Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


In the "Order book" component, I can see the following details:


  • Sell & Buy limit orders in 2 parts of the order book (top side and underside)

  • "Sell" part of the order book is on the underside and has 3 columns: Price, Amount, Cumulative Total

    • Sell orders are colored in red

    • Sell orders are placed by Cumulative Total growth by amount from the center to the top

    • Sell orders are ranged by price from the center to the top - lower to higher

  • Last Price (in case of configured settings) between the Sell & Buy limit orders:

    • Green color with 'up arrow' in case the price has grown

    • Red color with 'down arrow' in case the price dropped

  • Spread (in case of configured settings) between the Sell & Buy limit orders:

    • The spread in an order book is the difference between the highest bid price (the price buyers are willing to pay) and the lowest ask price (the price sellers are asking for). The formula for calculating the spread is: Spread = Lowest Ask Price − Highest Bid Price

  • "Buy" part of the order book is on the top side and has 3 columns: Price, Amount, Cumulative Total

    • Buy orders are colored in green

    • Buy orders are placed by Cumulative Total growth by amount from the center to the bottom

    • Buy orders are ranged by price from the center to the bottom - from higher to lower

In case the Order book is empty:


  • Blurred image for the list of open orders for 'Sell' and 'Buy' parts


In the "Chart" component, I can see the following details:


  • "Markets" drop-down button

  • Logos and ID of the Market Pair selected by default

  • 24 h changes for the pair in Quote currency: low price, high price; Volume in Base currency

  • Integrated Trading View tool-set


I can see the following details in the Markets Selector menu:


  • Input field for the Market Pair search by ID

  • "X" button top right to close the Market Selector menu

  • Navigation tools for the list of Markets

  • Range tools for 'Market', 'Price', '24 h chg'

  • The list of Market Pairs with the main details for each one:

    • Star icon as a checkbox to remember market pair (Favourite)

    • Market pair Currencies IDs

    • Current Market Price

    • '24 h' Price change in percent (green for positive, red for negative)

    • Scroll for the list of Markets


As a User, I can press the "Open orders" tab in the "History" block and switch to my 'Open orders' section and:


  • See the following details:

    • Selected tab is highlighted

    • "Cancel All" button

    • The list of open User's orders for the selected market

    • Scroll - bar for the list of Open Limit Orders

    • Main details per each open order:

      • Timestamp of creation

      • Market pair with market ID

      • Side ("Buy" has green color, "Sell" has red color)

      • Type (Limit order only)

      • Price (in quote currency)

      • Amount (in base currency)

      • Total volume (in quote currency) as Price multiplied by Amount

      • Percent of Executed part of the limit order

      • "X" button to cancel the limit order

  • Press "Cancel All" button and:

    • See all limit orders for the selected market deleted

  • Press "X" button per order and:

    • See the limit order deleted

    • See a popup notification message "Success: Delete order"


As a User, I can press the "Orders history" tab in the "History" block and switch to my 'Orders History' section and:


  • See the following details:

    • Selected tab is highlighted

    • The list of orders in history

    • Scroll - bar for the list of Orders

    • Main details of each order:

      • Timestamp of creation

      • Market pair with market ID

      • Side ("Buy" has green color, "Sell" has red color)

      • Type (Limit or Market)

      • Price (in quote currency). For the Market Order is Average Executed Price

      • Amount (in base currency)

      • Percent of Executed part of the limit order

      • Total volume (in quote currency) as Price multiplied by Amount

      • Status of order 'Closed' or 'Canceled' or 'Partially executed' (For the Market Order only 'Closed')


As a User, I can press the "My trades" tab in the "History" block and switch to my 'Orders History' section and:


  • See the following details:

    • Selected tab is highlighted

    • The list of My trades for the selected Market Pair

    • Each Trade record from the list has main details:

      • Timestamp of execution

      • Side ("Buy" has green color, "Sell" has red color)

      • Price

      • Amount (in base currency)

      • Total volume (in quote currency) as Price multiplied by Amount


10.6. "Market Buy" Order Form

IIn In the "Market Buy" Order form, I can:


  • See the following details:

    • Selected tab "Buy" is active

    • Tab "Sell" on the right to "Buy" tab, not active

    • Selected Tab "Market" is active

    • Tab "Limit" is inactive

    • Balance available in Advanced Trading Wallet for the selected Quote Currency according to the selected Market pair

    • "Price" field with Market price for the Base Currency (Approximate) according to the selected Market pair

    • Tabs to use Available Assets in percent: 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%

    • Field 'Amount' to buy, with Base Currency ID and "0" pre-set by default

    • Field "Total" for Amount to spend (Approximate, with Quote Currency ID), as a result of Amount multiplied by Price

    • "Buy" button, it has green color, deactivated

  • Click on Input field for amount to Buy and see:

    • Field clearing automatically

  • Input only "dot" first and see:

    • See automatically changing to " 0. " in the Input field

  • Input amount to Buy and see:

    • See the calculated Amount in "Total" field required to spend on Trade (Approximate) according to Market Price (Observe "Buy" button activated if everything is correct)

  • Edit amount to Buy and see:

    • See the calculated Amount in "Total" field required to spend on Trade (Approximate) changing according to Market Price (Observe "Buy" button activated if everything is correct)

  • Press activated "Buy" button and in case everything is correct:

    • See popup notification message "Market Order was successfully created".

    • Fields "Amount" and "Total" refreshed to "0", Available Balance in Quote currency adjusted accordingly.

    • "Buy" button deactivated.

  • Press 25% tab above Base Currency and see:

    • See the 25% of Available Balance of the Quote Currency reflected in "Total" field (Approximate) and "Amount" field automatically edited according to the Market Price and the Amount to Spend

  • Press 50% tab above Base Currency and see:

    • See the 50% of Available Balance of the Quote Currency reflected in "Total" field (Approximate) and "Amount" field automatically edited according to the Market Price and the Amount to Spend

  • Press 75% tab above Base Currency and see:

    • See the 75% of Available Balance of the Quote Currency reflected in "Total" field (Approximate) and "Amount" field automatically edited according to the Market Price and the Amount to Spend

  • Press 100% tab above Base Currency and see:

    • See the 100% of Available Balance of the Quote Currency reflected in "Total" field (Approximate) and "Amount" field automatically edited according to the Market Price and the Amount to Spend

  • Input amount to Buy that will be higher than Maximum allowed to Buy according to Quote currency Available Balance and see:

    • See "Buy" button deactivated

  • Leave "Amount" input field empty and see:

    • See "Buy" button deactivated and popup message about the minimum amount (from market settings) under the field 'Amount' to buy

  • Input amount to Buy that will be lower than Minimum allowed to Buy according to Market settings and see:

    • See "Buy" button deactivated, popup message about the minimum amount (from market settings) under the field 'Amount' to buy

  • Edit amount to Buy that will be lower than Minimum allowed to Buy according to Market settings and see:

    • See "Buy" button deactivated, popup message about the minimum amount (from market settings) under the field 'Amount' to buy

  • Press activated "Buy" button and in case the market has low liquidity and see:

    • See error popup notification message "Insufficient market liquidity. Failed to create order".

    • Fields "Amount" and "Total" refreshed to "0".

    • "Buy" button deactivated.

  • Press activated "Buy" button, and in case of Quote currency Low Available Balance due to Market Price change and see:

    • See error popup notification message "Insufficient funds. Failed to create order".

    • Fields "Amount" and "Total" refreshed to "0".

    • "Buy" button deactivated.


