2.6.0 Changelog (10 June 2024)


  1. New Trading Chart Features
    Market Selection for Trading Charts:

    • Users can now select the available market for displaying trading charts directly on the Wallet page.

    • This allows users to choose a market pair within a selected wallet and view detailed trading charts where the selected currency is the base currency
      Dynamic Last Price Update:

    • The last price parameter for the selected market pair is now dynamically updated through subscription.

    • Users no longer need to reload the page to view the latest price changes in the Simple chart for the selected wallet.
      These enhancements aim to provide a more seamless and informative trading experience by allowing real-time analysis and monitoring of market trends within the app.


Screenshot from 2024-06-10 11-59-03.png


Screenshot from 2024-06-10 12-01-02.png


  1. Automatic Page Reload After User Inactivity

    Users always have the most up-to-date information when returning to our app after a period of inactivity. When a user leaves the app's tab and returns after 30 minutes (or a different time specified in UserApp configurations), the page will automatically reload. This guarantees that users see the latest data without needing to manually refresh the page. The default inactivity period before a reload is set to 30 minutes but can be adjusted based on UserApp configurations.


  1. Improved Market Data Accuracy and Visual Enhancements

    We have made significant improvements to the market data accuracy and visual presentation on the Trading page:

    • Synchronized Data Updates: All dynamically updating data now correctly matches Recent Trades and Trading Chart data.

    • Enhanced Visuals: Added animations for changes in the Spread and Last Price parameters to improve user experience.

    • Improved Error Handling: If the app receives "null" or "NaN" data for Market Dynamics, these sections will now display more smoothly, ensuring a better visual flow.

    These updates enhance the accuracy and visual appeal of the trading experience, providing users with reliable and aesthetically pleasing market data.


  1. Instant Trade Form Enhancements
    Several improvements to the Instant Trade Form on the Wallet page:

    • Refactored Market Order Form: Market orders for instant buy or sell can be created directly from the selected wallet, streamlining the trading process.

    • Deactivated Buttons for Unavailable Pairs: If the selected currency has no available market pair for instant trade, the "buy" and "sell" buttons on the Wallet card will be deactivated.

    • Informative Hover Messages: When users hover over the deactivated "buy" or "sell" buttons, a message will explain why the option is unavailable.




  1. Order Creation Form Refactoring

    We have enhanced the order creation process on the Trading page for both web and mobile platforms:

    • Refactored Order Forms: Improved the forms for creating limit and market orders on both the buy and sell sides.

    • Last Price Subscription: The market order form now subscribes to the latest price, ensuring up-to-date data for total calculation.

    These improvements ensure a more efficient and accurate order creation experience for users across all devices.

  2. UI Responses for Payment Interface Configurations
    Improved the user interface responses for payment interfaces to handle incorrect configurations more effectively: The application now provides clear and informative responses when encountering incorrect configurations in payment interfaces.

  3. iOS Mobile Version Enhancements

    Several improvements to the iOS mobile version to enhance user experience:

    • Improved Icon Display: Icons now display more clearly and consistently across the app.

    • Enhanced Popup Messages: Popup messages are now more informative and better integrated into the user interface.

    • Keyboard Improvements: Optimized the keyboard functionality for smoother and more accurate data input in forms

  4. Improved UI Resilience and Optimization

    Optimized the Wallet page to ensure uninterrupted functionality, even when Market Dynamics data is unavailable:

    • Enhanced UI Resilience: If there is no data or the data is 'null' for Market Dynamics on the Wallet page, the Simple chart and Instant Trades forms will continue to function correctly. Users can still access other services on the Wallet page without disruption.

    • Optimized Data Integration: We have optimized the process for integrating 'Market Dynamics' data on the Wallet page, ensuring smoother performance and enhanced user experience.

    These updates improve the overall resilience and performance of the Wallet page, ensuring users can seamlessly navigate and utilize its features even when certain data is unavailable.