2.3.0 Changelog (3 Apr 2024)


In our latest user app upgrade, we've enhanced the KYC (Know Your Customer) process for a smoother experience:

  • Seamless KYC Flow: We've streamlined the KYC process, making it more user-friendly and efficient.

  • Document Upload: Users can now upload both the front and back sides of their selected document type, ensuring comprehensive verification.


Screenshot from 2024-04-03 15-03-45.png


Screenshot from 2024-04-03 15-04-36.png
  • Selfie Upload: Additionally, users can upload a selfie for further authentication, adding an extra layer of security to the verification process.



  • Automated Verification: Integration with a KYC service enables automated decision-making for user verification, expediting the process.

  • Increased Withdrawal Limits: Once users successfully verify their profile, withdrawal restriction levels are automatically increased, providing them greater flexibility and access to platform features.

These upgrades ensure a smoother KYC experience, bolstering security measures while improving user convenience and accessibility.


We've introduced a significant improvement to the User App configurations: automated cache refresh upon page reload. Now, whenever there's a need to change any configurations for the app, the cache will be automatically refreshed upon reloading the page. This ensures that users won't need to manually clear their browser cache to see the changes reflected on the front end. With this enhancement, users can seamlessly review updates and configurations without any hassle, promoting a smoother and more efficient user experience.

See more options for User App configurations: