1.4.0 Changelog (12 June 2023)


Branded UI for core software installation in Marionette styling


Color scheme update to unify styling for pages across frontend UI


Updated WalletConnect support


New highlight for selected tab in header

Added loader on ‘Set new password’ button to prevent double click on it

Added error for [Email confirmation] preventing usage of recovery link more than once



Removed unused assets

Structure fix:  rework nullable system for “Swap" 



Changed popup when the user enters an incorrect old password[Change password][Account page]

Input fields was fixed for order forms [Light mode] 

Fixed bug, when after order canceling trade page reloads

Centered the text in the wallet address input field [Withdrawal][mobile]

Fixed layout for exchange page

Remove the digit counter in the code field [Phone verification]

Fixed order creating form for mobile

Errors snack bar fixes 

Some UI fixes

Changed position the password recovery window in the center

Aligned digits input for 2FA activation [2FA activation]

Incorrect PIs for the currency to Receive on the second step of on-chain swap [demo.marionette.dev]

Keyboard issues fixed

Fix timestamp for operationÂ