Wallets Deposit

Sending request applicable to Currency

query { currency(id: "ETH") { id currencyPaymentInterfaces { id paymentInterface { id } userDepositEnable userDirectDepositEnabled enable } } }

For the Currency returns options for available Payment Interfaces currencyPaymentInterfaces

Select enable=true, userDepositEnable=true - these will be used for deposit via proxy-address - generateWallet

Select enable=true, userDirectDepositEnabled=true - these are used for walletConnect

Remembering user’s request selection - ETH + FIREBLOCKS-GOERLI-PI


mutation { getWalletConnectURI_v1 }

Showing qr-code and subscribe to:

subscription { walletToConnect_v1( currencyId:"ETH", token:"eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJ...." ) { address paymentInterface { id } action chainId } }

As soon as we see the message from subscription where paymentInterface.id equals remembered FIREBLOCKS-GOERLI-PI

Sending for signature verified message:

Following request for signature for deposit transaction: