Deployment of the updated images of components

When an important update is released, the master branch of the corresponding repository is updated. To do this, a merge request is created with a list of changes that have occurred and instructions for devops.

It is important to make sure that any additional changes to the configurator are made, if any.

If it is indicated that migrations have been carried out, it is necessary to create a backup of the database before deploying the image.

After deploying a new update on the stage, it is necessary to test the components.

The next step is to propagate the changes to production.

Make sure that the necessary changes are made in the configurator and a database backup is created (if necessary).

Assign a new production tag to an image running on stage. E.g.

docker tag

And push it to container register:

docker push

After that, update the images on production and restart all services:

docker-compose pull docker-compose up -d