4.3 Balances - Core Version

4.3 Balances - Core Version

Admin can see the list of currencies generated for the user, their balances, expanded details and perform described actions.


  • Currency: displays the listed name of the currency

  • Balance: displays currency balance in user’s primary wallet (account 201)

  • Trading Balance: displays currency balance in user’s wallet dedicated to order book trading (account 202)

  • Trading Locked Balance: displays currency balance locked in trading as open orders (account 203)

  • Locked Balance: displays currency balance pending settlement on ‘Balance’ (account 204)
    Locked Balance (account 204) displays balance for assets that User required to withdraw. Withdrawal operations should be reviewed by Admin to approve User request.

  • Withdraw Locked Balance: Locked Balance (account 230) displays balance for assets that have “Liabilities in transfer” status. Withdrawal operations should be reviewed by Admin.