User Stories for 'Send' Currency Form
7.3. 'Send' Currency
Opening the 'Send' Form:
As a user, I can press the 'Send' button on the Currency Wallet 'Card' to open the 'Send' form as a modal window.
Handling Withdrawal Unavailability:
If the withdrawal option is currently unavailable, a popup notification message should inform the user to try again later.
Details in the 'Send' Form:
The 'Send' form should display the following details:
'Send [Name of the Currency]' header
Network Selector with logos per each network (if currency supports several Payment Interfaces)
Warning notification marked as 'Important' describing the currency details
Input field for withdrawal address
Input field for amount and currency logo
Automatically preset withdrawal amount based on the available balance
Balance available for withdrawal
'Max' button for Maximum amount input
Minimum and Maximum allowed for withdrawal
24 Hours Net Limit allowed for withdrawal
Withdrawal fee details (minimum, percent, maximum) that can vary according to withdrawal requested amount
Net Withdrawal amount
'Submit' button (Deactivated, activated after filling the 2 fields with data)
'X' button below the main form to close the modal window
Selecting Network and Observing Changes:
When selecting the network by pressing on the tab with the network name, observe changes such as:
Highlighted selected tab
Warning message changes according to network details
Minimum and Maximum allowed for withdrawal changes according to Payment Interface settings
24 Hours Net Limit allowed for withdrawal changes according to Payment Interface settings
Withdrawal fee changes according to Payment Interface settings
Net withdrawal amount changes according to changes in withdrawal fee
Input Field Interactions:
Clicking on the input field for the amount to Send should clear the previous input automatically.
Inputting only 'dot' first should automatically change to '0.' in the input field.
Validation and Submission:
Inputting the address and amount for withdrawal should activate the 'Submit' button.
Inputting an amount higher than the available balance should deactivate the 'Submit' button.
Inputting an amount lower than the minimum allowed should deactivate the 'Submit' button.
Leaving the withdrawal address field empty should deactivate the 'Submit' button.
If 24 Hours Net Limit allowed for withdrawal is exhausted, the 'Submit' button should be deactivated.
'Max' Button Interaction:
Pressing the 'Max' button should automatically input the maximum amount of Available Assets in the selected currency in the 'Amount' field.
Confirmation Modal:
Pressing the activated 'Submit' button should open the '2FA Confirmation' modal window.
2FA Confirmation Modal Details:
The '2FA Confirmation' modal window should display:
Google Authenticator app logo and '2FA Confirmation' in the header
Text prompting to use Google Authenticator app for a 6-digit code
Input field for the 2FA code
'X' button below the modal window '2FA Confirmation' form
2FA Code Validation:
Inputting the correct 2FA code, along with a correct blockchain address, should display a 'Successful' popup notification.
Inputting an incorrect blockchain address should show an 'Error. Invalid address' message.
Inputting an incorrect 2FA code should display an error notification.
Canceling 2FA Confirmation:
Pressing the 'X' button below the '2FA Confirmation' should close the modal window and return to the 'Send' form.
Handling 2FA Activation Requirement:
Pressing the 'Send' button when 2FA is not enabled should open the '2FA Activation is Required' modal window.
2FA Activation Modal Details:
The '2FA Activation is Required' modal window should display:
Google Authenticator app logo and '2FA Activation is Required' in the header
Notice text indicating the need to activate Two Factor Authentication
'Activate Now' button
'X' button below the '2FA Activation is Required' form
Activating 2FA:
Pressing the 'Activate Now' button should use the '2FA Activation' form (refer to User Stories v 1.3.6 Part 10.2).
Canceling 2FA Activation:
Pressing the 'X' button below the '2FA Activation is Required' form should close the modal window and return to Wallet details.
Handling 24-Hour Limit Exceedance:
Inputting an amount for withdrawal higher than the 24 Hours Net Limit allowed should open the 'Withdrawal request exceeds 24 hr limit' modal window.
'Withdrawal Request Exceeds 24 Hr Limit' Modal Details:
The modal window should display:
'Withdrawal request exceeds 24 hr limit' in the header
Text prompting to contact Admin for manual approval
'OK' button
'Cancel' button
'X' button below the modal window
Handling 'OK' in Exceedance Modal:
Pressing 'OK' should open the '2FA Confirmation' modal window.
Handling 'Cancel' in Exceedance Modal:
Pressing 'Cancel' should close the modal window and return to the 'Send' form.
Closing the 'Send' Form:
Pressing the 'X' button below the 'Send' modal window should close the modal window and return to Wallet details.