Versions Compared


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(info) The documentation is compatible with User App v1.5.1 3 and will be updated and added to gradually.

How to Run the App:

  1. Flutter and Dart Versions:

    • Ensure that your development environment is using Flutter version 3.10.2 and Dart version 3.0.2. Confirm that the versions installed on your PC align with those specified in the documentation.

  2. Back End Compatibility:

    • The project is designed to be compatible with Back End version 1.4.0. Ensure that your Back-End environment is set to this version.

  3. GraphQL Schema Update:

    • If there are changes to the GraphQL schema on the Back End side:

      • Delete the existing schema: lib/infrastructure/scheme.graphql

      • Fetch a new schema by running:

        get-graphql-schema ENDPOINT_URL > lib/infrastructure/schema.graphql

        • Ensure that the endpoint URL is in full format (e.g., https://${ENDPOINT_URL}/graphql).

  4. Run Build Process:

    • Execute the following commands:

      Code Block
      flutter packages pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
      flutter pub get
  5. Launch the App:

    • To start the app, run the following command:

      Code Block
      flutter run -d web-server --web-renderer html