In the "Limit Buy" Order form, I can:


  • See the following details:

    • Selected tab "Buy" is active

    • Tab "Sell" on the right to "Buy" tab, not active

    • Tab "Market" inactive

    • Selected Tab "Limit" is active

    • Balance available in Advanced Trading Wallet for the Quote Currency according to the selected Market Pair

    • Field "Price" with Quote Currency ID and "0" pre-set by default

    • Tabs to use Available Assets in percent: 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%

    • Field 'Amount' to buy, with Base Currency ID and "0" pre-set by default

    • Field "Total" for the Total sum in Quote Currency

    • "Buy" button, it has green color, deactivated

  • Click on the Input field for the price to Buy and see:

    • Field clearing automatically

  • Click on the Input field for the amount to Buy and see:

    • Field clearing automatically

  • Input only "dot" first and see:

    • See automatically changing to " 0. " in the Input field

  • Input Price and Amount for the Base Currency and see:

    • See the calculated Amount in "Total" field as a sum of Price multiplied by Amount (Observe "Buy" button activated if everything is correct)

  • Edit Price or/and Amount for the Base Currency and see:

    • See the calculated Amount in "Total" according to the new numbers of Price multiplied by Amount (Observe "Buy" button activated if everything is correct)

  • Press activated "Buy" button and in case everything is good:

    • See the popup message "Limit Order was successfully created".

    • Fields "Amount" and "Total" refreshed to "0". Field "Price" still with the last edits.

    • Available Balance in Quote currency adjusted accordingly.

    • "Buy" button deactivated.

  • Press 25% tab above Base Currency and see:

    • See the 25% of Available Balance of the Quote Currency reflected in "Total" field and "Amount" field automatically edited according to the Limit Price and the Amount to Spend

  • Press 50% tab above Base Currency and see:

    • See the 50% of Available Balance of the Quote Currency reflected in "Total" field and "Amount" field automatically edited according to the Limit Price and the Amount to Spend

  • Press 75% tab above Base Currency and see:

    • See the 75% of Available Balance of the Quote Currency reflected in "Total" field and "Amount" field automatically edited according to the Limit Price and the Amount to Spend

  • Press 100% tab above Base Currency and see:

    • See the 100% of Available Balance of the Quote Currency reflected in "Total" field and "Amount" field automatically edited according to the Limit Price and the Amount to Spend

  • Leave "Amount" input field empty and see:

    • See "Buy" button deactivated and popup message about the minimum amount (from market settings) under the field 'Amount' to buy

  • Leave "Price" input field empty and see:

    • See "Buy" button deactivated, popup message about minimum price - maximum price (from market settings) under the field 'Price' to buy

  • Input amount to Buy that will be higher than Maximum allowed to Buy according to Quote currency Available Balance and see:

    • See "Buy" button deactivated

  • Input only Price for the limit buy order and see:

    • See "Buy" button deactivated

  • Input only Amount for the limit buy order and see:

    • See "Buy" button deactivated

  • Input amount to Buy that will be lower than Minimum allowed to Buy according to Market settings and see:

    • See "Buy" button deactivated, popup message about the minimum amount (from market settings) under the field 'Amount' to buy

  • Edit amount to Buy that will be lower than Minimum allowed to Buy according to Market settings and see:

    • See "Buy" button deactivated, popup message about the minimum amount (from market settings) under the field 'Amount' to buy

  • Input price to Buy that will be lower than Minimum allowed to Buy according to Market settings and see:

    • See "Buy" button deactivated, popup message about minimum price - maximum price (from market settings) under the field 'Price' to buy

  • Edit price to Buy that will be lower than Minimum allowed to Buy according to Market settings and see:

    • See "Buy" button deactivated, popup message about minimum price - maximum price (from market settings) under the field 'Price' to buy

  • Input price to Buy that will be higher than Maximum allowed to Buy according to Market settings and see:

    • See "Buy" button deactivated, popup message about minimum price - maximum price (from market settings) under the field 'Price' to buy

  • Edit price to Buy that will be higher than Maximum allowed to Buy according to Market settings and see:

    • See "Buy" button deactivated, popup message about minimum price - maximum price (from market settings) under the field 'Price' to buy.


