details (button) opens sell order details
Buy Order: (…) Details (button) opens buy order details
Reload (button): reload page or page will auto-reload every 60 seconds