PRO-Swap - Addon Feature

PRO-Swap - Addon Feature

Wallet types:
1. Custodial Wallet
Basic wallet of the App. The funds of all users are stored in a hot wallet of the system, Users see just the reflection of their assets balances (system obligations in front of Users).
Custodial wallet can be backed-up by Custodian third party. In case of several Custodians available, User can select the one he prefers when set up a wallet.

2. Self-Custody Wallet
Advanced type of a wallet integrated to the App. User owns the private keys and seed phrases, sees the reflection of the actual balances of his assets on the blockchains.

Swap types:
1. On-Chain Swap
Asset A comes to the system through the blockchain,
Asset B leaves the system through the blockchain

2. Off-Chain Swap
Asset A is in the system (Reflected as a balance of a User / Custodial Wallet)
Asset B stays in the system (Reflected as a balance of a User / Custodial Wallet)

3. Hybrid - Swap-In
Asset A comes to the system through the blockchain,
Asset B stays in the system (Reflected as a balance of a user / Custodial Wallet)

4. Hybrid - Swap-Out
Asset A is in the system (Reflected as a balance of a user / Custodial Wallet)
Asset B leaves the system through the blockchain


System takes main commisison for Swap from single group of Market settings

Quote->Base (%)

Quote->Base (Minimum)

Quote->Base (Maximum)

Base->Quote (%)

Base->Quote (Minimum)

Base->Quote (Maximum)


Extra fees for transactions (Proxy Collection & Payout) are added basing on Payment Interface per Asset settings, depending on incoming and outgoing conditions of exact assets within specific networks


Proxy Address
A unique address on the blockchain generated by the App to identify the incoming deposit/swap in case User is not able to provide and confirm the address he will send the transaction from.
The funds reachinh the Proxy Address should be collected to a system wallet according to Collection settings per Payment Interface per Asset.

Connected Wallet
The address that allows to identify the User who wants to perform a deposit/swap in the system by incoming transaction from this wallet.

2 Options of Connected Wallet:
1. WalletConnect based technology App
WalletConnect is the decentralized Web3 messaging layer and a standard to connect blockchain wallets to dapps. This type of wallet connection is done through QR code and it’s standard procedure.

2. Self-Custody Wallet integrated to the App
This wallet is connected by default in case User has it activated.

Stated External Address

The address used by User in case he prefers to make a payout to external address, different from his connected wallet address

Swap examples


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