In the "Limit Sell" Order form, I can:


  • See the following details:

    • Tab "Buy" on the left to "Sell" tab, not active

    • Selected tab "Sell" is active

    • Tab "Market" inactive

    • Selected Tab "Limit" is active

    • Balance available in Advanced Trading Wallet for the Base Currency according to the selected Market Pair

    • Field "Price" with Quote Currency ID and "0" pre-set by default

    • Field 'Amount' to sell, with Base Currency ID and "0" pre-set by default

    • Tabs to use Available Assets in percent: 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%

    • Field "Total" for the Total sum in Quote Currency

    • "Sell" button, it has red color, deactivated

  • Click on the Input field for price to Sell and see:

    • Field clearing automatically

  • Click on the Input field for the amount to Sell and see:

    • Field clearing automatically

  • Input only "dot" first and see:

    • See automatically changing to " 0. " in the Input field

  • Input Price and Amount for the Base Currency and see:

    • See the calculated Amount in "Total" field as a sum of Price multiplied by Amount (Observe "Sell" button activated if everything is correct)

  • Edit Price or/and Amount for the Base Currency and see:

    • See the calculated Amount in "Total" according to the new numbers of Price multiplied by Amount (Observe "Sell" button activated if everything is correct)

  • Press activated "Sell" button and in case everything is good:

    • See the popup message "Limit Order was successfully created".

    • Fields "Amount" and "Total" refreshed to "0". Field "Price" still with the last edits.

    • Available Balance in Base currency adjusted accordingly.

    • "Sell" button deactivated.

  • Press 25% tab above Base Currency and see:

    • See the 25% of Available Balance of the Base Currency automatically reflected in "Amount" field and "Total" field automatically edited according to the Limit Price and the Amount to Sell

  • Press 50% tab above Base Currency and see:

    • See the 50% of Available Balance of the Base Currency automatically reflected in "Amount" field and "Total" field automatically edited according to the Limit Price and the Amount to Sell

  • Press 75% tab above Base Currency and see:

    • See the 75% of Available Balance of the Base Currency automatically reflected in "Amount" field and "Total" field automatically edited according to the Limit Price and the Amount to Sell

  • Press 100% tab above Base Currency and see:

    • See the 100% of Available Balance of the Base Currency automatically reflected in "Amount" field and "Total" field automatically edited according to the Limit Price and the Amount to Sell

  • Leave "Amount" input field empty and see:

    • See "Sell" button deactivated and popup message about the minimum amount (from market settings) under the field 'Amount' to sell

  • Leave "Price" input field empty and see:

    • See "Sell" button deactivated, popup message about minimum price - maximum price (from market settings) under the field 'Price' to sell

  • Input amount to Sell that will be higher than Maximum allowed to Sell according to Base currency Available Balance and see:

    • See "Sell" button deactivated

  • Input only Price for the limit sell order and see:

    • See "Sell" button deactivated

  • Input only Amount for the limit sell order and see:

    • See "Sell" button deactivated

  • Input amount to Sell that will be lower than Minimum allowed to Sell according to Market settings and see:

    • See "Sell" button deactivated, popup message about the minimum amount (from market settings) under the field 'Amount' to sell

  • Edit amount to Sell that will be lower than Minimum allowed to Sell according to Market settings and see:

    • See "Sell" button deactivated, popup message about the minimum amount (from market settings) under the field 'Amount' to sell

  • Input price to Sell that will be lower than Minimum allowed to Sell according to Market settings and see:

    • See "Sell" button deactivated, popup message about minimum price - maximum price (from market settings) under the field 'Price' to sell

  • Edit price to Sell that will be lower than Minimum allowed to Sell according to Market settings and see:

    • See "Sell" button deactivated, popup message about minimum price - maximum price (from market settings) under the field 'Price' to sell

  • Input price to Sell that will be higher than Maximum allowed to Sell according to Market settings and see:

    • See "Sell" button deactivated, popup message about minimum price - maximum price (from market settings) under the field 'Price' to sell

  • Edit price to Sell that will be higher than Maximum allowed to Sell according to Market settings and see:

    • See "Sell" button deactivated, popup message about minimum price - maximum price (from market settings) under the field 'Price' to sell.


