API KEY for application

Used to connect bots/third party applications. Created by the user, then applied in the Headers of the graphql query:

{ "Authorization": "Bearer ${api_key}" }

Creation, viewing of the list, deletion of API KEY occurs through the frontend.

Create api_key:

  • description

  • expires - required field, contains UNIX time when the key expires

  • scope - a text field containing a list of the scope of the key with the separator “|” - by default “trading”. In the future it is planned to add other scopes

  • otp_code - code 2FA

mutation { createApiKey( description:String expires: Int scope: String otp_code:String ) { id token description scope expires } }

Attention, the token field in the response will be filled only once when creating a key; in the future, when receiving a list of keys, the token field in the response will always be null.

Get a list of api_keys

query { apiKeys { id description scope expires } }

Remove api_key