4.3.1 Balance Details

4.3.1 Balance Details

Balance Details (…) can be found and accessed by Admin/Operator in the right section of User Balances section. Here, Admin/Operator has the ability to review user currencies and detailed transaction history that led the user to having the current balance.

  • Created: displays timestamp of transaction

  • Debit: displays if the transaction was a debit

  • Credit: displays if the transaction was a credit

  • Description

  • Link to operation as “Details” button

  • ‘Reload history’ button

  • + Create Deposit (button): opens a modal window and allows the admin to create a manual deposit for the user by performing a manual adjustment to the user’s account for the selected currency. This off-chain balance adjustment can be applied to user balance for any currency that has ‘Manual Admin Payment Interface’ enabled in settings.

  • Currency: allows you to select the currency from dropdown menu

  • Amount: allows you to set the amount to credit the user

  • Document ID: optional field to reference another document or support request resulting in crediting the user balance

  • Create Withdrawal: button allows the admin to create a manual withdrawal for the user by opening a modal window and performing a manual adjustment for selected currency. This off-chain balance adjustment can be applied to user balance for any currency that has ‘Manual Admin Payment Interface’ enabled in settings.


*Admin should make configuration for 'Currency' and enable ‘Manual Admin Payment Interface’ for the withdrawal amount to be in line with their business goals and limitations for the end user:

  • Minimum Withdraw Amount

  • Maximum Withdraw Amount

  • Maximum Withdraw Amount (24h)

  • Maximum Withdraw Amount (72h)

After successful withdrawal operation through ‘Manual Admin Payment Interface’, the system creates a ‘Recipient ID’ for currency Payment Interface and option to create ‘New Withdrawal’ in ‘Recipients’ tab, further described below.

  • + Create Withdrawal (button): opens a modal window to enter manual withdrawal instructions

  • Currency: dropdown menu with supported currencies

  • Amount: set withdrawal amount