In the "Market Sell" Order form, I can:


  • See the following details:

    • Tab "Buy" on the left to "Sell" tab, not active

    • Selected tab "Sell" is active

    • Selected tab "Market" is active

    • Tab "Limit" inactive

    • Balance available in Advanced Trading Wallet for the Base Currency according to the selected Market Pair

    • "Price" field with Market price for the Base Currency (Approximate) according to the selected Market pair

    • Field 'Amount' to sell, with Base Currency ID and "0" pre-set by default

    • Tabs to use Available Assets in percent: 25% 50% 75% 100%

    • Field "Total" for Amount to spend (Approximate, with Quote Currency ID), as a result of Amount multiplied by Price

    • "Sell" button, it has red color, deactivated

  • Click on Input field for the amount to Sell and see:

    • Field clearing automatically

  • Input only "dot" first and see:

    • See automatically changing to " 0. " in the Input field

  • Input amount to Sell and see:

    • See the calculated Amount to receive after the Trade (Approximate) in "Total" field according to Market Price (Observe "Sell" button activated if everything is correct)

  • Edit amount to Sell and see:

    • See the calculated Amount to receive after the Trade (Approximate) in "Total" field according to Market Price (Observe "Sell" button activated if everything is correct)

  • Press activated "Sell" button and in case everything is correct:

    • See the popup notification message "Market Order was successfully created".

    • Fields "Amount" and "Total" refreshed to "0", Available Balance in Base currency adjusted accordingly.

    • "Sell" button deactivated.

  • Press 25% tab above Base Currency and see:

    • See the 25% of Available Balance of the Base Currency automatically reflected in "Amount" field and "Total" field (Approximate) automatically edited according to the Market Price and the Amount to Sell

  • Press 50% tab above Base Currency and see:

    • See the 50% of Available Balance of the Base Currency automatically reflected in "Amount" field and "Total" field (Approximate) automatically edited according to the Market Price and the Amount to Sell

  • Press 75% tab above Base Currency and see:

    • See the 75% of Available Balance of the Base Currency automatically reflected in "Amount" field and "Total" field (Approximate) automatically edited according to the Market Price and the Amount to Sell

  • Press 100% tab above Base Currency and see:

    • See the 100% of Available Balance of the Base Currency automatically reflected in "Amount" field and "Total" field (Approximate) automatically edited according to the Market Price and the Amount to Sell

  • Input amount to Sell that will be higher than Maximum allowed to Sell according to Base currency Available Balance and see:

    • See "Sell" button deactivated

  • Leave "Amount" input field empty and see:

    • See "Sell" button deactivated and popup message about the minimum amount (from market settings) under the field 'Amount' to sell

  • Input amount to Sell that will be lower than Minimum allowed to Sell according to Market settings and see:

    • See "Sell" button deactivated, popup message about the minimum amount (from market settings) under the field 'Amount' to sell

  • Edit amount to Sell that will be lower than Minimum allowed to Sell according to Market settings and see:

    • See "Sell" button deactivated, popup message about the minimum amount (from market settings) under the field 'Amount' to sell

  • Press activated "Sell" button and in case the market has low liquidity:

    • See an error popup notification message "Insufficient market liquidity. Failed to create order".

    • Fields "Amount" and "Total" refreshed to "0". "Sell" button deactivated.


In the "Recent trades" block, I can see the following details:


  • The list of Trades for the selected Market Pair

  • Each Trade record from the list has main details:

    • Price ("Buy" has green color, "Sell" has red color)

    • Amount

    • Timestamp of execution

In case there are no recent trades, I can see a blurred image for the list of trades.


