1. [EDIT CODE (text part) Account Creation: Welcome to (leave as is)

Email Summary: "Welcome to [Your Company Name]" - Account Creation: Introduces user to the platform and provides a warm welcome message.


Text for approval(approved):

Welcome to [Exchange Platform Name]

Dear [User],

Welcome to [Exchange Platform Name]! !

We're thrilled to have you on board.


Once again, welcome to [Exchange Platform Name]!

  1. [EDIT CODE (text part) ] Email Verification (leave as is)

Email Summary: "Email Verification" - Confirm your email address to activate your account and access all features.


Text for approval(approved):

Email Verification Required

Dear [User],

To ensure the security of your account and enable access to all features on [Exchange Platform Name], we kindly ask you to verify your email address.


Email Summary: "Withdrawal Limit Level Updated" - Notification that your withdrawal limit level has been updated.

Text for (approved):

Withdrawal Limit Level Updated


Email Summary: "Login from New Device" - Alerting that your account has been accessed from a new device.

Text for (approved):

New Device Login Alert


Thank you for your attention to this matter.

  1. [EDIT CODE (text part) ] Password Reset request [not logged-in User] (leave as is)

Email Summary: "Password Reset Request" - Confirmation of your request to reset your password and link to the 'Create new password" page.

Text for approval(approved):

Password Reset RequestDear [User email],

We received a request to reset the password associated with your account on [Exchange Platform Name]. If you did not initiate this request, no action is required from your end.
