1.2.12 Changelog (16 May 2023) backend
Generate proxy wallet on demand - action/graphql mutation generateWallet: if wallet is existed return wallet else create new and return it.
Update posible incoming status in action/graphql mutations:
Update types and change statuses list in action/graphql query operationFilters
The structure of the collection stage (transferring money to the hot wallet)
has been changed - it collects only those funds that are actually received
on the deposit.User balance when new currency added - now does not need restart service balances
Calculating 24h and 72h withdraw amount for user’s withdrawal
Fix stage Collection for token.
Turn off checking userWithdrawEnable when admin create new manual withdrawal for user
Change result of action adminOperations - exclude order’s operations
Add new field “is_pending” in Operation model for increase the speed of operations list request with status filter.