11. Profile & Settings

As an Authorized User on the User Profile Menu Page, you I can:


  • See main User information:

    • User's Name (just "User" if not passed KYC) and email address

    • Selected tab "User" or "User's Name" (after KYC is completed) is highlighted, and the text on it changes color

  • See Sections:

    • Tab "Settings"

    • Tab "Details"

    • Tab "Verification"

  • Press "Logout" button and:

    • Log out from the User Account and go to the Authorization Page


In the modal window, I should see the following details:


  • Google Authentication app logo and "2 FA Activation" in the header.

  • A text proposition to "1. Use Google Authentication app to enter secret 2 FA code."

  • A QR code to scan.

  • A text proposition to "2. Enter your 2 FA code from the app."

  • An input field for the 2 FA code.

  • An "X" button below the main form to close the modal window.


In the modal window, I should see the following details:


  • Google Authentication app logo and "Disable 2 FA" in the header.

  • The text proposition "Please enter your 2 FA code."

  • An input field for the 2 FA code.

  • An "X" button below the main form to close the modal window.


In the main form, I should see the following details:


  • A "+ Create New API Key" button on the top.

  • A list List of my API keys with the following details for each one:

    • Description for API key

    • Timestamp for the expiration of the API key

    • A "Delete" button

  • A scroll Scroll bar for the list of API keys.


As a user, I can press the "+ Create New API Key" button and see the following details:


  1. "+ Create New API Key" button on top becomes an input field.

  2. Text prompt "Input New API Key Description" in the input field.

  3. "Create" button to the right of the input field, deactivated in case of an empty input field.


Input correct secret 2 FA code in the field and see the following details in the "New API Token Created" modal window:


  • "New API Token Created" header.

  • The notice text "Do not publish or share your personal secret API token. You will not be able to view it again once you close this window, so be sure to copy and record it securely."

  • Field with generated personal API token.

  • "Copy" icon as a button to copy API token.

  • See popup notification message "New API Key Created."

  • "X" button below the "New API Token Created" modal window.


Open the "Change Password" modal window.
See the following details in the modal window:


  • "Change Password" header.

  • Input field for the Old Password.

  • Input field for the New Password.

  • Input field to Confirm New Password.

  • "Submit" button (inactive until the fields are filled with information).

  • "X" button below the main form to close the modal window.


Switch to the Details Section of the User Profile Menu.
See the following:


  • The selected tab is highlighted, and the text on it changes color.

  • "History" portion.

  • "Open Orders" portion.

  • “Referrals” portion.

11.7. "History" Portion

As a user, I can click on the "History" portion and:


See the following details:


  • "Filters" header.

  • "Date" filter for Date Range.

  • "Calendar" icon as a button to set the dates range.

  • "Type" filter with operations tags:

    • "Deposit" filter tag.

    • "Withdraw" filter tag.

    • "Swap" filter tag.

    • "Trade" filter tag.

    • "Staking" filter tag.

    • "Referral" filter tag.

  • Input field in "Currencies" filter to search currency by ID.

  • "Currencies" filter with "Checkbox" per all available Currencies.

  • Search field for "Currencies" filter.

  • "Apply" button.

  • "Reset filter" text as a button.

Press the "Calendar" icon as a button and:


  • Open "Date Selector" form.

  • Select 'Date from' (Start date).

  • Select 'Date to' (End date).


In the "History" section, as a user, I can:

See the following:


  • "History" header.

  • The list of all Operations Records.

  • Scroll-bar for the list of Operations Records.

  • Main Details of each Operation Record:

    • Name by Type.

    • Side for Trade operations ("Buy" has green color, "Sell" has red color).

    • Timestamp of operation.

    • Currency(ies) ID(s).

    • Amount.


See the following details for selected "Deposit" operation:


  • "Details" header.

  • "Currency" line with Logo and ID of Currency.

