1.3.8 Changelog (27 Apr 2023)


  • Unified app colors. Now all colors, used in app, stored in one place

  • Updated Gradle version for Android builds 

  • Updated android app launcher icon

  • Created Space for Payment Interface tabs in the forms

    • Deposit form

    • Send form

    • On-chain Swap “Receive” form

    • On-chain Swap “Send” form


  • Fixed User session issue (Situation, when user stayed logged in system, but token was expired. Now user redirected to Auth page)

  • Work on localization has been completed (Updated localization JSON, removed unused strings, fixed strings inside project)

  • Aligned banner text [Auth Page → Exchange Tab]

  • Corrected displaying for Net Withdrawal Amount [Send form]

  • Changed popup for successful open limit order through Order Book [Trade Page]

  • Fixed error snack bar (situation when snack bar triggered outside the modal window for changing the password) [Profile → Change password]

  • Fixed "Cancel all orders" button (situation when button action does not cancel all orders) [Trade → Open orders]

  • Changed status for 'Rejected' withdrawal operation in Recently and Full histories

  • Fixed snack bar message with 2FA activation/deactivation (situation when snack bar was triggered outside the modal window of the quick menu) [Wallet page]

  • Fixed Link for transaction [History]

  • Changed status for 'Withdraw_Pending_Approval' withdrawal operation in Recently and Full histories

  • Fixed bug, when the snack bar was triggered behind the 2FA modal window when user input incorrect 2FA code [mobile]

  • Changed snack bar text [Profile → Verification email]

  • Fixed bug, when the user logs in (moves to step 2 of the non-custodial exchange), refreshing the page logs user out [Non-custodial exchange]

  • Prohibited a user from proceeding to the second step of a non-custodial exchange if they have not logged in UserApp

  • Added additional filtering for currencies (Don't show currency for swap and trade if 'User balance disabled' )

  • Changed popup message for "Forgot Password" request

  • Fixed bug, when after a successful swap, the Account page shows a error screen

  • Changed "Welcome to UserApp" form according to Figma [Auth → Sign Up]

  • Sing in with 2FA - "Paste code" modal window (decorate default Flutter paste code form) [mobile]

  • Fixed input for amount to send in "Quick Swap" form

  • Edited Amount precision for Input/Edit fields (Changed to precision from Currency Settings)

    • Withdrawal form

    • Quick Swap Form

    • On-Chain Exchange “Send Form” Step 2 [Exchange Page]