Configurations - Frontend

Configurations - Frontend

User App version 2.9.0

configurator / templates / config / staticuserapp.json.t - path to config.json file.

{ "url": "{{base_url}}", "terms_and_conditions_url": "{{components.userapp.terms_and_conditions_url}}", "google_auth": { "enabled": {{components.extensions.googleAuth.enabled}}, "client_id": "{{components.extensions.googleAuth.client_id}}", "android_client_id": "{{components.extensions.googleAuth.android_client_id}}", "ios_client_id": "{{components.extensions.googleAuth.ios_client_id}}" }, "withTradingBalance": {{components.trading.separate_trading_user_account}}, "enabled_trading_page": {{components.trading.enabled}}, "enabledStaking": {{components.staking.enabled}}, "enabledPhoneVerificationStep": {{#ifEquals no_phone_verification 1}}false{{else}}true{{/ifEquals}}, "enabledReferrals": {{components.extensions.referrals.enabled}}, "enabledLoginCaptcha": {{#if loginCaptcha}}{{loginCaptcha}}{{else}}{{false}}{{/if}}, "enabled_non_custodial_exchange_page": true, "enabled_non_custodial_wallet_connect": false, "orderBookMiddle": true, "enabledPuzzleCaptcha": false, "enabledBuy": true, "enabledSell": true, "withInstantBuy": true, "withInstantSell": true, "enabledSellWithdrawZeroBalance": true, "enabledSumSubKYC": false, "enabledSumSubKYCApi": false, "enabledGloRep": {{kyc.glorep.api}}, "enabledOffChainSwapWalletCard": true, "enabledIdentityAddressEdit": true, "enabledPhoneEdit": true, "enabledOffChainSwapPageWeb": true, "enabledOffChainSwapPageMobile": true }


  1. "url"

  2. "terms_and_conditions_url"

  3. "google_auth"

    "enabled": true/false - enable/disable Google authenticate service for User App

    "client_id" Auth client id (for Web)
    android_client_id Auth Android client id (for Android devices)
    ios_client_id Auth IOS client id (for IOS devices)

  4. "withTradingBalance": enable/disable Trading balance
    a. - "withTradingBalance": true - Integrate an extra trading balance (202 account) into the User wallet. Users must transfer funds from the Primary wallet (201 account) to the Trading wallet (202) before placing orders, using the 'Transfer balance 'form

    b. - "withTradingBalance": false - wallet with a single user balance (201 account) for trading purposes, facilitating order placement within the trading system.

  5. "enabled_trading_page": enable/disable Trade page on UI:

    Trading page

    1. - "enabled_trading_page": true - enabled Trade page.

    2. - "enabled_trading_page": false - disabled Trade page.


  1. enabledStaking“: enable/disable Staking service on the Wallet page:

Screenshot from 2024-01-05 14-16-59.png
Staking currency form

a. -enabledStaking“ : true - enabled Staking service.
b. - "enabledStaking": false - disabled Staking service.


  1. "enabedPhoneVerificationStep": enable/disable phone verification step (Profile page)

    1. "enabledPhoneVerificationStep": false - disabled Phone verification step

b. "enabledPhoneVerificationStep": true - enabled Phone verification step

  1. "enabledReferrals": enable/disable the Referral page

a. - "enabledReferrals": true - enabled Referral page.

b. - "enabledReferrals": false - disabled Referral page.


  1. "enabledLoginCaptcha":
    enable/disable Captcha challenge in the Sign in / Sign up form on the Login page

a. - "enabledLoginCaptcha": true - enabled Captcha challenge in the Sign in / Sign up forms on the Login page OR ‘Puzzle’ Captcha challenge can exist

b. - "enabledLoginCaptcha": false - disabled Captcha challenge in the Sign in / Sign up forms on the Login page


10."enabled_non_custodial_exchange_page": enable/disable Exchange page for On-chain Swap on UI:

a.-enabled_non_custodial_exchange_page“ : true - enabled Exchange page.

b.- "enabled_non_custodial_exchange_page": false - disabled Exchange page.

11."enabled_non_custodial_wallet_connect": enable/disable wallet_connect for Exchange:

a.- enabled_non_custodial_wallet_connect“ : true - enabled wallet_connect.

b.- "enabled_non_custodial_wallet_connect": false - disabled wallet_connect.


  1. "orderBookMiddle":
    change the Order book position on the Trade page.

    a. - "orderBookMiddle": true,


b. - "orderBookMiddle": false,

  1. "enabledPuzzleCaptcha":
    enable/disable ‘Puzzle’ Captcha challenge for Sign in / Sign up on the Login page


    a. - "enabledPuzzleCaptcha": true + "enabledLoginCaptcha": true = enabled Puzzle Captcha challenge for Sign in / Sign up on the Login page

    b. - "enabledPuzzleCaptcha": false - disabled Puzzle Captcha challenge for Sign in / Sign up on the Login page

  2. "enabledBuy"

a. - "enabledBuy": true, This statement indicates that a "Buy" button will be accessible for every currency listed on the Wallet page of a digital wallet card.

b. - "enabledBuy": false, This statement implies that a "Buy" button won't be available for every currency listed on the Wallet page of a wallet card.