  • "Network" line with the name of the Network and ID of Currency in case of token deposit operation.

  • "Date" line with the date and time of operation.

  • "Type" line with the type of operation.

  • "Amount" line with the amount and ID of Currency.

  • "Fee" line with the fee amount and ID of Currency.

  • "Status" line for the deposit operation status ("Success" has green color).

  • "Blockchain Transaction" link (to explorer) in case of a successful deposit operation.


See the following details for selected "Withdraw" operation:


  • "Details" header.

  • "Currency" line with Logo and ID of Currency.

  • "Network" line with the name of the Network and ID of Currency in case of token withdrawal operation.

  • "Date" line with the date and time of operation.

  • "Type" line with the type of operation.

  • "Amount" line with the amount and ID of Currency.

  • "Fee" line with the fee amount and ID of Currency.

  • "Status" line for the withdrawal operation status ("Success" has green color, "Processing" and "Admin Review" have yellow color, "Rejected" has red color).

  • "Blockchain Transaction" link (to explorer) in case of a successful withdrawal operation.


See the following details for selected "Swap" operation:


  • "Details" header.

  • "Market pair" line with Logos and IDs of Currencies.

  • "Date" line with the date and time of operation.

  • "Type" line with the type of operation.

  • "Sell" line with the amount and ID of Currency.

  • "Buy" line with the amount and ID of Currency.

  • "Rate" line with the rate for the selected Market Pair.

See the following details for selected "Trade" operation:


  • "Details" header.

  • "Market pair" line with Logos and IDs of the Currency pair.

  • "Date" line with the date and time of operation.

  • "Type" line with the type of operation.

  • "Side" line with the side name of the Trading ("Buy" has green color, "Sell" has red color).

  • "Price" line with the trading price in the quote currency.

  • "Amount" line with the amount and ID of Currency (Base Currency).

  • "Total" line with the amount and ID of Currency (Quote Currency).

See the following details for selected "Staking" operation:


  • "Details" header.

  • "Currency" line with Logo and ID of Currency.

  • "Date" line with the date and time of operation.

  • "Type" line with the type of operation.

  • "Amount" line with the amount and ID of Currency.

See the following details for selected "Referral" operation:


  • "Details" header.

  • "Currency" line with Logo and ID of Currency.

  • "Date" line with the date and time of operation.

  • "Type" line with the type of operation.

  • "Amount" line with the amount and ID of Currency.

  • "Status" line for the Referral Reward operation status ("Success" has green color).


Open the 'Orders history' page.
See the following details:


  • Tab "Open Orders" selected by default.

  • Selected tab is highlighted.

  • Tab "Orders History" on the right to "Open Orders."

  • The list of open orders.

  • Scroll-bar for the list of Open Limit Orders.

  • Main details per each open order:

    • Timestamp of creation.

    • Market pair with market ID.

    • Side ("Buy" has green color, "Sell" has red color).

    • Type (Limit order only).

    • Price (in quote currency).

    • Amount (in base currency).

    • Total volume (in quote currency) as Price multiplied by Amount.

    • Percent of Executed part of the limit order.

    • "X" button to cancel the limit order.


Press "Orders History" tab and:


  • Switch to the Orders History section.

  • Selected tab is highlighted.

  • The list of orders in history.

  • Scroll-bar for the list of Orders.

  • Main details of each order:

    • Timestamp of creation.

    • Market pair with market ID.

    • Side ("Buy" has green color, "Sell" has red color).

    • Type (Limit or Market).

    • Price (in quote currency). For the Market Order is Average Executed Price.

    • Amount (in base currency).

    • Percent of Executed part of the limit order.

    • Total volume (in quote currency) as Price multiplied by Amount.

    • Status of order 'Closed' or 'Canceled' or 'Partially executed' (For the Market Order only 'Closed').


See the following features and options:


  1. "Referral Code" section with main details

    • 'Referral Code' header.
      A. 'Referral code' field with:

      • 'Code' icon.

