New workflow creation

New workflow creation

New workflow creation

In this guide, we'll explore the process of constructing a workflow system that incorporates both requester and approver employees, task creation, decision-making, and seamless workflow operation without requiring approval configuration from a super-admin. Additionally, we'll delve into the management of permissions for employee roles, auditing logs, and tracking runtimes during and after the approver's decision.

  1. To manage workflows effectively, an employee needs permission to editWorkflow and viewWorkflows for their role, including the ability to edit workflows and view existing workflows.

Screenshot from 2024-04-12 08-48-52.png
Edit permission for Role
  1. The next step is to assign the appropriate role to the employee.

Screenshot from 2024-04-12 08-50-03.png
Edit Role for Employee

So, now an employee with the email qa@tunex.io has the role ‘superadmin’ with permissions ‘editWorkflow’ and ‘viewWorkflows’

  1. Login to Puppeteer with the credentials qa@tunex.io and navigate to the Configurations page. Once there, locate the "Workflows" sub-menu. Click on it to access the workflows section. Now, press the "+" button to initiate the creation of a new workflow. Let's embark on the journey of creating a process specifically designed for updating existing Currency configurations.

Give the workflow a unique name such as "updateCurrency." Next, select the initial component that should be used in the workflow.

  1. After successfully creating the workflow, there will automatically be a start node and an end node.

  1. In the following workflow, the first step is to check employee permissions. To determine the possibility of editing currency configurations or making requests for edits, the employee's role should have permission to viewCurrencies and editCurrency. Therefore, it makes sense to add a 'check permission' node where these permissions are verified. In the event that the employee lacks such permissions, the workflow will proceed to the 'end' node.

  1. If the workflow is simple enough and there is no need to check anything else except permissions, the next step is to add an action call that launches the expected result.

As observed in the following workflow: if the employee passes through the permissions check, the subsequent step will involve an action with currencies.updateCurrency. Afterward, the success and error flows will lead to the end node.

As an admin with permissions to edit employee and role configurations, add the viewCurrencies and editCurrency permissions for the employee role. This will simplify configurations for updating currency configurations related to Currency.

Login to Puppeteer with the credentials businessanalyst@marionette.dev and navigate to the Configurations page. Once there, locate the "Currencies" sub-menu.

For example, an employee with these permissions can update currency position, precision, and name

The audit logs for such workflow will be the following:


{ "initialData": { "name": "ETHEREUM", "id": "ETH", "precision": 8, "position": 2, "lightBgColor1": "#4c6fc2", "lightBgColor2": "#7ca5eb", "lightTextColor": "#ffffff", "darkBgColor1": "#4c6fc2", "darkBgColor2": "#19409c", "darkTextColor": "#ffffff", "userBalanceEnable": true, "enabled": true, "hide": false, "trading_commission_enabled": true, "payout_fee": 1, "min_payout_fee": 0.001, "max_payout_fee": 1 }, "initialMeta": { "userIP": "", "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:124.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/124.0", "method": "POST", "path": "api/v2/", "decodedUser": { "exp": 1715503657, "sub": "session", "iss": "marionette", "aud": [ "marionette" ], "jti": "b0ebeba5-79b1-4e28-b22e-ba0ed1c3635d", "uid": "872a9c32db4545e8ac731551fb61c227", "email": "businessanalyst@marionette.dev", "role": "admin", "level": 3, "state": "active", "referral_id": null }, "user": { "id": "872a9c32db4545e8ac731551fb61c227", "email": "businessanalyst@marionette.dev", "password": "sha256$4be643c4$1$95c93926a1850e210d379a4922c03cc7f397828e090c0cd9fac794af4447d065", "username": null, "role": "ADMIN", "state": "active", "referralId": null, "referralGroupId": null, "locale": null, "email_verified": false, "phone_verified": false, "profile_verified": false, "isPhone": null, "data": null, "otp": false, "enabled2fa": false, "secret2fa": "", "googleIdentity": false, "softban": false, "createdAt": "2024-02-13T18:50:17.000Z", "updatedAt": "2024-04-12T08:44:05.000Z" }, "permissions": [ "editCurrency", "viewCurrencies" ], "token": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJleHAiOjE3MTU1MDM2NTcsInN1YiI6InNlc3Npb24iLCJpc3MiOiJtYXJpb25ldHRlIiwiYXVkIjpbIm1hcmlvbmV0dGUiXSwianRpIjoiYjBlYmViYTUtNzliMS00ZTI4LWIyMmUtYmEwZWQxYzM2MzVkIiwidWlkIjoiODcyYTljMzJkYjQ1NDVlOGFjNzMxNTUxZmI2MWMyMjciLCJlbWFpbCI6ImJ1c2luZXNzYW5hbHlzdEBtYXJpb25ldHRlLmRldiIsInJvbGUiOiJhZG1pbiIsImxldmVsIjozLCJzdGF0ZSI6ImFjdGl2ZSIsInJlZmVycmFsX2lkIjpudWxsfQ.2meEWB_-1J1veu86q201--x5NduugDMRHWX_vwActqsyz_62RhkXICU41J9g8A6TzxoaYPncxdEypvnzIFunz6Xvx70JM-03cCPsJ74Lz6LGNt2KApkNkuJ_vdMVzqtpVp-RxNnylnqgwtHISjShEtBs8cCVvXWTfGJYh_FvC6AWccZt8hI6sHNzP3yVhz13BPJlejOYF4OYyh3iNPXlj3PkT9lfm7szyuWrBCD4gLKtABhzj2W8VWJOuhTmv8M4yw5teCH5rxobL9838r8qEcOsm6SM6fSmyVtpbxcdI8K0b1UJWcxhY5D0SYKWCLSd4n4GBA9ubvJVHIGFZcurqg", "isApiKey": false } }


{ "params": { "name": "ETHEREUM", "id": "ETH", "precision": 8, "position": 2, "lightBgColor1": "#4c6fc2", "lightBgColor2": "#7ca5eb", "lightTextColor": "#ffffff", "darkBgColor1": "#4c6fc2", "darkBgColor2": "#19409c", "darkTextColor": "#ffffff", "userBalanceEnable": true, "enabled": true, "hide": false, "trading_commission_enabled": true, "payout_fee": 1, "min_payout_fee": 0.001, "max_payout_fee": 1 }, "result": { "id": "ETH", "name": "ETHEREUM", "userBalanceEnable": true, "lightBgColor1": "#4c6fc2", "lightBgColor2": "#7ca5eb", "darkBgColor1": "#4c6fc2", "darkBgColor2": "#19409c", "lightTextColor": "#ffffff", "darkTextColor": "#ffffff", "icon_url": "https://devtunexio.sfo2.digitaloceanspaces.com/e3f46f79-a95f-40d5-bb19-3560b86de532.svg", "precision": 8, "enabled": true, "position": 2, "trading_commission_enabled": true, "hide": false, "staking_enabled": false, "staking_period": "*/10 * * * *", "staking_apr": 150, "last_staking_calc": 1703838600000, "min_staking_amount": 0.01, "instant_unstaking": true, "payout_fee": 1, "min_payout_fee": 0.001, "max_payout_fee": 1, "createdAt": "2023-05-10T06:21:09.000Z", "updatedAt": "2024-04-12T08:55:35.436Z" } }


The runtimes for such workflow will be the following:

{ "initialData": { "name": "ETHEREUM", "id": "ETH", "precision": 8, "position": 2, "lightBgColor1": "#4c6fc2", "lightBgColor2": "#7ca5eb", "lightTextColor": "#ffffff", "darkBgColor1": "#4c6fc2", "darkBgColor2": "#19409c", "darkTextColor": "#ffffff", "userBalanceEnable": true, "enabled": true, "hide": false, "trading_commission_enabled": true, "payout_fee": 1, "min_payout_fee": 0.001, "max_payout_fee": 1 }, "initialMeta": { "userIP": "", "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:124.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/124.0", "method": "POST", "path": "api/v2/", "decodedUser": { "exp": 1715503657, "sub": "session", "iss": "marionette", "aud": [ "marionette" ], "jti": "b0ebeba5-79b1-4e28-b22e-ba0ed1c3635d", "uid": "872a9c32db4545e8ac731551fb61c227", "email": "businessanalyst@marionette.dev", "role": "admin", "level": 3, "state": "active", "referral_id": null }, "user": { "id": "872a9c32db4545e8ac731551fb61c227", "email": "businessanalyst@marionette.dev", "password": "sha256$4be643c4$1$95c93926a1850e210d379a4922c03cc7f397828e090c0cd9fac794af4447d065", "username": null, "role": "ADMIN", "state": "active", "referralId": null, "referralGroupId": null, "locale": null, "email_verified": false, "phone_verified": false, "profile_verified": false, "isPhone": null, "data": null, "otp": false, "enabled2fa": false, "secret2fa": "", "googleIdentity": false, "softban": false, "createdAt": "2024-02-13T18:50:17.000Z", "updatedAt": "2024-04-12T08:44:05.000Z" }, "permissions": [ "editCurrency", "viewCurrencies" ], "token": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJleHAiOjE3MTU1MDM2NTcsInN1YiI6InNlc3Npb24iLCJpc3MiOiJtYXJpb25ldHRlIiwiYXVkIjpbIm1hcmlvbmV0dGUiXSwianRpIjoiYjBlYmViYTUtNzliMS00ZTI4LWIyMmUtYmEwZWQxYzM2MzVkIiwidWlkIjoiODcyYTljMzJkYjQ1NDVlOGFjNzMxNTUxZmI2MWMyMjciLCJlbWFpbCI6ImJ1c2luZXNzYW5hbHlzdEBtYXJpb25ldHRlLmRldiIsInJvbGUiOiJhZG1pbiIsImxldmVsIjozLCJzdGF0ZSI6ImFjdGl2ZSIsInJlZmVycmFsX2lkIjpudWxsfQ.2meEWB_-1J1veu86q201--x5NduugDMRHWX_vwActqsyz_62RhkXICU41J9g8A6TzxoaYPncxdEypvnzIFunz6Xvx70JM-03cCPsJ74Lz6LGNt2KApkNkuJ_vdMVzqtpVp-RxNnylnqgwtHISjShEtBs8cCVvXWTfGJYh_FvC6AWccZt8hI6sHNzP3yVhz13BPJlejOYF4OYyh3iNPXlj3PkT9lfm7szyuWrBCD4gLKtABhzj2W8VWJOuhTmv8M4yw5teCH5rxobL9838r8qEcOsm6SM6fSmyVtpbxcdI8K0b1UJWcxhY5D0SYKWCLSd4n4GBA9ubvJVHIGFZcurqg", "isApiKey": false }, "result": { "id": "ETH", "name": "ETHEREUM", "userBalanceEnable": true, "lightBgColor1": "#4c6fc2", "lightBgColor2": "#7ca5eb", "darkBgColor1": "#4c6fc2", "darkBgColor2": "#19409c", "lightTextColor": "#ffffff", "darkTextColor": "#ffffff", "icon_url": "https://devtunexio.sfo2.digitaloceanspaces.com/e3f46f79-a95f-40d5-bb19-3560b86de532.svg", "precision": 8, "enabled": true, "position": 2, "trading_commission_enabled": true, "hide": false, "staking_enabled": false, "staking_period": "*/10 * * * *", "staking_apr": 150, "last_staking_calc": 1703838600000, "min_staking_amount": 0.01, "instant_unstaking": true, "payout_fee": 1, "min_payout_fee": 0.001, "max_payout_fee": 1, "createdAt": "2023-05-10T06:21:09.000Z", "updatedAt": "2024-04-12T08:55:35.436Z" } }
  1. There is the possibility to add a Role check node. If an employee has permission to update currency but their role is unexpected for such a workflow, it would end the workflow. However, if the role of the employee is correct, the workflow will proceed with an Action call to currencies.updateCurrency.

