1.3.7 Frontend Changelog (18 Apr 2023)
Add subscription to Trade History/My Trades on Trade page
Increase the password security for "Reset Password" page
Withdrawal 24h/72h with information for user
Rework UserApp localization (Update localization JSON, remove unused strings, fix strings inside project)
Project improvements (cleaning from unnecessary elements, improve structure)
User Balance subscription [Trade page] (Add timestamp to validate data when multiple items arrive at the same time)
Fixed situation when frontend crashes if a sending address is not created [Non-custodial exchange]
Placed payment interfaces in a single line [Non-custodial exchange]
Fixed the localization for the "Send" field [Non-custodial exchange]
Non-custodial exchange - User redirects to wallet page after sign in with 2FA on first step on non-custodial exchange (Fixed navigation)
Corrected '% tab' used for user available trading balance [Market Order form]
Update open orders after cancel order [Account - Open orders]
Changed popup for the password security in "Change Password" modal window
Fixed bug, when user have no possibility to close "2FA activation" modal window
Aligned input field for 'code from SMS' [Phone Verification]
Corrected the blur for the Buy/Sell form for Market and Limit Order for both dark and light themes.
When switching tabs from 'Limit' to 'Market,' the messages about the minimum and maximum prices and minimum amount remain