      • Referral code, generated by the system.

      • 'Copy' icon as a button.
        B. 'Referral link' field with:

      • 'Link' icon.

      • Generated unique Referral Link to invite referrals (Once User has the referral link, it can be shared in various means).

      • 'Copy' icon as a button.

  2. "My referrals" section to monitor referrals amount by levels

    • 'Level 1': This represents User's direct referrals. These are individuals who signed up using User's unique referral link. The 'Level 1' field shows the total number or amount of referrals you've directly brought in.

    • 'Level 2': This level refers to the referrals made by the people User directly referred (Level 1 referrals). The 'Level 2' field displays the total number or amount of referrals that User's Level 1 referrals have generated.

    • 'Level 3': Continuing the tiered structure, 'Level 3' represents referrals made by the individuals User indirectly referred through User's Level 2 referrals. The field displays the total number or amount of referrals at this level.

    • 'Level 4': Similarly, 'Level 4' indicates the referrals made by those who were indirectly referred through User's Level 3 referrals. The field shows the total number or amount of referrals on this level.

    • 'Level 5': Refers to the referrals made by individuals who were indirectly referred through User's Level 4 referrals. The 'Level 5' field displays the total number or amount of referrals on this level.


See the following details on the "Verification" Section:


  • Selected Tab is highlighted, and text on it changes color.

  • "Email verification" portion with an icon.

  • "Verify" button in the "Email verification" portion.

  • "Phone verification" portion with an icon.

  • "Verify" button (deactivated) in the "Phone verification" portion.

  • "Identity verification" portion with an icon.

  • "Verify" button (deactivated) in the "Identity verification" portion.


See the following details in "Phone Verification" modal window:


  • "Phone Verification" header.

  • The text proposition "Please submit your phone number for verification."Enter phone number”

  • "Drop Down" button to select the country and its phone code from the list, with the flag icon of the selected country on it (USA & "+1" by default).

  • Input field for entering the phone number.

  • "Request SMS code" button.

  • "X" button below the form to close the modal window.


Input the phone number, press "Request SMS code" button and see:


  • A popup notification message "Verification code was sent to [phone number]."
    - "Pencil" icon as a button for correction of the phone number appears in the field.
    - The input field for the code from SMS appear below the field for the phone number.
    - Timer on the right to input field for the code from SMS, which shows the time left to have a chance to request the code by SMS one more time.
    - "Resend code" button in case I need to request sending another SMS with the code.
    - "Submit" button.


As a User with "Verified Email" and "Verified Phone number" statuses, I can submit my identity details for verification:


  1. Press the "Verify" button in the "Identity verification" line and open the "Identity verification" modal window.

  2. In the "Identity verification" modal window, input the following details:

    • First name

    • Last name

    • Date of Birth (by selecting the date on the calendar modal window)

    • Country of Residence (by selecting the Country in the Country selector modal window)

    • City name

    • Residential address

    • Postcode

  3. Press the "Submit" button and open the "Document Upload" modal window.

  4. Press the "Submit" button with one or several empty fields and:

    • See an error popup stating "[Name of the field] should not be empty."

    • See the field with a mistake or an empty field having a red border.


In the "Document Upload" modal window, as a User I can:


  1. See the following details:

    • "Drop-down" button to select the type of the document

    • "Document number" input field

    • "Expiration date" input field

    • "Upload your photo ID" text

    • "Camera" icon as a button

    • Restriction for the file to upload maximum size and files maximum count

    • "Submit" button (deactivated)

    • "X" button below the "Identity Verification" modal window

  2. Press the "Drop-down" button to select the type of the document and see available options: Passport, Driver license, or Utility bill.

  3. Input Document number and Date of Expiration (by selecting the date on the calendar modal window).

  4. Press the "Camera" icon as a button and upload the image of the document (Maximum 10 Mb restriction).
