Local deployment of Marionette
The copy of this document you can find in the GitLab using this link:
node.js lts version
mkcert command line tool (see "Valuable resources" section)
Clone project from GitLab
Open Marionette configurator prepared for local deployment using the link.
Using the Clone button (see image below) copy HTTPS or SSH url to be used in a git clone command.
Run the clone command:
git clone --branch local-deployment https://gitlab.tunex.io/testdrive/configurator.git marionette
Move to the project's root folder
cd marionette
Prepare Tool command line utility
Run the commands below sequentially:
cd tool
npm install
cd ..
You should receive:
Create SSL certificates in the secrets folder
You may get something like:
Two files: key.pem and public.pem will be created in the secrets folder.
Return to the "marionette" folder
https on localhost
Generate SSL certificates
Init local Certificate Authority
The command bellow needs to be execute minimum once per a computer
Create SSL certificates
Two files will be created: local-cert.pem local-key.pem
Check parameters for Configurator
File: global/config.yaml
Render config
Start services
There should not be errors like on the image below:
Check the application
Open the URLs below and check that they are working
Front End: https://marionette.localhost/
Admin Panel: https://marionette.localhost/admin
Valuable resources
Details about mkcert tool and how to install it on different platforms.