  1. "enabledSell"

a. - "enabledSell": true, This statement indicates that a "Sell" button will be accessible for every currency listed on the Wallet page of a digital wallet card.

b. - "enabledSell": false, This statement implies that a "Sell" button won't be available for every currency listed on the Wallet page of a wallet card.

The Additional:

a. - "enabledBuy": false,+"enabledSell": false,

b. - "enabledBuy": true,+"enabledSell": true,


  1. "withInstantBuy"

    a. - "withInstantBuy": true, + "enabledBuySell": true
    When a user selects the Buy button on the Wallet Card within the Wallets page, the interface will prompt the opening of the form for Instant Trade, streamlining the buying process for a seamless user experience.

b. - "withInstantBuy": false, + "enabledBuySell": true
Upon pressing the Buy button on the Wallet Card within the Wallets page, the interface will initiate the opening of a form for Ramp On services, facilitating user transactions with ease.

  1. "withInstantBuySell"
    a. - "withInstantSell": true, + "enabledBuySell": true
    When a user selects the Sell button on the Wallet Card within the Wallets page, the interface will prompt the opening of the form for Instant Trade, streamlining the buying process for a seamless user experience.

b. - "withInstantSell": false, + "enabledBuySell": true
Upon pressing the Sell button on the Wallet Card within the Wallets page, the interface will initiate the opening of the form for Ramp On services, facilitating user transactions with ease.

  1. "enabledSellWithdrawZeroBalance"
    a. - "enabledSellWithdrawZeroBalance": true,
    If the user has a zero balance, the "Sell" and "Send" buttons will remain active, allowing them to explore selling options, and withdrawal conditions or initiate fund transfers despite the absence of a current balance.

b. - "enabledSellWithdrawZeroBalance": false,
If the user has a zero balance, the "Sell" and "Send" buttons will automatically become inactive, preventing futile transaction requests and ensuring a user-friendly experience.

  1. "enabledSumSubKYC"
    a. - “enabledSumSubKYC": true,
    The platform will use Sum-Sub SDK services for KYC compliance. Enhance accuracy, save resources, streamline onboarding, and ensure regulatory compliance.
    More info: Leading Identity Verification Service - 2024 G2’s Top Pick | Sumsub

    b. - “enabledSumSubKYC": false,
    The platform will use Internal Marionette services for the KYC process.

  2. "enabledSumSubKYCApi"
    a. - “enabledSumSubKYCApi": true,
    The platform will use Sum-Sub API services for KYC compliance. Enhance accuracy, save resources, streamline onboarding, and ensure regulatory compliance.
    More info: Leading Identity Verification Service - 2024 G2’s Top Pick | Sumsub

    b. - “enabledSumSubKYCApi": false,
    The platform will use Internal Marionette services for the KYC process.

  3. "enabledGloRep"

a. - "enabledGloRep": true, The GloRep service is activated to facilitate user KYC profile verification. This means that users can now undergo Know Your Customer (KYC) verification using the GloRep service, ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements and enhancing security measures.

b. - "enabledGloRep": false, The GloRep service for user KYC profile verification is disabled. This means that users will no longer be able to undergo Know Your Customer (KYC) verification using the GloRep service.

  1. "enabledOffChainSwapWalletCard"

a. - "enabledOffChainSwapWalletCard": true, This configuration parameter will enable the off-chain swap service for Users. A "Swap" button will appear on the Wallet card, allowing users to use the Quick Swap form on the Wallets page to convert their assets to available market pairs.

b. - "enabledOffChainSwapWalletCard": false, This configuration parameter will disable the off-chain swap service for Users. The "Swap" button will not be available on the Wallet card.


  1. "enabledIdentityAddressEdit"

a. - "enabledIdentityAddressEdit": true, This configuration parameter will enable the option to edit the address provided by users during the KYC process. Users will have the option to click a "pencil" icon on the Verification section of the Profile page to make changes to their address details, including country, city, street, and ZIP code, or to observe the address details that were provided.

b. - "enabledIdentityAddressEdit": false, This configuration parameter will disable the option to edit the address provided by users during the KYC process. Users will not have the option to view or observe the address details that were provided.


  1. "enabledPhoneEdit"

a. - "enabledPhoneEdit": true, This configuration parameter will enable the option to edit the phone number provided by users during the KYC process. Users will have the option to click a "pencil" icon to verify a different phone number or to observe the phone number details that have already been verified.


b. - "enabledPhoneEdit": false, This configuration parameter will disable the option to edit the phone number provided by users during the KYC process. Users will also not have the option to observe the phone number details that have already been verified.


  1. "enabledOffChainSwapPageWeb"

a. - "enabledOffChainSwapPageWeb": true, This configuration parameter will enable a separate Swap page in the web version. Users will have the option to access this separate Swap page directly from the header navbar.

b. - "enabledOffChainSwapPageWeb": false, This configuration parameter will disable the separate Swap page in the web version. As a result, users will not have the option to access this Swap page directly from the header navbar.


  1. "enabledOffChainSwapPageMobile"

a. - "enabledOffChainSwapPageMobile": true, This configuration parameter will enable a separate Swap page in the mobile version. Users will have the option to access this separate Swap page directly from the mobile navbar.

b. - "enabledOffChainSwapPageMobile": false,

This configuration parameter will disable the separate Swap page in the mobile version. Users will not have the option to access this Swap page directly from the navbar.


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