Login to Puppeteer with the credentials businessanalyst@marionette.dev and navigate to the Configurations page. Once there, locate the "Currencies" sub-menu.



For example, if an employee does not have the 'superadmin' role (as indicated by the role check node), they attempt to update currency user balance enabled, hidden, and trading commission enabled.

The audit logs for such workflow will be the following:

The runtimes for such workflow will be the following:


As we can see, if an employee does not have the role that is being checked in the workflow, then the workflow will end without any action calls.

  1. In this part of Workflow creation, we will review the model with the Requester who makes a request to update currency, and the Approver who will review the request and make a decision. For this flow, there should be a connection between the Requester and Approver employees through task creation in Workspace mode.

    • Therefore, both the Requester and the Approver should be granted the permission "useWorkspace" and "manageTasks".

    • This allows the Requester to observe the status of created tasks.

    • Additionally, the Approver requires additional permission, "acceptCurrency", which enables one to view task details and make decisions. Without this permission, there is no option to review task details and make a decision.

In this example, employee businessanalyst@marionette.dev will act as the Requester, while employee qa@tunex.io will serve as the Approver.

To enable task creation for the Requester and decision-making for the Approver, the workflow model should include "set" and "user decision" nodes.

As observed, if the Role checks result in a "false" outcome, the subsequent node will be "set", where there is an opportunity to input the main details for the task title and description.

After the "set" node, there will be a "user decision" node with the following main conditions:

  • Component: Within the framework of workflow construction, the “user decision” element plays a crucial role, allowing the administrator to decide whether to confirm or cancel changes to the data. This element includes a Component attribute, used to visually represent changes to the administrator. Visual representation may include added, modified, created, or deleted data. The Params Key attribute is utilized to pass this data to the Component, enabling the administrator to visually evaluate changes before approving or rejecting them.

  • Assignee User: The Approver can be assigned by email.

  • Assignee Role: The Approver can be assigned by role.

  • Assignee Permission: The Approver can be assigned by permission.

  • Out port "Approve": This port has a primary color for the button in task details (positive).

  • Out port "Reject": This port has a danger color for the button in task details (negative).

As observed in this flow, if the Approver makes an "Approve" decision, the next step will be an "action call" with currencies.updateCurrency. Conversely, if the decision is "Reject", the workflow will proceed to the "end" node.

Workflow Process for updating Currency configurations

Steps for Requester. Login to Puppeteer with the credentials businessanalyst@marionette.dev and navigate to the Configurations page. Once there, locate the "Currencies" sub-menu.

  • Initiating a creation request with updating currency configurations for the "platform payout fee".


  • The requester can view their created open task in the Workspace and monitor its status.

Steps for Approver

  • Reviewing the request: The approver can observe the new task created by the requester and its details. The fields that are requested to be changed are marked with a different background color.

  • If the Approver decides to reject the request, it will be declined without any changes to the Currency configuration. The task status will be set to 'resolved', and it will be removed from the open tasks list for both the Approver and the Requester in the Workspace.


  • If the Approver decides to approve the request, it will be accepted with the required changes to the Currency configuration. The task status will be set to 'resolved', and it will be removed from the open tasks list for both the Approver and the Requester in the Workspace. Configurations for the Currency will be updated accordingly.




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