2.4.8 Backend Changelog (Oct 11 2024)
Release Highlights Backend v.2.4.8:
Improved user locked balance.
User Softban Enhancement: Extended ‘user softban’ functionality for Admin/Operators. Addded admin text input field where the Admin/Operator can input the reason for user softban.
User Softban Groups: Extended User Softban to Groups, Multiple End-users and all End-user softban.
User Softban Admins: Extended soft bans performed by Admin/Operator to recording the detail of the admin responsible for the user softban. Update includes ban history.
Unallocated Deposits: Feature allows admin with proper rights to reassign deposits that were not credited to the end user who was able to verify as the source of an unallocated deposit. This feature is mostly related to ‘fiat’ currencies. This feature allows the Admin to specify a user to whom such an unallocated deposit operation needs to be credited. The process of verifying the deposit operation between the Admin and End-user is performed outside of the Admin Panel.
Updated Admin Rights and permissions for enhanced security.
Admin IP Whitelisting: Add ‘Whitelist IP Address’ for enhanced Admin authentication. Super-Admin can now define each lower tiered Admin and their IP Address for logging into Puppeteer Admin Panel. Released guideline document for setting up Whitelists for Admin IP Addresses.
Improved handling of external exchange transactions from external sources.
Improved logging of failed login attempts to accurately track and record this information.
Puppeteer v.2.4.7
IP Whitelisting: Fixed an issue in ‘allow list’ where an Admin without a whitelisted IP was able to login but presented with a blank page. Now the Admin will not be permitted to login unless logging in under the whitelisted IP Address.
CoreConfig v.2.4.8
Fixed configuration related issue affecting specific installations for never-ending markets list loading in Puppeteer Admin Panel.
Updated user softban functionality and added a softban history section in user details.
New Feature: Added a ‘Set user’ button in Operations section of the Admin Panel to allocate an Unallocated balance to Enduser(s) for any of Admin verified deposit amount(s).
Roles v.2.4.5
Added whitelist IPs for Super-admin/Admin in Puppeteer Admin Panel.
PaymentGateway v.1.0.3
Enhancement to Payment Gateway to prevent Admins from non-Whitelisted IPs to initiate and execute withdrawal operations.
WithdrawalRestrictions v.2.4.5
Enhanced Puppeteer Admin Panel menu for configuring universal withdrawal restrictions.
KYCGateway v.1.0.1
Fixed phone verification issue on certain installations where approval was granted without SMS number confirmation.
Extended Feature: Added permission to update End-user KYC information to coincide with the incoming updated information from a 3rd Party KYC Service Provider(s).
EthGoPI v.1.0.2
Improved Blockchain transfer fee calculation Ethereum Payment Interface (ETH PI).
SumSub v.2.2.1
Improved webhook error handling for KYC GateWay.
Whitebit v.2.4.10
Updated BTC address verification to coincide with currently extended length of BTC addresses.
Added handling for the "market.updated" event for improved communication with WhiteBit.
BankPaymentInterfaceGloRep v.2.4.2
Fixed display of information and settings menus in Puppeteer Admin Panel.
# | Products | Last versions | Updated Release versions | Additional notes / Compatibility |
Main Components | ||||
1 | Backend (core) | 2.4.7 | 2.4.8 |
2 | Puppeteer | 2.4.6 | 2.4.7 |
3 | CoreConfig | 2.4.7 | 2.4.8 | backend >= 2.4.8 |
4 | Workflow | 2.4.6 |
5 | Roles | 2.4.4 | 2.4.5 |
6 | PaymentGateway | 1.0.2 | 1.0.3 |
7 | WithdrawRestrictions | 2.4.4 | 2.4.5 |
8 | SwapGateway | 2.4.5 |
9 | GoogleAuth | 2.4.2 |
10 | ManualRateSource | 2.4.4 |
11 | KYCGateway | 1.0.0 | 1.0.1 |
12 | ManualPaymentInterface | 2.2.1 |
13 | Proxy | 1.4.1 |
Public Components | ||||
14 | TradingView | 0.1.0 |
15 | Elboto | 1.0.0-37 |
Additional Components | ||||
16 | UtxoPaymentInterface | 2.1.2 |
17 | BankPaymentInterface | 1.4.1 |
18 | EthGoPI | 1.0.1 | 1.0.2 |
19 | TronPaymentInterface | 1.0.6 |
20 | ReferralProgram | 2.4.4 |
21 | Staking | 2.4.1 |
22 | Sumsub | 2.2.0 | 2.2.1 |
23 | Whitebit | 2.4.9 | 2.4.10 |
24 | KYCGlorep | 1.0.0 |
25 | BankPaymentInterfaceGloRep | 2.4.1 | 2.4.2 |