2.1.0 Frontend Changelog (15 Mar 2024)

2.1.0 Frontend Changelog (15 Mar 2024)


  1. Introducing an intuitive on-chain swap and cross-chain swap feature, streamlining user transactions. Users can seamlessly execute exchanges by logging in, selecting the desired network, and entering the receiving address. After selecting the network for the outbound transfer, users can simply copy the address and initiate the transfer. The exchange process proceeds smoothly, with the transaction pending until the inbound transfer is received. This enhancement ensures a hassle-free experience for users seeking swift and secure asset exchanges across different networks.

  • Web

Screenshot from 2024-03-14 19-38-53.png
Screenshot from 2024-03-14 19-44-50.png
  • Mobile

  • In addition, users can review the specifics of on-chain and cross-chain operations within the comprehensive transaction history. This feature enables users to delve into the intricacies of each transaction by accessing the associated blockchain link provided in the transaction details. Whether it's examining on-chain swaps or cross-chain transfers, users can effortlessly access and scrutinize transaction details directly on the blockchain, ensuring transparency and accountability throughout their exchange journey.



  1. Meet a new feature that allows users to generate a proxy wallet address upon request. This addition serves as a beneficial feature for optimizing system health load. Users can now initiate the generation of a proxy wallet address as needed, thereby distributing system load more effectively. This proactive approach not only enhances system efficiency but also contributes to overall system stability, ensuring a seamless experience for all users.

  1. Exciting Update! Introducing revamped input fields across all forms in our project! Enjoy a sleek, user-friendly design enhancing data entry experiences. From login to submission, expect seamless interaction and enhanced aesthetics. Boost productivity with style. [Web and Mobile]

  1. Revamped mobile homepage with sleek design, improved navigation, and enhanced user experience.

  1. Introducing an optional CAPTCHA challenge for sign-in and sign-up forms! Enhance security with ease by configuring it as enabled or disabled within your User app settings. Safeguard accounts effortlessly while ensuring a seamless registration and login experience. Stay protected, stay connected. [Web + Mobile]



  1. A cleanup was conducted by removing unused SVG icons and optimizing the size of the application. This streamlining process ensures that the app's size is minimized, enhancing its performance and efficiency. By eliminating unnecessary elements, users can enjoy a smoother experience while utilizing the application, without compromising on functionality.

  2. Updated the swap operation by adding detailed status information. Now, users can easily track the progress of their swaps, including status updates such as pending, processing, completed, or failed. This additional information provides users with real-time insights into the status of their swap transactions, ensuring transparency and facilitating better decision-making.

  3. We've added a footer to all pages, featuring: Partners, Legal, Useful Links, and Contact Us.

    This footer ensures easy access to essential information and promotes seamless communication between users and the platform.

  4. Exciting News! We've revamped all pages with a fresh new background! Immerse yourself in a captivating visual experience across the entire platform. Elevate aesthetics and captivate users with every click. Explore a whole new dimension of design.

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