6.3.2. Add New Currency


Admin can press "+ New Currency" button and open the modal window to Add a New Currency by input:


  1. ID: ID of the currency (Cannot be changed in Admin Panel then)

  2. Name: Full Name of the Currency

  3. Position: number for priority of reflection in User UI Wallets list

  4. Precision: with a number for decimals (using in Ledger Records, operation details, order details, trade details)

  5. Light Theme: selected colors for Light Theme

  6. Dark Theme: selected colors for Dark Theme

  7. Enabled: currency status and options to enable or disable it using toggle switch

  8. Hidden: currency status and options to enable or disable it using toggle switch

  9. User balance enabled: status and options to enable or disable it using toggle switch

  10. Trading Commission Enabled: status and options to enable or disable it using toggle switch

Press"+" button and input Payment Interface parameters:

  1. Payment Interface (Drop button): to select the Payment Interface for coin or token

  2. Type (Drop button): to select Type of the Currency: coin, token or fiat

  3. Smart contract address: not required for main coin of the blockchain

  4. Subunits: decimals from contract

  5. Fee/Gas limit: for EVM based blockchain tokens only. This parameter is used for ETH (recommended 21000) and ERC20 tokens (recommended 90000 or more), BNB and BEP20 tokens.
    IMPORTANT: TRX and TRC20 tokens should have 0 and & Gas limit

  6. Minimum Collection Amount: minimum currency amount that system will collect to Hot Wallet after incoming payment (Deposit, On-chain Swap)

  7. User Deposit enabled: status for deposit to Proxy Wallet and options to enable or disable it using toggle switch

  8. Minimum Deposit Amount: minimum amount for deposit to Proxy Wallet

  9. Deposit Fee (%): fee for deposit to Proxy Wallet

  10. Minimum Deposit Fee: minimum fee for deposit to Proxy Wallet

  11. Maximum Deposit Fee: maximum fee for deposit to Proxy Wallet

  12. User Direct Deposit Enabled: status for deposit through WalletConnect and options to enable or disable it using toggle switch

  13. Minimum Direct Deposit Amount: minimum amount for deposit through WalletConnect

  14. Direct Deposit Fee (%): fee for deposit through WalletConnect

  15. Minimum Direct Deposit Fee: minimum fee for deposit through WalletConnect

  16. Maximum Direct Deposit Fee: maximum fee for deposit through WalletConnect

  17. User Withdraw Enable: status and options to enable or disable it using toggle switch

  18. Minimum Withdraw Amount: minimum withdrawal amount from Proxy Wallet

  19. Maximum Withdraw Amount: maximum withdrawal amount from Proxy Wallet

  20. 24 Hours Withdrawal Limit: 24 hour limit for withdrawal from Proxy Wallet

  21. 72 Hours Withdrawal Limit: 72 hour limit for withdrawal from Proxy Wallet

  22. Withdraw Fee (%): fee for withdrawal from Proxy Wallet

  23. Minimum Withdraw Fee: minimum fee for withdrawal from Proxy Wallet

  24. Maximum Withdraw Fee: maximum fee for withdrawal from Proxy Wallet

  25. Enable: status for Payment Interface and options to enable or disable it using toggle switch

  26. Description: with details of conditions for review


Press "Trash can" button and delete Currency payment interface

Press "+" button and add Payment Interface(s)

After Input currency settings press “Create Currency” button and see modal window closing, "Success" notification, and New Currency added to the list of Currencies


Be very careful!

ID can not be changed in the admin panel after initial saving, only in the database by DevOps. Changing this information while having the history of operations with old parameters in the database is risky, before changes please make sure the history of operations with previous parameters is deleted.

Tokens should be added ONLY after Coin and it’s Payment Interface settings adding