UserApp Documentation

Main document to guide the UserApp component customization to fit the business needs of the project.

1. Main Logo

Edit Main Logo:

  1. Locate the file at /lib/presentation/constants/assets_path.dart.

  2. Replace the existing logo paths with the paths to your own logos.

    • Requirements

      • The icon format must be SVG.

      • Two versions of the icons are required: one for light theme and one for dark theme.


Favicon (Web):

  1. Go to the web folder in your project.

  2. Replace favicon.ico with your own favicon file.

Update Main Web Icon:

  1. Replace the icon at web/icons/main_web_icon.png with your own icon file.

2. Mobile App Launcher Icons

  1. Replace the icons in the assets/launcher directory with your own launcher icons.

  2. Generate new icons by running the following command:

    flutter pub run flutter_launcher_icons

3. Splash Screen for Mobile App

To update the splash screen icons for the mobile app, follow these steps:

- Replace the Splash Screen Icons:

  1. Navigate to the assets/splash directory.

  2. Replace the existing icons with your new ones, ensuring they are in either JSON or SVG format.

- Select the Icon Format in Code:

  1. Open the lib/presentation/components/splash_screen.dart file.

  2. Choose which format you want to use (JSON or SVG) by modifying the appropriate sections of the code.

4. Edit Colors

To change the main color of the app:

  1. Open the lib/presentation/constants/colors.dart file.

  2. Modify the value of the accentColor variable to your desired color.


5. Edit Footer

For Web:

Open the folder lib/presentation/components/footer_components/web.

For Mobile:

Open the folder lib/presentation/components/footer_components/mobile.

6. Edit App Name

  1. Replace 'app_name' in the file located at lib/presentation/constants/app_info.dart..

  2. Replace 'app_name' in the file located at /web/index.html at lines 14 and 20."


7.Edit global app info

In the file located at lib/presentation/constants/app_info.dart, you need to make the following changes:

  1. Update 'howToWorkLink' used in the header (Web). image-20240701-112556.png

  2. Replace 'supportEmail' with your support email.

  3. Edit links if they will be used in the footer (Web and Mobile).